
General description of the disease

Sweating is a good ability of the human body to control body temperature and protect it from overheating. But, unfortunately, this ability can destroy a person’s life. This refers to excessive sweating that is not associated with excessive exercise or heat. Such a pathological condition of a person is called “hyperhidrosis».

Types of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can be different depending on several factors.

  1. 1 Depending on the cause of the development, hyperhidrosis can be primary or secondary.
  2. 2 Depending on the distribution, increased sweating can be local (palmar, axillary, palmar, inguinal-perineal, facial, that is, increased sweating is observed in one part of the body) and generalized (sweating is observed on the entire surface of the skin).
  3. 3 Depending on the severity, hyperhidrosis can be mild, moderate or severe.

With a mild degree disease symptoms appear, but insignificantly and does not create any additional problems for a person.

With an average degree manifestations of a symptom of hyperhidrosis in a patient can cause social discomfort, for example: discomfort when shaking hands (with palmar hyperhidrosis).

With severe degree illness, the patient has significant difficulties in communicating with other people due to wet clothes, persistent smell of sweat (other people begin to avoid meeting such people).

In its course, this disease can be seasonal, constant and intermittent (the symptoms of hyperhidrosis either decrease or become active again).

The reasons for the development of hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis is often inherited, it can also occur due to overly active sebaceous glands, which are activated during stressful situations, raising the temperature, eating hot food. It is worth noting that during sleep, all signs of hyperhidrosis disappear.

Secondary hyperhidrosis develops due to the presence of some pathologies in the body. Excessive sweating can cause diseases of an infectious etiology, which occur with severe febrile conditions. Also, pathological sweating can cause AIDS, tuberculosis, worms, hormonal disruptions (thyroid problems, menopause, diabetes mellitus, obesity); diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease); intoxication with drugs, alcohol, any pesticides; kidney disease, in which the excretory function is impaired; mental disorders (mental illness, polyneuropathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, conditions after a heart attack or stroke); oncological diseases.

As a rule, after eliminating this problem, excessive sweating disappears.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

With increased sweating of the extremities, their constant moisture is observed, while they are constantly cold. Due to the constant moisture, the skin looks steamed. Sweat often has an unpleasant odor (sometimes even offensive) and is colored (can have a yellow, greenish, purple, red, or blue tint).

Useful foods for hyperhidrosis

With hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to adhere to a sparing diet, vitamins B, E and calcium should be supplied to the body (after all, with then it is actively excreted from the body).

Emphasis should be placed on buckwheat, lettuce, parsley, carrots, cabbage, figs, cheese, milk, yogurt, mountain ash, young nettles, legumes, honey (it is advisable to replace sugar with it), figs, bread made from whole grain flour or with bran.

It is better to drink kefir, yogurt, sourdough, mineral water (not carbonated).

From meat and fish, you should choose non-fatty varieties. In the patient’s diet, plant foods should prevail.

Traditional medicine for hyperhidrosis

Traditional medicine is rich in various means of combating increased sweating. It contains methods for both internal and external use:

  • Baths for extremities using chamomile broth (in 2 liters of boiling water, you need to throw 7 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and leave to infuse for an hour, after which you can already make baths for feet and hands).
  • With increased sweating, it is necessary to drink an infusion of nettle and sage leaves. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of a dried mixture of these herbs and pour 0,5 liters of hot boiled water. Insist 30 minutes, filter. You need to take the infusion for 30 days, 3 times a day. The ratio of herbs should be 1 to 1. The recipe describes the daily rate.
  • Horsetail tincture effectively fights problem areas. To prepare it, take dry horsetail grass, alcohol and vodka (the ratio should be 1: 5: 10), put the jar with the mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks, after which everything is thoroughly filtered. Apply such a tincture only externally and then first dilute it with water (the volume of water should be equal to the amount of tincture taken). The resulting solution is used to lubricate those parts of the body on which there are overly active sebaceous glands.
  • Also, after taking a contrast shower, it is recommended to wipe off with 2% vinegar (you cannot take a large concentration, otherwise you can get severe irritation and bother the skin).
  • For lotions and baths, they also use white willow, medicinal burnet, rhizome of the snake mountaineer, rose hips (fruits, leaves, flowers), sea salt.
  • To reduce the stress factor, the patient needs to drink soothing decoctions from motherwort, valerian, peony, belladonna for 3 weeks. These herbs insist on water and take 1 tablespoon of the broth three times a day. They will help balance the human nervous system, he will be calmer about what is happening, less nervous and thus less sweating.
  • The most popular and effective method for hyperhidrosis is oak bark infusion. One tablespoon of oak bark is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. After this time, the infusion is filtered and the legs or arms are lowered into it. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to carry out at least 10 such water procedures (one bath should be done a day).
  • Lotions made from black elderberry leaves are also popularly considered effective. They are poured with milk in a ratio of 1 to 10, put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for about 3 minutes, then the milk is drained, and the leaves are applied to problem areas.
  • Kombucha is used to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. It takes a long time to prepare the product, but it’s worth it. Kombucha is placed in water and left there for a month. The resulting water is used to lubricate the places that sweat the most.
  • If you have a serious and important meeting ahead, lemon juice will help (this method is most suitable for armpits). The armpits must be dried with a napkin, then greased with a slice of lemon. For at least an hour, he will protect the patient from unpleasant manifestations. Lemon juice will kill pathogenic bacteria that cause bad odor. The main thing with this method is not to overdo it, because the acid that lemon contains can lead to irritation.

It is advisable to do all the baths at night (just before going to bed). It is not necessary to wash the skin after them with running water. The trays tighten pores and serve as a natural antiseptic.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis

In order not to aggravate an already unpleasant situation, it is necessary to monitor personal hygiene. Indeed, from excessive sweating, the skin is in constant moisture, and this is the ideal flora for the habitation and reproduction of various bacteria. They provoke the development of a fetid odor, the formation of diaper rash, abscesses and even ulcers over time. Therefore, patients are advised to take a cool shower twice a day. It is useful to do hardening. You need to start first with the hands, face, legs, then rub with cold water, and then only you can wash the whole body completely.

In addition, in the warm season, you should wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics (they will allow the skin to breathe, they will absorb sweat). In winter, you can wear knitwear made of high-tech synthetics (it will wick sweat away from the body).

Antiperspirants and talcum powder should be used continuously.

Dangerous and harmful foods for hyperhidrosis

  • food and drinks containing theobromine and caffeine (cocoa, energy drinks, coffee and tea, chocolate);
  • condiments and spices (coriander, salt, pepper, ginger);
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • sugary soda and alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • trans fats;
  • garlic;
  • shop ketchups, sauces, mayonnaises, dressings;
  • Strawberry;
  • fast food, semi-finished products, pickles, smoked meats, sausages and wieners, canned food;
  • products containing artificial fillers, dyes, flavor and odor enhancers.

These products are nervous system activators. After 40 minutes after eating them, the body begins to respond to them, thereby causing increased sweating.

It is worth noting that proteins are considered the most harmful substances in hyperhidrosis, followed by carbohydrates (they stimulate the secretion of sweat by the synthesis of insulin, which increases the level of adrenaline in the body, the body temperature rises, which causes the body to excrete a lot of sweat from the sebaceous glands). Fat is the least likely trigger for sweating. Knowing this trend, you need to adjust your diet.

Most often, hyperhidrosis occurs in young people who take sports nutrition (it contains an increased amount of carbohydrates and proteins).


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