Hyfoloma head-shaped – a representative of the Strophariaceae family, the genus Hyfoloma. The Latin name is Hypholoma capnoides, and its synonym is the term Nematoloma capnoides.
What does hypholoma cephalomata look like?

This species grows throughout the summer and autumn, and can also be found even at the beginning of winter.
The fruiting body of hyfoloma capiformis is presented in the form of a thin stalk and a lamellar cap with the following characteristics:
- At the initial stage of development, the cap is convex in shape with a blunt tubercle in the center, as it grows older it becomes flat. The surface is smooth, yellowish-brown in color with a greenish tint. As a rule, the color of the cap remains almost unchanged throughout the life of the fruiting body. In old mushrooms, rusty-brown spots often appear on the surface. The cap is about 8 cm in diameter.
- On the inside of the cap there are adherent plates. Initially, they are light, as the fungus grows older, they become gray or smoky. The spore powder is gray-purple in color.
- The leg of the head-shaped hypholoma is thin, no more than 1 cm in diameter, but rather long, reaching a height of up to 10 cm. The surface is smooth, painted in a light yellow tone, gradually turning brown to the base. There is no ring on the leg, but often you can see the remains of a bedspread instead.
- The flesh is thin and brittle. On the cut, whitish or yellowish, at the base of the legs – brown. It does not have a pronounced aroma, but has a slightly bitter taste.
Where does Hypholoma cephalomata grow?

The fungus grows in large groups
This specimen rarely grows in deciduous forests. Instead, it prefers to be located on pine glades, heaps of bark, or on the bark of wood. Also, head-shaped hyphalomas can sometimes be found on pine or spruce stumps. This gift of the forest is quite resistant to frost. In addition to the fact that it grows throughout the summer, it can also be caught by mushroom pickers in late autumn. Even with persistent frosts, frozen fruits are sometimes found that retain their appearance for quite a long time.
Is it possible to eat Hyfoloma cephalic
The considered gift of the forest belongs to the group of conditionally edible mushrooms. The nutritional qualities of the head-shaped hyfoloma are not particularly valued among mushroom pickers, so it has only been assigned category 4. Only hats are recommended, since the legs are particularly rigid. This specimen is best suited for drying.
False doubles
According to external signs, the hypholoma cephalopoda is similar to the following gifts of the forest:
- Sulfur yellow honey agaric – a poisonous specimen. You can distinguish it by the yellowish color of the cap with lighter edges and a dark brown center. In addition, the pulp of a dangerous double exudes an unpleasant aroma.
The fungus grows in large groups
- Honey agaric summer belongs to the group of edible mushrooms. The fruit body consists of a wide dark cap and a thin stem. It differs from the considered species in a pleasant fragrant aroma with a hint of honey.
The fungus grows in large groups
Collection rules
It is worthwhile to collect head-shaped hyfoloma with extreme caution, since it has a poisonous double – sulfur-yellow honey agaric. After the mushroom picker is convinced of the authenticity of the species, it can be carefully twisted out of the soil, trying not to damage the mycelium. The formed hole should be covered with moss or forest litter. The fruiting bodies of this variety are quite brittle, so they should not be placed in the same basket with larger relatives.
Gyfoloma vertigo is not particularly known in Our Country, but is popular in some foreign countries. This species is remarkable in that it survives even in prolonged sub-zero temperatures. But even frozen hats are usable. To begin with, they are warmed up, and then fried or dried.