Hygrophorus aureus is an agaric fungus of the Hygrophoraceae family. This species grows in small groups, forming mycorrhiza with different trees. In other sources, it can be found under the name golden-toothed hygrophore. In scientific circles, it is listed as Hygrophorus chrysodon.

What does golden hygrophorus look like

Hygrofor golden: is it possible to eat, description and photo

The fruiting body of this species is of the classical type. The hat initially has a convex bell-shaped shape with a concave downward edge. As it matures, it straightens out, but a small tubercle remains in the center. The surface is smooth, sticky, covered with thin scales closer to the edge. In young specimens, the color of the upper part is whitish, but later it becomes golden yellow. The cap is 2 to 6 cm in diameter.

The pulp is watery, soft. It is characterized by a light shade and does not change it when cut. The smell is weak, neutral.

On the reverse side of the cap are rare wide plates descending onto the stem. Hymenophore initially has a whitish tint, and then becomes yellow. The golden hygrophore has white elliptical spores with a smooth surface. Their size is 7,5-11 x 3,5-4,5 microns.

The stem is cylindrical, narrowed at the base, sometimes slightly curved. Its length reaches 5-6 cm, and its width is 1-2 cm. In young fruits, it is dense, and then a cavity appears. The surface is sticky, white, with a light fluff closer to the cap and yellow scales along the entire length.

Where does hygrophorus aureus grow?

This fungus is common, but grows singly or in small groups. Prefers conifers and broad-leaved forests with humus-rich soil. Forms mycorrhiza with oaks, lindens, pines. The fruiting period begins in mid-August and continues through the second decade of October.

The golden hygrophore is widespread in Europe and North America. On the territory of Our Country is found everywhere.

Is it possible to eat hygrofor golden

This mushroom is considered edible. But it does not have high taste qualities, therefore it belongs to the fourth category.

Important! Due to the scarcity of fruiting, the golden hygrophore does not cause much interest among mushroom pickers.

False doubles

Hygrofor golden at the initial stage of development is in many ways similar to its relatives. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to study the characteristic differences of twins.

Similar types:

  1. Hygrophorus fragrant. It has a distinct almond smell, and in rainy weather it can spread for several meters around. You can also distinguish it by the gray-yellow shade of the hat. This mushroom is considered conditionally edible and is characterized by a sweet taste of pulp. The official name is Hygrophorus agathosmus.

    Hygrofor golden: is it possible to eat, description and photo

  2. Hygrophorus yellowish white. The fruiting body is characterized by an average size. The main color is white. A distinctive feature is that when rubbed on the fingers, wax is felt. The mushroom is edible, its official name is Hygrophorus eburneus.

    Hygrofor golden: is it possible to eat, description and photo

Rules for collection and use

Picking mushrooms should be done with a sharp knife, cutting off the fruiting body at the base. This will prevent damage to the mycelium.

Important! When harvesting, young specimens should be chosen, since in the process of growth the pulp accumulates harmful substances.

Before use, forest fruits must be cleaned of bedding and soil particles. After that, rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. It can be consumed fresh and processed.


Hygrofor golden belongs to the category of unpopular, but edible mushrooms. This is due to its poor fruiting, which makes harvesting difficult, and neutral taste. Therefore, most mushroom pickers bypass it. Since during the fruiting period, more valuable species can be harvested.


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