Early hygrophorus is an edible agaric mushroom of the Hygrophoraceae family. It grows in small families in mixed forests. Since this representative is often used in cooking, it is necessary to know the external characteristics, view photos and videos so as not to mistake the poisonous gifts of the forest for him.

What does early hygrophorus look like

The early hygrophorus has a small cap, up to 10 cm in size. At the beginning of growth, the mushroom has an oblong-convex shape, straightens as it matures, and the wavy edges wrap inward. The surface is covered with a shiny, grayish-whitish skin. As it grows, the color darkens, and at full maturity it becomes black with small light spots. The lower layer is formed by light, wide, partially adherent plates. Reproduction occurs by colorless, elongated spores, which are in a snow-white powder.

The short, barrel-shaped leg is covered with a velvety, light skin with a silvery sheen. Dense light gray flesh has a mushroom flavor and aroma. With mechanical damage, the color does not change, milky juice is not released.

Hygrofor early: description and photo

Grows on spruce and deciduous substrate

Where does early hygrophorus grow

Early hygrophorus grows in mixed forests in single specimens or small groups. Fruiting occurs in early spring, the mushroom can appear from the ground even at sub-zero temperatures. Often a mushroom crop can be found under a blanket of snow.

Is it possible to eat early hygrophorus

Early hygrophorus is a delicacy representative of the mushroom kingdom. It has tender flesh, pleasant taste and aroma. Since the mushroom is eaten, you need to study the external data and view the photo.

Important! During a quiet hunt, you need to pass by unfamiliar specimens, since not only your health, but also the condition of your loved ones depends on this.

False doubles

Early hygrophorus has an early fruiting period, so it is very difficult to confuse it with poisonous specimens. But the species has similar twins that bear fruit from July to October. These include:

  1. Motley – an edible species that grows in fields and meadows. The name of the species was due to the periodic change in color. The bell-shaped or flat hat is initially painted in a bright lemon color, as it grows older it becomes greenish or acquires a pink tint. The fleshy, hollow leg is covered with a mucous layer and has a lemon-olive color. Light flesh with almost no taste and smell. It bears fruit throughout the warm period in numerous specimens.
    Hygrofor early: description and photo

    The color of the cap changes as it grows.

  2. Black – a delicacy species that prefers to grow among deciduous and coniferous trees. The convex cap straightens as it grows and becomes depressed in full maturity. The matte surface is painted in dark gray. Light, fleshy flesh with a delicate taste and aroma. It bears fruit in autumn, only young specimens are used in cooking.
    Hygrofor early: description and photo

    For the winter, the mushroom can be dried and frozen.

    Hygrophorus black in the forest and on the table.

  3. Three-spot – edible look. The surface is covered with a light gray, slimy skin. The fibrous leg is dark in color and has numerous light scales. The whitish pulp is fragile, tasteless and odorless. After boiling, the harvested crop is suitable for making side dishes, fragrant soups. For the winter, mushrooms can be frozen and dried.
    Hygrofor early: description and photo

    Grows in small families in mixed forests

Rules for collection and use

The collection of this specimen is carried out from early spring to late autumn. The found mushroom is cut with a sharp knife or carefully twisted out of the ground, trying not to damage the mycelium. Mushroom hunting is best done in sunny weather, early in the morning, in an ecologically clean place.

The harvested crop is thoroughly cleaned of forest debris, washed under running water and peeled from the leg. After a 10-minute heat treatment, mushrooms are used to prepare side dishes, soups and preparations for the winter. Mushrooms can also be dried. The dried product is stored in a paper or rag bag for no more than 12 months.

Important! This species is very popular with cooks, as the mushroom appears immediately after the snow melts.


Early hygrophorus is an edible representative of the mushroom kingdom. It grows in small families among spruce and deciduous trees. Appears in early spring, immediately after the snow melts. Young specimens are used in food in fried, boiled or canned form. In order not to confuse the mushroom with inedible species, you need to carefully read the external data, view the photo and video material.

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