Hyperglycemia – causes, symptoms, treatment

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Hyperglycaemia (hypoglycaemia) is too high blood sugar and the first warning sign of diabetes. It is also a parameter used in monitoring disease treatment. Symptoms of hyperglycemia depend on how much sugar is above the norm. The higher the sugar, the more the patient experiences unpleasant symptoms.

Hyperglycemia – basic information

Hyperglycaemia is a condition of a temporary increase in blood sugar levels. Abnormal fasting glucose is diagnosed when the blood glucose level reaches 100-126 mg / dL. When chronic fasting glucose levels remain above 126 mg / dL, it is a symptom of diabetes, a disease that requires immediate treatment, or organ damage will result.

When the blood sugar level rises above the 200 mg / dL threshold, this is further evidence that a person has diabetes. We can talk about the state of hyperglycemia with every longer exceeding the threshold of blood glucose above 60-99 mg / dl – nevertheless, the limits of tolerance to elevated blood sugar levels depend on factors such as gender, age and medical history of the patient.

In order for the sugar level to be under constant control, it is worth having a glucose meter. iHealth Gluco allows you to perform a sugar test at home, and thanks to a dedicated application, it also allows you to record an unlimited number of results.

Organic Chromium – a YANGO dietary supplement, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market, will help in regulating blood glucose levels.

Also read: A new type of diabetes? What do you need to know about type 3 diabetes?

The causes of hyperglycemia

The cause of hyperglycemia is usually incorrectly treated diabetes – such a patient could, for example, use inactive insulin or take insulin in wrong doses. Discontinuation of insulin and other hypoglycaemic medications also causes hyperglycaemia. The disease often happens to people during infection and inflammation, because in this state the body has a greater need for insulin.

The cause of hyperglycemia is an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, with the simultaneous lack of insulin, whose task is to reduce this excess – this causes an increase in glycemia. People taking certain antipsychotic drugs, niacin and epinephrine, and even lozenges and antitussive syrup also suffer from hyperglycemia. Moreover, stimulants, including drugs such as amphetamines, also contribute to the development of hyperglycemia.

Another cause of hyperglycemia can be a poor diet, consisting of too much meals and eating too much carbohydrate. It is worth adding DuoLife ProSugar supplementation to your daily diet, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels and contributes to the improvement of the functioning of the body. We also recommend Method for Sugar – Panaseus dietary supplement, which is currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. See the offer of other preparations for sugar levels.

Both people who are not physically inactive and those who exercise too hard can suffer from hyperglycemia. Hyperglycaemia can also result from infections and the use of oral antidiabetic drugs.

Also check: Glycemia – How to Measure Your Blood Sugar? Glycemic norms

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

A person with hyperglycemia begins to feel thirsty and urinate more often (especially at night). Other symptoms include headaches, problems with eyesight and concentration. A person with glycemia loses body weight and has less energy to perform everyday activities – at the same time he is tired and sleepy. When glycemia is prolonged, patients often suffer from skin infections. The man may also have erectile dysfunction and the woman may have vaginal infections.

Hyperglycaemia in people undergoing insulin therapy does not always result in weight loss. This condition is only caused by chronic hyperglycemia, which lasts for several weeks before diabetes is diagnosed. It can also be difficult for diabetics to recognize the symptoms of hyperglycemia – such a person may not be aware that he or she is sick for a long time. Even when blood sugar levels are high, symptoms may appear gradually.

To control the elevated sugar level in the body, reach for the Appropriate sugar GlikoHerbs – a herbal mixture, which is a natural dietary supplement available in a large, economical can with a capacity of 120 g.

Find out more: Diabetes in the elderly. Unspecific symptoms and acute complications

Stress hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia is also caused by a high level of stress – it is the cause of approx. 20 percent. illnesses. It is associated with the development of transient insulin resistance through a neurohormonal response involving cortisol, catecholamine and growth hormone. Stress hyperglycemia is the body’s response to excessive physical stress and is expressed, among others, by increased levels of growth hormone and increased insulin resistance. To minimize the negative effects of stress, supplement with Rhodiola Rosea. The plant increases resistance to stress and gently helps to alleviate it.

Hyperglycaemia in type 1 diabetes

Hyperglycaemia has different symptoms in different types of diabetes, which is related to its severity. Patients with type 1 diabetes have little or no insulin, so they cannot meet the body’s need for it – that is, they are completely dependent on insulin given, for example, with an insulin pen or pump. In their case, even a few hours’ break in the supply of the ingredient to the body results in a significant increase in blood sugar levels.

People with type 1 diabetes often urinate and have an excessive urge to drink something – this makes them lose weight quickly. Hyperglycaemia in type 1 diabetes dries out the skin and causes fatigue. The sick person also feels worse, is irritable, anxious and sometimes even aggressive. Symptoms of hyperglycaemia are visible after a few hours of hypoglycaemia – however, hypoglycaemia can be avoided if a dose of insulin is administered after a meal.

How to treat hyperglycemia?

In order to balance blood sugar levels, it is necessary to consume as much water as possible and to change eating habits and be physically active. It is also important to take your medications regularly. If the steps taken do not bring any results, and the diabetic still has hyperglycaemia – do not delay and consult a diabetologist who will help to implement appropriate treatment.

The vitamins contained in DO! Active DO! Active – a daily dose of B vitamins affect the regulation of blood sugar. The product is enough for 2 months of supplementation. You can also try natural herbal products, such as Tea Recommended for Diabetes, available on Medonet Market.

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