Hydrogen peroxide in the ear – what ailments will it work for? How to apply hydrogen peroxide to the ear?

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Hydrogen peroxide in the ear is more and more commonly used to fight infections within the hearing aid. Hydrogen peroxide is valued for its disinfecting effect. At a pharmacy, we can buy 3% of it without a prescription. solution. However, is the method of instilling hydrogen peroxide into the ear effective, and above all – is it a safe method?

Chemically, hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it decomposes into water and atomic oxygen. It is because of the production of atomic oxygen hydrogen peroxide shows disinfecting properties. Logical thinking prompts us to say that since at the time of application hydrogen peroxide to crib oxygen is produced, it then kills only those pathogens that live in anaerobic conditions. Therefore, the belief that exploitation hydrogen peroxide in the ear able to deal with any infection, there is wrong.

Application hydrogen peroxide in the ear it may turn out to be a bull’s eye, although it does not give us a XNUMX% guarantee of recovery. However, if we feel discomfort related to a blocked ear, a slightly sore throat or the first signs of a cold, we can try this method. The ear is an organ that can be the site of many infections.

Remember that if we want to apply hydrogen peroxide in the ear, it can only be effective if 12 hours have not passed since the first symptoms started. This is important because hydrogen peroxide will not work against already developed inflammation.

Ear pain symptoms should be consulted with your family doctor. Make an appointment today via the halodoctor.pl portal.

When it comes to children, the application of hydrogen peroxide in the ear is not contraindicatedbut it’s better to be extra careful. It is safest to consult your pediatrician first, as it is questionable to use this method yourself.

If the parent already wants to use this option, the concentration of the solution hydrogen peroxide in the ear should be between 1,5 and 3 percent. The child should be placed on its side to facilitate application. It is absolutely impossible to pour in too much at once hydrogen peroxide in the ear, but very carefully apply literally one drop of the drug, and then make observations – if the child does not complain of any pain, 3-4 drops can be instilled. After application, the hydrogen peroxide should be left for about 3-5 minutes to allow the aforementioned chemical reaction to take place, in which the generated oxygen will take effect. Too much liquid can be picked up with a cotton pad – we do not use ear buds for this purpose! They are used for the hygiene of the outer ear, you cannot insert them into the ear canal, because in this way we press the earwax deep into the ear. Repeat with the other ear. Attention! The sound that accompanies us during instillation hydrogen peroxide in the earis a normal reaction – it shows that the ear is being disinfected. We can perform this type of treatment approximately every 3 hours, not longer than 2-3 days. The procedure is identical for adults.

If the infection lasts a very long time, i.e. the pain is with us all the time, is increasing and bothersome, the application should be abandoned hydrogen peroxide in the ear. The procedure can only make matters worse, as ear infections can damage the eardrum.

Application hydrogen peroxide in the ear in such a situation it may lead to irritation of the labyrinth, nausea and vomiting. Remember that if we are not sure what is really going on with our ear, we should not do the above procedure on our own, but go to the ENT doctor! Most doctors advise against using hydrogen peroxide in the ear on their own. Therefore, consult an otolaryngologist before starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide. You can visit private POLMED facilities.

Yes, but then you should make a solution of hydrogen peroxide with water – a tablespoon of 3 percent. a solution of hydrogen peroxide in half a glass of warm water.

We can use a pear for the application. This will remove excess earwax and any pathogens.

Controversy over the effects of hydrogen peroxide in the ear and more

In the past, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in wound disinfection. With time, however, controversy about its effectiveness grew, and today hydrogen peroxide is practically no longer used for disinfecting wounds. This practice was designed to cleanse the wound of contaminants and pathogens. However, hydrogen peroxide acts only on anaerobic pathogens, and yet the most numerous are aerobic. Hydrogen peroxide is very short-lived and does not reduce the risk of contamination at all. As for the application of hydrogen peroxide in the earprior consultation with a doctor is recommended.

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