Hymen. Five facts you didn’t know

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Did you know that not every woman is born with a hymen? Can you say what exactly it is and where is it located? If you answered “no” to at least one of these questions, be sure to read this article. Here are five facts about the hymen that you didn’t know! Some of them can make you dumbfounded.

  1. Knowledge of the hymen is rather scarce for most people
  2. Usually we limit ourselves to the question of whether or not she is there
  3. It turns out that it may not even be in virgins. But that’s not the end of the secrets she hides
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

It’s time to deal with all the myths about the hymen. This little fold of skin has always aroused a lot of controversy. Perhaps because in different cultures, he is assigned a rather important role. Recall that it is customary to believe that the hymen determines whether a girl has already started sexual activity. Okazuje się jednak, że to nie do końca prawda… Czego jeszcze nie wiemy o błonie dziewiczej? Zobacz poniżej!

The rest of the text below the video.

The hymen does not cover the vagina

Let’s start by explaining what the hymen really is. This is what is called a small piece of skin that is inside the vaginal opening. Contrary to its name, the hymen is not a complete and intact hymen. Eventually, menstrual blood somehow comes out of the vagina even when the woman has not yet started intercourse. So how is this possible?

Here it should be mentioned that some women are actually born with a so-called unperforated hymen. This may require a minor operation to keep menstrual blood flowing freely. However, the overwhelming majority of women have a hymen, the appearance and shape of which can be compared to a donut (and in some cases even with several holes). In this way, we smoothly move to the next fact …

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Read more: Pochwa — charakterystyka, budowa, funkcje, choroby [WYJAŚNIAMY]

Hymen differ in appearance

As with the vulva, there is no one common hymen shape. Some may be larger, others have round holes or crescent-shaped perforations. If you want to see what your hymen looks like, you can do so in the comfort of your own home. You need a mirror and a flashlight for this. The hymen can be seen if you separate the labia and look into the vaginal canal. Can’t you find her? Don’t worry, this is also normal. This fold of skin is so small that it may be completely invisible in some cases.

Check: Hymen defloration – characteristics, facts, myths

The hymen stretches rather than breaks

The first time we have sex, we speak of a “hymen rupture”. However, it is not exactly a precise definition. The hymen on the first penetration does not disappear, but simply stretches.

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Not every woman is born with a hymen

Zaskoczona? Okazuje się, że u niektórych kobiet błona dziewicza jest wyjątkowo mała. Inne z kolei w ogóle jej nie mają! Spokojnie, jest to całkowicie normalne i nie powinnaś mieć powodów do obaw. U niektórych kobiet błona dziewicza rozciąga się na długo przed rozpoczęciem współżyciafor example when playing sports, putting on tampons or while masturbating.

Medycyna odcina się od «testów na dziewictwo»

In 2019, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement that stated that there were no guidelines for virginity testing. This means that it is impossible to tell if a woman has already started intercourse by looking only through the prism of her vagina. All because – as already mentioned – each hymen looks different.

Another myth should also be dispelled here. There is a belief in different cultures that the first time it must hurt, because this is when the hymen “breaks”. Nic bardziej mylnego! W rzeczywistości ból, który czasem odczuwamy podczas pierwszego zbliżenia, może wynikać z lęku lub braku doświadczenia seksualnego. Rzadziej jest to związane z rozciąganiem błony dziewiczej.

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