Hymenoplasty: restoration of the hymen. Video

Sometimes girls who already have experience of intimate life want to restore their virginity. Most often this is done either for special religious reasons, or wanting to please your man and arrange the traditional wedding night. In such cases, plastic surgery is used – hymenoplasty.

Hymenoplasty: restoration of the hymen. Video
Hymenoplasty: reviews of the procedure

Women often mistakenly believe that the essence of the operation is to restore their hymen. In fact, it is simply impossible to return virginity in the literal sense of the word, since this would mean the creation of a special mucous membrane and a thin film that closes the path to the uterus.

Most often, doctors only create an imitation of virginity by sewing the edges of the hymen with a special thread. It is important to understand that the result does not last long, because as soon as the threads dissolve, the hymen breaks again. This occurs on average 5-7 days after the operation. If you need to maintain the effect for a longer period, you will have to do triple hymenoplasty. In this case, the result will last for about 2,5–3 years, after which the “virginity” will still disappear.

The hymen restored for a while will allow you to create a complete illusion of the girl’s innocence during intercourse. This means that the man will feel the obstacle and notice a small amount of blood.

Before undergoing hymenoplasty, a woman will have to undergo many tests, including blood clotting, hepatitis C and B, syphilis, HIV, a smear for flora, a general urine test.

If you want the simplest and cheapest option, choose short term hymenoplasty. The procedure takes about half an hour and allows you to restore your virginity for several days. The cost of such a procedure is relatively low.

Remember that you cannot endlessly sew a hymen. After a few operations, the remnants of the tissue will disappear, and the restoration of virginity will no longer be possible.

During the first two to three days after the operation, girls often feel nagging pain and discomfort, but these symptoms will disappear on their own. After intercourse, it is recommended that you visit your doctor and have an examination to make sure there are no complications.

Triple hymenoplasty: pros and cons

If you want long-term results and are willing to pay a higher price, choose triple (three-layer) hymenoplasty. The advantage of this method also lies in the fact that virginity can be restored with its help many times, although it is certainly not recommended to do this often.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia 4–5 days before the onset of menstruation. Since we are talking about excision of the vagina and suturing of the mucous membrane in three layers, the complete restoration of the hymen takes not several hours, as with a short-term operation, but several weeks. On average, it takes about a month to heal.

Consider another feature of the procedure: during the loss of “virginity” acquired through triple hymenoplasty, more blood appears than during the natural first intercourse

Moreover, the sensations will be more painful. You can find out more about this by reading the reviews of the patients of clinics that have undergone such a procedure. Also, from the reviews you will find out how much such an operation costs in specific institutions.

Triple hymenoplasty is a very serious operation that can lead to complications if you do not strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. In the first days after the procedure, it is forbidden to take a bath, go to the sauna and bath, play sports, lift weights, have sex. Tampons should not be used until the first intercourse.

Moreover, you will have to:

  • regularly douching using special preparations
  • sit on a special diet
  • refuse any solid food
  • strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene

The first sexual intercourse should take place only after complete healing of the hymen, that is, 3-5 weeks after the operation. Please note that you will have to undergo medical examinations. If any complications arise, in no case it will be possible to hesitate to contact a specialist.

Contraindications and postoperative period

There is only one indication for hymenoplasty – the personal desire of a woman who wants to restore her hymen for a while. But this procedure has many contraindications.

Their list includes:

  • any infectious diseases in the acute stage
  • low blood clotting
  • inflammation of the genitals
  • mental illness
  • tendency to open bleeding

Hymenoplasty is not the most difficult operation, however, many complications can arise after it, even if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor. Classic side effects are the occurrence of hematomas, edema, numbness in the genital area, discomfort, painful sensations of varying intensity, bleeding.

To get rid of such symptoms as quickly as possible, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and have a regular postoperative examination.

Alas, doctors know very well how many women feel worse precisely because of non-compliance with simple prescriptions. If complications arise, contact an experienced specialist as soon as possible – this will help solve the problem as soon as possible and protect your health from possible risks.

Hymen Repair Procedure (Hymenoplasty)- Watch How it's Done w/ @MikeLitrel_MD

Methods of hymenoplasty, their features and differences

Today there are 2 types of intervention:

Short-term plastic

The preservation of the hymen is provided for up to 2 weeks. The intervention is low-traumatic and is characterized by minimal blood loss, rapid recovery, lack of discomfort and pain, pronounced edema

Hymenoplasty long-term

Such an intervention ensures the long-term preservation of the hymen (until its integrity is violated during sexual contact). The technique is based on the reconstruction of hymen from epithelial tissues. Its advantages include the naturalness of the result and the long-term preservation of the hymen. The method is not without drawbacks. Recovery after the intervention takes 7 days, as there is a significant injury to the tissues of the vagina. After the operation, the woman experiences discomfort and pain, swelling occurs.

Important! Any intervention can be carried out several times.


The operation to restore virginity can be done to a woman who is guided by moral or religious views.

Hymenoplasty long-term and short-term is usually performed:

  • Before the wedding
  • After sexual assault
  • To restore the intensity of sexual life in a long marriage
  • In line with ethical and religious considerations

The grounds for intervention are also the loss of virginity through negligence and the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury.


Absolute contraindications include:

  • Pathologies of blood clotting
  • Oncological diseases
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diabetes
  • Dangerous pathologies of internal organs
  • Serious mental disorders

Relative contraindications are the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy, inflammatory processes, genital infections, menstruation. Before the operation, it is necessary to eliminate the existing negative factors (to cure a cold, for example).

The final decision on the operation is made by the doctor. Only he can objectively assess the existing contraindications and, if necessary, exclude them.

What tests need to be done?

The hymen repair surgery is not complicated. However, it requires quite serious preparation.

It consists in a consultation with a gynecologist and examination. On examination, the doctor can detect all the existing pathologies. Further, all the nuances of the intervention are discussed with the patient.

The examination includes:

  • Consultation with a therapist
  • Taking X-rays
  • ECG
  • Video colporrhaphy
  • Taking blood and urine tests
  • A smear on the microflora of the vagina

If necessary, appointments are made with narrow specialists. Usually the patient is referred to a cardiologist, endocrinologist and hematologist. A full examination allows you to reduce all operational risks and shorten the rehabilitation period.

Preparing for the operation

Important! Hymenoplasty is performed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle.

A few weeks before the intervention, a woman should:

  • Quit drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Limit medications that affect blood clotting
  • Consult with your doctor about setting the exact date of the operation. If short-term plastic is performed, it is prescribed 7-14 days before the intended sexual intercourse. It makes no sense to intervene earlier – the seams will disperse

How is the operation going? Stages and timing

Hymenoplasty takes only 10-15 minutes and is carried out in stages:

  • Anesthesia . The doctor makes the choice in favor of certain drugs based on the individual characteristics of the patient, her wishes and state of health
  • Operation . During a short-term operation, the surgeon stitches the remnants of the hymen along the edges. If there are no flaps left (for example, after childbirth), the hymen is formed from the tissues of the vagina. During long-term hymenoplasty, the muscular, mucosal and submucosal layers are isolated from the tissues of the vagina. They are stitched together
  • Postoperative rehabilitation in the clinic . Usually the patient stays in the medical facility for only 3-4 hours


Recovery after the operation does not take much time.

Usually the doctor gives the patient a list of recommendations regarding:

  • Nutrition . During rehabilitation, vegetables, fruits, spices and black bread should be excluded from the diet, causing bloating and constipation.
  • Physical loads. The patient should not lift weights or play sports.
  • Prevention of the risk of inflammatory and infectious processes . The doctor may prescribe a number of medications for the patient

Feeling good after surgery

Within a few hours after intimate plastic surgery, a woman can return to her business. Restrictions are minimal. Many women feel great immediately after the intervention.

Important! If the patient experiences pain, itching, fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What is possible and what is impossible after the operation?

After long-term hymenoplasty it is forbidden:

  • Use tampons
  • Have sex for weeks
  • Make sudden movements
  • Long sit

After a short intervention, you can have sex the very next day. Other restrictions are the same as for long-term plastic surgery.

Possible complications and side effects

The main side effects after the intervention include:

  • Minor hematomas
  • light bleeding
  • Numbness in the area of ​​the operation
  • Slight discomfort in the vaginal area

All discomfort usually disappears after a couple of days. If hematomas persist and the bleeding does not stop, you should consult a specialist.

Where is it made and approximate prices

Restoration of the hymen in Moscow is carried out by many medical institutions.

When choosing a clinic, you should focus on factors such as:

  • Doctor experience
  • Maintaining privacy
  • Intervention cost

It is very important to contact a proven large clinic, which employs specialists who have already performed a large number of operations. Not worth saving. If hymenoplasty is performed at a very low cost, you should be wary. Most likely, the intervention is carried out by an inexperienced doctor.


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