Hydromassage foot baths. Video
Human legs do a lot of work every day, and women’s legs are doubly harder, because high heels are not conducive to their health. To relax tired limbs and improve blood circulation in them, in the evenings it is necessary to pamper the legs with useful baths with various additives.
The foot bath can be anything – its composition depends on the purpose for which it is made. So, it is difficult for the legs to do without cleansing baths that wash away dirt, dust and various microorganisms that cause skin diseases from them.
To make a cleansing soda bath at home, you will need:
- salt
- baking soda
- water
Combine a tablespoon of table or sea salt with two teaspoons of baking soda and dilute them in a liter of warm water. Dip your feet into the baking soda solution and sit for 15–20 minutes.
Continue doing the baking soda bath for ten days, after which a few baths per week will be sufficient.
After completing the procedure, be sure to wipe your feet dry and lubricate them with a specially designed cream.
Black tea or vinegar will help you cleanse your feet of various bacteria that cause unpleasant odor. Boil two black tea bags in a liter of water for 15 minutes, then remove the tea and dilute the infusion with two more liters of boiling water. Cool the bath to a suitable temperature and soak your feet in it for half an hour. You need to repeat the procedure daily: the tannic acid of the tea destroys bacteria and tightens the pores, reducing perspiration.
Dissolve a glass of vinegar in a bowl of warm water and add a couple of drops of thyme oil, which is a strong antiseptic, to the solution. Perform the procedure every day for 15-20 minutes for a week, but do not do it if you have wounds or cracks on your legs.
Healing foot baths are shown to be done for colds or for its prevention. Add some dry mustard to hot water and soak your feet in the solution for 15–20 minutes. As a result, the mustard will cause the blood to drain from the mucous membranes and into the legs, thus reducing inflammation in the throat or nose.
If your feet have cracks or wounds, prepare a chamomile or calendula bath for them. Pour a tablespoon of flowers with a liter of boiling water, let them brew for half an hour, then strain, cool slightly and make a bath.
Excessive sweating of the legs is removed with a bath of a decoction of oak bark. Add two tablespoons of bark (available at the pharmacy) to a quart of boiling water and boil it for 10 minutes. After that, strain the broth, cool and hold the previously washed feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
You should make a bath of a decoction of oak bark for at least a month – only if this condition is met, the legs will stop sweating and emit an unpleasant odor
To activate blood circulation in the legs and relieve inflammation in them, prepare a paraffin bath. Melt 20 grams of paraffin in a liter of water (water temperature – 38 degrees Celsius). Place your feet in the solution and sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse them with warm running water. This procedure should not be performed on diabetics and people suffering from varicose veins.
Contrasting and toning baths
With the help of contrast baths, you can prevent colds, strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue. To perform the procedure, alternately place your feet in cold and hot water for a few seconds, while the cold water should finish the bath.
If you rinse your feet systematically, the blood vessels will strengthen and become more elastic, which will significantly improve blood circulation in them.
An excellent tonic bath is a sea salt solution. Add two tablespoons of salt to a quart of lukewarm water and soak your feet in it for about 15 minutes. If desired, you can drop a few drops of pine, mint or eucalyptus essential oil into the bath, which also has excellent tonic properties and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs.
Foot baths are very useful
For feet with calluses, corns and unkempt nails, baths made of white clay are the best suited, which softens the hardened areas of the skin. Pour three tablespoons of clay into a bowl of hot water, put your feet in it and hold them there for 15–20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you will need a pumice stone to remove loose corns and a moisturizing foot cream.
Hot foot baths are contraindicated for people with high fever, bleeding tendencies, hypertension, varicose veins, as well as renal and cardiovascular diseases
Boiled potatoes also get rid of hardened calluses. Potatoes can be substituted for oatmeal if desired. Mash two boiled potatoes until puree, add milk, apply the mixture to your feet and put on warm woolen socks on top. After half an hour, rinse your feet in warm water, blot them and rub your feet with a slice of lemon, which will make your skin soft and smooth like a child’s.
Also interesting to read: hazelnut oil.