As many as a quarter of a million sweat glands are located in each foot, which allows them to produce up to 1/4 liter of sweat in a single day. Excessive sweating of the feet, also known as hyperhidrosis, promotes the formation of cracks, mycosis and inflammation.
This ailment largely happens to people prone to overreacting emotionally to stressors. The amount of sweat secreted by the feet after reaching adulthood should decrease and be formed by the age of 25 at the latest.
Factors co-occurring with foot hyperhidrosis
In addition to increased susceptibility to stress, excessive sweating may also be caused by our genes, negligence in the sphere of hygiene, or shoes made of artificial materials. Hyperhidrosis is more common in men than women. This problem often occurs together with diabetes or hyperthyroidism, so it is advisable to visit a podiatrist or dermatologist who will possibly eliminate the connection with the disease.
Where does this foul smell come from?
Sweat is water, a bit of sodium, potassium, urea, as well as by-products of metabolism, in which sweat-degrading bacteria are present, responsible for the characteristic unpleasant odor. The amount that sweat glands produce depends on gender, age and race. Stress situations and excessive temperature are able to contribute to a multiple increase in the production of this substance.
Methods of combating hyperhidrosis
First of all, in order to remedy the unpleasantness resulting from excessive sweating of the feet, we have to wash our feet even several times a day. Unless this ailment is related to the underlying disease, we can take care of dryness by using antiperspirants, such as foot gels and deodorants, which are safe for the feet thanks to their surface effect.
At the drugstore or pharmacy, it is worth buying the so-called. sweat secretion regulators that stabilize its process. We can choose from powder, balm, spray and gels, the action of which is based on the plant extracts contained in them. Regulators sometimes contain aluminum chloride and even silver nanoparticles.
Urotropine (methenamine) in powder form, used for a few nights in a row, will deal with the problem for several months.
For 6-12 months, excess sweat is inhibited by botulinum toxin, the cost of which we have to cover from our own pocket, and it can amount to PLN 2000. On the other hand, we will pay up to PLN 1000 in total for iontophoresis treatments requiring up to ten repetitions.
However, if the problem is more serious, the sweat glands in the feet are surgically blocked, which significantly reduces the amount of sweat produced. Before we dare to undergo this procedure, let’s think carefully about the decision, because among the possible complications there are loss of sensation and infections.