Hydrangea vanilla freise: planting, care

Hydrangea vanilla freise: planting, care

Shrub variety “Vanilla Freise” can be grown independently and as part of compositions. It looks spectacular against the background of ground cover flowers.

Planting hydrangea “Vanilla Freise”

For active flowering of hydrangeas, it is necessary to choose the right planting site. The shrub is prized for its abundant, early and long flowering. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long consist of many large flowers. They begin to form in late spring and persist until mid-autumn. The lush flowers look bright against the dark green velvety foliage.

Hydrangea “Vanilla Freise” blooms with snow-white inflorescences

The plant is demanding on growing conditions. For its active growth, it is important to create a favorable environment. The soil for planting should be:

  • Acidic – high acidity promotes bright and abundant flowering. In neutral soil, the plant develops slowly. In soil containing lime, the shrub will not take root.
  • Clayy – the soil should not contain a lot of sand.
  • Fertile – black soil is best suited for planting hydrangeas. The superficial root system requires a high intake of micronutrients.

When choosing a landing site, special attention must be paid to lighting. For hydrangeas, both direct scorching sunlight and planting in the shade are destructive. She needs diffused lighting. In the absence of the sun, the flowers will lose their bright color and become nondescript. If planting is done in an open area, artificial shading must be created.

Hydrangea care “Vanilla Freise”

With proper care, the shrub grows actively and quickly. Its annual growth can be up to 30 cm. It can grow in one place for more than 20 years. Hydrangea “Vanilla Fraz” needs regular care, which includes:

  • Watering should be intense and abundant. Even a short-term drought damages the plant. Watering the shrub is required at least 2 times a week. The volume of water should be about 40 liters. At the onset of heat, it should be increased to 50 liters.
  • Top dressing – during the growing season, the plant needs monthly fertilization. As a top dressing, you can use mineral fertilizers or an aqueous solution of manure.
  • Pruning designed for the active growth of the shrub and giving it a certain shape. Shoots that have suffered after winter must be completely removed. Healthy shoots are shortened by 5 buds.

The advantage of the shrub is its resistance to diseases and pests. It does not need additional processing.

Hydrangeas can be grown both in the garden and in a pot. Its inflorescences are valued for their decorative effect.

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