Hyperlipidemia – types, causes, symptoms, treatment, diet [EXPLAINED]

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Hyperlipidemia indicates an elevated level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which leads to serious complications. Patients who have hyperlipidemia should drastically change their lifestyle. What is the treatment like? We decided to check what is worth knowing to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Hyperlipidemia – types

Hyperlipidaemia, like hypolipidaemia (too little LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood), indicates a disturbance in lipid (fat) metabolism. Due to the ratio of bad cholesterol to triglycerides, the following types of hyperlipidemia can be distinguished:

  1. hypercholesterolemia – too high a level of total cholesterol;
  2. hypertriglyceridemia – too high level of triglycerides;
  3. Mixed hyperlipidaemia – both total cholesterol and triglycerides are elevated.

Hyperlipidemia – the main causes

The most common causes of hyperlipidemia are improper diet, dominated by animal fats, which directly increases the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. A sedentary lifestyle also affects hyperlipidaemia. Lack of exercise promotes the accumulation of fat and the retention of deposits in the cells.

In addition, doctors often mention genetic conditions. In this case, we are dealing with familial hyperlipidaemiafor which a mutation in genes is responsible. It is also worth mentioning about other diseases that affect cholesterol disorders. These include bulimia, hypothyroidism, obesity, cirrhosis, kidney disease, diabetes, jaundice and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Hyperlipidemia – symptoms

In the case of symptoms of hyperglycemia, no drastic changes were noticed. Most patients are diagnosed as they see their doctor with other conditions (especially heart disease) that may be a side effect of hyperglycemia.

Hyperlipidemia – research

Research that aims to identify the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides is a good solution for obese people, the elderly and patients with genetic conditions. Blood is drawn from a vein in the arm. At least two lipid readings should confirm hyperlipidaemia. It is a good idea to prepare properly for the examination. Two weeks earlier, you must not change your diet drastically. No infections can occur for the three weeks before the scheduled visit. From 3 to 7 days earlier, it is worth giving up stimulants (alcohol and cigarettes).

Check that your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are normal. Perform a lipid profile – you can buy the test package at Medonet Market.

Hyperlipidemia – treatment

Treatment of hyperlipidaemia is mainly based on changing lifestyle and eating habits. The patient should completely abandon the current menu if it was rich in animal fats. In this case, consultations with a dietitian usually help. Another important step to reduce hyperlipidemia is to start physical activity. In addition, the attending physician may introduce drug treatment. This usually happens in young people who have symptoms of congenital hyperlipidaemia.

Hyperlipidemia – diet

An easily digestible diet is the cornerstone of the treatment of hyperlipidaemia. This is especially necessary for obese people who have been told by a doctor to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables should appear in the diet first of all. Fiber is recommended. It is worth replacing the excluded frying by stewing and steaming. Usually, the consumption of sweets, fast food, pates and sweet drinks is limited.

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