The hygrophorus parrot is a member of the Hygrophoraceae family, the genus Gliophorus. The Latin name for this species is Gliophorus psittacinus. It has many other names: parrot hygrocybe, variegated hygrophor, green gliophor and hygrocybe psittacina.
What does a hygrophorus parrot look like
Parrot hygrocybe can be recognized by the following characteristic features:
- At the initial stage, the cap is bell-shaped with ribbed edges, becomes prostrate as it grows, while maintaining a central wide tubercle. The surface is smooth, shiny, mucous. It is painted in green or yellow, as it matures, it acquires various shades of pink. Since this variety is inherent in changing the color of the fruiting body to bright colors, it was called the motley parrot.
- On the underside of the cap are rare and wide plates. Painted in yellowish color with a greenish tint. Spores ovoid, white.
- The leg is cylindrical, very thin, its thickness is 0,6 cm in diameter, and its length is 6 cm. Inside is hollow, and on the outside it is mucous, painted in a greenish-yellow tone.
- The flesh is brittle, fragile, usually white, but sometimes yellowish or greenish spots can be seen on it. It has no pronounced taste, but has an unpleasant smell of dampness or earth.
Where does hygrophorus motley grow
You can meet this species throughout the summer and autumn in glades or meadows. Prefers to grow among grass or moss in mountainous areas or sunny edges. It is common for a hygrophor parrot to grow in large groups. It is most common in North and South America, Western Europe, Japan, Greenland, Iceland, Japan and South Africa.
Is it possible to eat a hygrophorus parrot
The variety belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. Despite this, the parrot hygrophorus has no nutritional value, as it is tasteless with an unpleasant odor.
False doubles
Due to the bright and unusual color of the fruiting bodies, the parrot hygrophorus is quite difficult to confuse with other gifts of the forest. However, in appearance, this species is most similar to the following specimens:
- Hygrocybe dark chloride – inedible mushroom. The size of the cap in diameter varies from 2 to 7 cm. The main distinguishing feature is the brighter and more catchy color of the fruiting bodies. As a rule, a double can be recognized by an orange-yellow or lemon-colored hat. The color of the fruit pulp is also different; in dark-chlorine hygrocybe, it is colored in various shades of yellow. It is very fragile, does not have a pronounced smell and taste.
- Hygrocybe waxy – belongs to the group of inedible mushrooms. Most common in Europe and North America. It differs from the parrot hygrophore in the small size of the fruiting bodies. So, the cap of the double in diameter is only from 1 to 4 cm, which is painted in orange-yellowish hues.
Rules for collection and use
Going in search of a parrot hygrophore, you should know that he knows how to disguise himself perfectly, sitting in the grass or on a moss bedding. The fruit bodies are greenish-yellow in color, very thin, fragile and small. Therefore, it is necessary to collect these mushrooms as carefully as possible.
Not every mushroom picker knows such a specimen as a hygrophorus parrot. It is a small fruiting body with a bright color. It belongs to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms, however, it is not successful in cooking. This is due to the fact that this variety is characterized by a small size of fruiting bodies, the absence of a pronounced taste and the presence of an unpleasant aroma.