Hydrogen sulfide baths: how to take? Video
Hydrogen sulfide baths belong to balneotherapy – health procedures, bathing in thermal and mineral springs. This is a natural method of prevention and treatment of many diseases, donated by nature. It has proven its effectiveness over the centuries and today it is used mainly for the treatment and prevention of joint and skin diseases.
Hydrogen sulfide baths: how to take?
Application of baths with hydrogen sulfide
If in ancient times people suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, back and joint pains used natural mud springs with a specific sulfur smell for treatment, today you can take such a bath in a balneological resort, in a calm and comfortable environment. So that you can really feel the long-term effect and relief, hydrogen sulfide baths are prescribed in courses of 10 sessions daily or 12-14 procedures with a break of 1-2 days.
Some patients note a temporary deterioration in well-being at the very beginning of the course of treatment, but then the unpleasant sensations disappear, and after taking such baths, the patients feel rejuvenated, rested, full of strength.
Hydrogen sulfide baths are used in cosmetology, they have the most beneficial effect on the skin, increasing its turgor and elasticity. Sulfur, which is used as additives – dimethylsulfoxide or methylsulfonylmethane, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, activates metabolism and improves the absorption of useful and vital substances taken with food. Entering through skin cells, supplements containing sulfur help relieve pain in gout, dislocations and inflammation, stimulate the renewal of damaged cartilaginous tissues in joints, connective tissues of tendons and ligaments.
How to properly take hydrogen sulfide baths
To get the most out of taking hydrogen sulphide baths and achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to know and follow some rules. Firstly, you cannot come to the procedure with an empty stomach; you must have a snack two hours before it. If you take baths in combination with physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures, after them, at least two hours should also pass. Try to relax a little before taking a bath, exclude intense physical activity. Of course, alcohol and nicotine should be excluded. After the procedure, you need to lie down for half an hour in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
The procedure should be canceled if you have a fever, you feel signs of illness, or just weakness and feeling unwell
The indications for the appointment of hydrogen sulfide baths include varicose veins, radiation sickness, metabolic disorders and post-thrombophlebitis. Contraindications for hydrogen sulfide baths are heart disease, hyperthyroidism and bronchial asthma. Concentrations of hydrogen sulfide over 50 mg / l are prohibited in diseases of the kidneys, stomach and liver, respiratory organs, chronic hypotension.
In the next article, you will read about how to inhale.