Hyperacidity – what diet to follow?
Hyperacidity - what diet to follow?Hyperacidity – what diet to follow?

Overacidity makes itself felt by unpleasant ailments signaled by the digestive system. If you experience heartburn, bloating, constipation, nausea, or the feeling of rebounding from the stomach very often, you probably have to be aware of the fact that you will be diagnosed with hyperacidity. Gastric juices play an important role in the processes that regulate digestion in the body, but not when they are secreted in excess. Then you will probably hear about hyperacidity. This ailment is easy to fight, you do not need medications or specialist help. It is enough to use an optimal diet. What diet to practice? What to eat when accompanied by hyperacidity of the stomach?

Hyperacidity – what diet to follow with such ailment?

Symptoms of overacidity of the stomach they don’t appear without a reason. Usually, the easiest way to achieve this is through practicing an unhealthy lifestyle, abusing cigarettes, alcohol, but also living in a hurry, eating irregularly, not getting enough sleep, experiencing stress. All this increases the production of gastric juices, including corrosive hydrochloric acid. Usually, the body itself neutralizes its effects thanks to the protective layer of the stomach, which is covered with mucus. However, if it is weakened and additionally exposed to the factors listed above, symptoms of hyperacidity will probably appear in a short time – unpleasant belching, nausea, flatulence, burning behind the breastbone, heartburn. Treatment in this case consists in taking agents that inhibit the secretion of these acids or neutralize their corrosive effect. The easiest way, however, is to follow a diet that will alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of gastric hyperacidity and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Diet with overacidity

I’m confused so the simple question of what to eat and drink if diagnosed with it? It is advisable, first of all, to eat regularly, to eat several meals a day – and not to overeat once. It is best when the meals are lukewarm, mildly seasoned and have a mush consistency, so they do not linger in the stomach, and thus do not unnecessarily increase the production of hydrochloric acid.

An overacid diet should be rich in protein supplied to the body with wholesome products, such as lean meat, fish, egg. An adult should eat about 85 g of protein a day.

In addition, the body needs good sources of fat to function properly. Its small amount reduces the secretion of gastric juice, and also promotes the absorption of beta-carotene and vitamins in meals. A complete source of fat can be found in products such as: butter, cream, oils: e.g. rapeseed, sunflower, corn, linseed.

Unlike many others dietin which it is recommended to eat meals rich in fiber, such dishes should be avoided in case of gastric hyperacidity. High-fiber food increases the secretion of gastric juices, irritates the mucosa, stays in the stomach for a long time. Therefore, thick groats, wholemeal and wholegrain bread, raw vegetables and fruits should disappear from the diet. If you can’t give up fruit or vegetables, prepare a mush from them with a blender and additionally dilute them with milk.

When it bothers you gastric hyperacidity, probably automatically the thought arises that you will definitely have to give up eating everything that is tasty, including sweets. However, this is not a true statement. Small amounts of sweets have a positive effect on inhibiting the secretion of digestive juices by the stomach. It is worth reaching for sugars that, apart from enriching the taste, also have nutritional properties – e.g. a few teaspoons of honey a day or, alternatively, a few teaspoons of marmalade.

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