Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

Hydrangea Incredible is one of the lush flowering plants, which is valued among gardeners and designers for its unpretentious care and beautiful inflorescences. This variety is resistant to climate change.

Description of hydrangea tree Incredibol

The tree hydrangea Incrediball belongs to the Hortensia family. The homeland of the plant is considered to be North America, where the shrub grows freely in the wild.

The Annabelle species was taken as the basis for the Incredibol variety, so it is often possible to find another name for the hydrangea: Strong Annabelle.

The shrub grows up to 2-3 m in height, gradually becoming rounded in shape. Dense shoots become woody, which makes the plant similar to a tree in appearance.

The branches of the hydrangea Incredibol are pubescent, densely leafy. Leaf plates are curly, ovate-elongated, arranged oppositely. The upper part of the leaf is colored green, and the reverse side is bluish-gray. The root system of the Incredible variety is located close to the surface, branched.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

Hydrangea Incredible is popular among gardeners due to its appearance and long flowering period.

The inflorescence is presented in the form of a shield, collected from many small, up to 2 cm, snow-white flowers. The ball in size reaches from 15 to 30 cm. As it blooms, its color changes to lemon-greenish.

Important! The perennial blooms from July to October, then fruits are formed on it in the form of small boxes that ripen in November.

Hydrangea Incredible grows very quickly: in a year its branches reach 1,5 m. The fully decorative properties of the shrub can be assessed 4 years after planting.

Hydrangea Incredibol in landscape design

Among designers, the treelike hydrangea Incredible blush is valued for its long straight shoots with curly leaves. The shrub grows rapidly, acquires a bizarre shape that can be advantageously used to decorate the garden.

Hydrangea Incredibol is often preferred to be used as a hedge. It is also suitable for creating flowering arches or columns.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

In early spring, the hydrangea shrub attracts attention with dense foliage, and in the middle of summer it is impossible not to notice large bright flowers.

Incredible variety can be placed on the site next to other shrubs, which allows you to create flower arrangements. Hydrangea Incredible Pink is one of the varieties whose inflorescences are soft pink in color, and designers often plant several types of shrubs in one area to diversify the color scheme of the garden.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

It is possible to meet the Incredible variety not only in private gardens, but also on the streets and squares.

Artists use dried hydrangea flowers to create paintings.

Winter hardiness of hydrangea Incredibol

This variety of the Hydrangea family has a characteristic feature – frost resistance. Incredibol remains viable in regions where the temperature drops to -30 ° C. With sudden climatic changes, in case of damage, the plant quickly recovers. Incredible hydrangea cuttings not only take root well, but are also resistant to heavy wind or rain.

Planting and caring for hydrangea Incredibol

The plant is unpretentious, but if it is planted incorrectly or poorly looked after, then the gardener will not achieve the desired result. It is important to pay special attention to the choice of the place where the bush will be planted: the hydrangea does not tolerate transplants.

It is preferable to plant the Incredible variety in spring or autumn. If it is planned to cultivate hydrangea in the regions in early winters, then it is recommended to plant after the snow melts.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

In the garden plot for the Incredible hydrangea, a place should be taken that is well lit and closed from the winds. Light shading of the plant is allowed. The best option is when the bush falls under the sun’s rays in the morning and evening, and in the daytime it is protected by a shadow.

The soil for the Incredibol variety should be loose, with a rich supply of nutrients, loamy. The optimal Ph level is 5. If the soil is alkaline, then before planting the Incredibol hydrangea cuttings, it is recommended to add peat or fallen needles to the soil. Saltpeter or citric acid, previously dissolved in water, are suitable as chemicals for this purpose. Site preparation consists in digging it, removing weeds.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

The dimensions of the planting hole are proportional to the rhizome of the seedling, but less than 0,5 m in height and width

Important! If the soil is infertile, then sod, compost and sand must be added to it in equal proportions. Of the inorganic top dressings, superphosphate and potassium are well suited.

Seedling Requirements:

  • height should be from 1,5 m;
  • the seedling has at least 3 shoots with large intact buds;
  • no damage to the cortex;
  • age 3-4 years.
Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

It is recommended to purchase Incredible seedlings, whose root system is closed: there is a higher chance that the plant will take root safely

Rules of landing

If the Incredible hydrangea seedling has an open root system, then it should be planted immediately. If this is not possible, then the plant must be transferred to a darkened room where the air temperature does not exceed + 3 ° C.

On the day of planting, it is important to inspect the Incredible hydrangea seedling to remove dried or too long roots. If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then 3-4 buds and annual shoots are pruned.

To prevent stress on the seedling and increase the chances of successful survival, it is recommended to soak the roots of the shrub in a growth stimulator for 5-20 hours.

After the preparatory procedures, a small mound should be formed in the pit, then slightly moistened, and on top of it, place the roots of the hydrangea Incredibol, cover the plant with earth on top.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

You can not deepen the root neck: it must remain at ground level

At the end of the work, Incredible hydrangea should be watered abundantly and mulched with peat. Until the plant takes root, it is recommended to protect it from the winds and the midday sun.

Important! If you want to plant several bushes, then a distance of 80 to 100 cm should be left between them.

Watering and top dressing

Hydrangea Incredible is very moisture-loving: for normal growth and development, it is required to water it once every 1 days, 7-2 buckets for each shrub. The climatic features of the region should be taken into account: with abundant plantings, it is necessary to moisten the soil less often.

Important! Water should be settled and slightly warm. During watering, moisture should not get on the leaf plates. The optimal time for the procedure is early morning or evening.

If there is not enough moisture, then the leaf plates of the Incredible variety begin to fall off, and the inflorescences wither. If you systematically neglect watering, then every year the shrub will be more and more difficult to survive the winter period.

Flower growers are advised to periodically add potassium permanganate to the water: the procedure provides flexibility to the shoots of the shrub. There is a possibility that after such watering, the color of the Incredibol inflorescences changes to pink.

After moistening the soil, it should be loosened and mulched. For this, it is recommended to use peat, wood chips or sawdust. The layer thickness should not exceed 6-8 cm.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

The mulch should not come into contact with the stem of the Incredible hydrangea, it should be placed 2-3 cm further from it

In order for the shrub to form a large number of inflorescences and grow quickly, the soil under it needs to be fertilized. 3-4 top dressings are enough for the season.

The first of them is carried out in the spring, before the leaves appear: mineral fertilizers should be used, which contain potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

The optimal time for the second feeding procedure is the budding period: it is recommended to add potassium sulfate to the soil.

At the end of summer, the soil should be enriched with organic matter: compost or bird droppings, manure.

It is not recommended to fertilize in the fall: the Incredibol hydrangea is preparing for the winter period, going into a dormant state.

Pruning hydrangea tree Incredibol

It depends on the literacy of the procedure how the shrub will look externally, and what size the inflorescences will be. Formative pruning of the Incredible variety is carried out before leaves appear on the shrub. Strong shoots should be removed, leaving only 3 to 5 buds; on weak branches, the number of buds is reduced to 2-3 pieces. It is necessary to ensure that their upper buds are turned outward, and not inside the plant. As a result, the shrub will appear lush, but not overly thickened.

Important! Hydrangea Incredibol forms inflorescences on shoots that have grown in the current season.
Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

With an excess number of shoots, nutrients are unevenly distributed throughout the plant, which leads to a reduction in the number of inflorescences

Sanitary pruning is required for those bushes of the Incredible variety where broken, diseased branches are present. Next year, a plant that has undergone such treatment should be formed.

Anti-aging pruning is necessary for old Incredible hydrangea bushes. Remove all branches located at a height of half a meter from the ground. Flowering occurs a year after this type of pruning.

Preparation for winter

Hydrangea Incredibol is not afraid of low temperatures, and in case of damage it quickly recovers. But in the northern regions they prefer to hide it in order to avoid consequences.

Preparation of the Incredible variety for wintering is carried out as follows: a stake is driven in next to the plant, to which the shoots are fixed. From above, the branches are covered with spruce branches.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

It is also possible to use covering material, as well as any improvised means


Hydrangea Incredibol can be propagated by common shrub methods: layering, cuttings and plant division. Seeds or vaccinations are practically not used for this, because the process is very long and laborious.

Cuttings are the most common method: in the spring, young branches should be cut, up to 15 cm in length. Leaf plates are removed from them, the shoots are immersed in a solution from stimulants, after which they are planted in a container with soil.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

Care for cuttings of the Incredible variety consists in timely watering and ventilation, providing sufficient lighting and temperature.

Rooted shoots can be transferred to the site for the next year, over the next two years they must be covered from frost. Flowering begins at 4-5 years.

The division of the Incredibol variety bush is allowed to be carried out both in spring and in autumn. To do this, the plant is dug up and divided into several parts, after which they are seated around the site.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

The bush will take root if, when dividing, a part of the root system and several buds are preserved on each of the parts

If the shrub is more than 2 years old, then you can breed Incredibol hydrangea with layering. To do this, the lower shoots should be tilted to the soil and secured with a bracket, then covered with soil so that the top remains intact. With regular watering, the branch will take root. In the spring, the layering should be separated from the main bush and transplanted separately into the soil.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea Incredibol is a plant that is quite resistant to diseases and pests. Shrub damage is possible in case of illiterate care or adverse weather conditions.

If the soil is alkaline, then Incredible hydrangea is likely to develop chlorosis, a symptom of which is blanching of the leaves.

Hydrangea treelike Incredibol: planting and care, photos, reviews

As a therapeutic and preventive measure, acidify the soil by adding iron to the soil.

If hydrangea Incredibol is affected by powdery mildew, fungicides should be used: Switch, Speed or Maxim.

A spider mite is capable of parasitizing on a bush. To get rid of it, the plant is irrigated with an insecticide. Intavir or Phytoverm.


Hydrangea Incredible is one of the most beautiful ornamental perennials used to decorate the landscape. The variety is unpretentious, frost-resistant, has a long flowering period. The shrub can be grown in various regions, including areas with a northern climate.

Hydrangea tree reviews Incredibol

Kutuzova Elena Sergeevna, 43 years old, Kostroma
Hydrangea is a plant that adorns any garden. The shrub blooms all summer and early autumn, does not require special care. Variety Incredibol looks great as a hedge, if not shaped. If pruned in a timely manner, the flowers will be larger and much more beautiful.
Linyaeva Antonina Pavlovna, 39 years old, Samara
If you need to create a fragrant and flowering corner in the garden, then Incredible hydrangea is the best option. The shrub has not only beautiful flowers, but also leaves. In addition to decorating the landscape, Incredible flowers can be used to make bouquets and applications.

Hydrangea. Varieties, planting and care. The secret of big inflorescences!

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