Hygrofor spotted: edibility, description and photo

Spotted hygrophorus is an edible agaric mushroom of the Hygrophoraceae family. Grows in deciduous and coniferous substrate from September to October. In order not to confuse the species with inedible specimens, it is important to be able to recognize it by external data.

What does Hygrofor spotted look like?

The mushroom has a small, convex-outstretched hat. The surface is covered with a gray film with numerous dark scales. Ribbed edges are fragile, snow-white. In rainy weather, the color brightens, the surface becomes covered with mucus, the scales become discolored.

The spore layer is formed by partially adherent white plates. Reproduction occurs by elongated spores, which are in a white powder.

The fleshy, dense leg is covered with dark skin, with pronounced scales. The fibrous, sweetish pulp has no smell.

Hygrofor spotted: edibility, description and photo

In rainy weather, the surface is covered with slime

Where does hygrophorus spotted grow?

Spotted hygrophorus grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. It grows on a moist substrate in numerous families, bears fruit from September to October.

Is it possible to eat spotted hygrophorus

This representative belongs to the edible species. In cooking, only young, not overgrown specimens are used, without damage and signs of worminess.

False doubles

Spotted hygrophorus has similar counterparts that can be eaten. In order not to harm your body, you need to be able to distinguish between them, and if the specimen is unknown, then it is better to pass by.

  1. Blushing – the mushroom is edible, but due to the lack of taste and smell, it does not have a high nutritional value. You can recognize it by its domed or prostrate hat of pinkish-whitish color with lemon spots. It grows in mixed forests from August to October.
    Hygrofor spotted: edibility, description and photo

    In cooking, it is used in fried and boiled form.

  2. Poetic – high quality edible mushroom. It grows on the hills, among deciduous trees. Fruits in small groups throughout the warm period. You can recognize it by a glossy hat with uneven, slightly curved edges. The skin is colored light red, pale yellow or pink. The strong leg is sticky, with silvery fibers. Tasteless pulp has a pleasant jasmine aroma. In food use in fried, boiled form. For the winter, mushrooms can be preserved, dried and frozen.
    Hygrofor spotted: edibility, description and photo

    The fleshy pulp exudes a pleasant jasmine aroma.

Rules for collection and use

Mushroom picking is carried out in clear, dry weather. It is advisable to go on a quiet hunt in the morning. Since the pulp absorbs toxic substances like a sponge, mushroom hunting is carried out in ecologically clean places, far from roads and industrial enterprises.

After harvesting, the mushrooms are carefully inspected for unsuitability, washed and boiled in salted water for several minutes. Prepared mushrooms are suitable for soups, fried and canned dishes. Mushrooms can be dried for the winter. The dried product is laid out in paper or rag bags and cleaned in a dry, dark place. The storage period should not exceed 12 months.

Sweet Mushrooms. Hygrophors. October. How to recognize. How to cook.


Spotted hygrophorus is an edible representative of the mushroom kingdom. Appears in autumn, near spruce and deciduous trees. Since this specimen has an unattractive appearance and is easily confused with inedible species, it is important to know a detailed description, view photo and video materials.

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