Hygiene causes deafness

We all have ear sticks in the bathroom. Meanwhile, ENT specialists warn that they can damage the ear and impair hearing. How to take care of ear hygiene so as not to hurt yourself?

The sticks are not suitable for cleaning the ears as the ear canal is about 2,5 cm long and the skewer 5 cm long. By cleaning the ear it is very easy to damage it. It can also cut the skin and even damage the eardrum. In addition, the ear canal is built like an hourglass and is narrower in depth. The stick can push the excess earwax behind this narrowing and damage the eardrum. In addition, irritating the ear with a stick increases the production of earwax, and persistent removal of it causes itching, dryness and peeling of the skin in the ear canal.


The earwax that we try to remove from the ear plays a significant role in cleaning and moisturizing the ear canal and provides protection against certain bacteria and fungi. It is also designed to collect dust and dirt particles so that they do not get into the eardrum. It also acts as a barrier to water, limiting its flow into the ear while bathing. Therefore, it must not be removed from the ear canal. Also, do not wash your ears with water, because the ear cleans itself. The outer part of the ear is best cleaned with a moistened tissue, wound around the finger.

Clogged ear

– Patients often complain that after bathing, for example in a swimming pool, their ear becomes clogged – says the otorhinolaryngologist Michał Wątróbki. This is true for people who produce excessive amounts of earwax. – Water softens earwax and forms a plug that clogs the ear. The ear starts to itch and the patient’s hearing is worse, the doctor explains. – You should not try to unplug your ear yourself, because you can only hurt yourself – he adds. It is best to seek the help of an ENT specialist.

The doctor may remove the wax plug mechanically with a special tool in the shape of a loop or rinse the ear with water. After the earwax is removed, a hearing test is performed. If the doctor finds otitis externa, he uses topical antibiotic ointments or other ear drops.

How to unclip your ear

– If I notice that the patient is prone to excessive earwax production, I recommend cleaning the ears with special preparations available at the pharmacy – says Dr. Wątróbski. In pharmacies, we can buy those that dilute earwax and preparations for its rinsing. – It’s best to use both. First, instill a few drops of the thinning preparation into the ear and lie on the opposite side, and then after a few minutes, introduce the rinsing spray – instructs the ENT specialist.

Ear candling

The followers of natural medicine, following the pattern of the Indians, shine their ears. A hollow candle is used for this, one end of which is inserted into the ear and the other end is lit. When the candle burns, a negative pressure is created in the ear canal, which draws sediment and debris out of the ear. – I am not a supporter of this method because I have seen its victims – says Dr. Wątróbki. He explains that it is good, but for completely healthy people. If for some reason we have a weakened eardrum, it can be damaged during such a procedure. Dr. Wątróbski adds that none of us knows the condition of his eardrum until he checks it.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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