Hydrangea paniculata Summer Love is a perennial shrub with beautiful flowers and an interesting name that can be translated as “summer love”. Feature – numerous, lush inflorescences in the form of large panicles, which, with proper care, are formed in large quantities. Due to the high winter hardiness of the plant, it can be used when planting both in Central Our Country and in regions with a more severe climate – the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Description of hydrangea Summer Love

Hydrangea paniculata Hydrangea Paniculata Summer Love is really one of the most beautiful varieties. It is an elegant, compact shrub that grows on average up to 80-100 cm, less often – up to 1 m.

The root system is superficial: tissues quickly absorb water and nutrients, due to which the bush grows very actively. Therefore, it can bloom in the first year after planting. Numerous flowers of white and light pink are connected in lush panicles, which appear in large numbers from mid to late summer. The length of the inflorescence is up to 30-35 cm, they are spherical and conical in shape.

The crown of hydrangea Summer Love is spherical, the branches are strong, it grows quite densely, the foliage is dark green in hues. At the same time, the leaves have an oval shape, their tips are pointed, but during flowering they are practically invisible. The small height of the bush makes it possible to attribute Summer Love hydrangea to undersized species. However, there is evidence that under favorable climatic conditions, the shrub can grow into a small tree up to 2 m high.

Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

Hydrangea blossoms Summer Love literally dot the bush, which is guaranteed to attract attention to it.

Important! A characteristic feature of the flowers is that in the first 3 weeks after blooming they are predominantly white. And after 3 weeks they are painted in pastel pink tones.

Hydrangea paniculata Summer Love in landscape design

Summer Love is a completely self-sufficient flower that can be successfully used in single plantings. However, this beautiful hydrangea also looks good in compositions with other flowers, as well as shrubs and perennial herbs. You can use it in landscape design in different ways:

  1. Single planting in the garden.

    Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

  2. Single planting on the lawn next to the house.

    Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

  3. Planting hydrangeas Summer Love along the paths.

    Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

  4. Live row of several hydrangea bushes.

    Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

  5. Planting in flowerpots on the site.

    Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

Summer Love also looks good in mixborders and hedges. In the latter case, the bushes are planted as close as possible to each other at a distance of 70-80 cm.

Winter hardiness of hydrangea Summer Love

There is evidence that the paniculate hydrangea Summer Love (Summer Love) can withstand even extreme frosts down to -35 degrees. Her young shoots in such conditions will certainly be damaged. But in general, the bush successfully recovers from the winter cold and continues to bloom actively.

Therefore, you can grow such a hydrangea in almost any region of Our Country:

  • middle lane;
  • Northwest;
  • South;
  • The Urals;
  • Southern Siberia;
  • Far East.

If extremely cold winters are regularly observed in the region, and the temperature can drop below -30 degrees for several days, the bushes should definitely be covered, and their roots should be mulched.

Advice! Young hydrangea seedlings Summer Love need winter shelter even when grown in Central Our Country. Warming should be done in the first 2-3 years after planting.

Planting and caring for hydrangea Summer Love

Flower care is not so complicated, but to ensure constant and lush flowering, hydrangeas need to be regularly watered, fed and cut off periodically. Another important point is the choice of landing site.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Almost all types of hydrangeas need a lot of sunlight, so they are usually planted in open areas. Summer Love is no exception, but she also feels good in a little partial shade (especially in the southern regions).

When choosing a place, you should pay attention to several features:

  • the place, if possible, should be protected from strong winds and drafts;
  • the soil is quite fertile with a moderately acidic reaction (optimal if pH = 5,0);
  • it is better to place the shrub on the hills, where less precipitation accumulates;
  • if groundwater is close to the soil, you will need to first lay drainage from small stones.

Before planting, the site should be dug up well, since the hydrangea prefers loosened soil. If the soil is not fertile, you need to make additional top dressing.

Attention! Fresh manure, sawdust, citric acid (a teaspoon per 10 liters) or vinegar 9% (100 ml per 10 liters) will help neutralize alkaline soil.

Rules of landing

The optimal planting date is considered to be the beginning of October (for the southern regions) or April (for all others). Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a layer of fertile soil, with which the seedling will subsequently be covered. According to the experience of gardeners, the following composition is considered optimal:

  • earth sheet (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • humus (2 parts).

Landing technology is as follows:

  1. First you need to dig a hole of the same depth and diameter – 30 cm each.
  2. In the case of planting several seedlings of Summer Love hydrangea, a minimum interval of 1 m should be observed.
  3. The plant is placed in the center and covered with earth so that the root collar is slightly visible.
  4. Then plentifully watered with water (5-10 l).
Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

Immediately planting hydrangeas, it is advisable to loosen the soil well so that as much air as possible enters the roots.

Watering and top dressing

It is from the subsequent care of the seedling that the flowering of hydrangeas depends. The rules for watering and feeding are simple, but they must be observed constantly, and not from time to time:

  1. Hydrangea Summer Love, like many other species of this shrub, is very fond of. Therefore, normally (in the absence of precipitation), it should be watered at least once a week (for a young bush 1 bucket of water, for an adult – 2-3).
  2. If the weather is too hot, watering is increased up to 2 times a week. So that the soil retains moisture, it is better to mulch it with needles or sawdust.
  3. Feed 3-4 times per season. In April, you can give a complex or nitrogen fertilizer. In June, July (the period of bud formation and the first flowering) – potassium and phosphorus. A similar composition can be made at the end of August.
Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

In the absence of precipitation, the hydrangea is watered every week.

Pruning Hydrangea Paniculata Summer Love

Summer Love can grow without pruning, but in this case, the bush will gradually lose its beautiful shape, and flowering will not be so plentiful. Therefore, every spring (until the beginning of April) it is necessary to carry out a sanitary and shaping haircut:

  • remove old and damaged branches completely;
  • cut off well-developed branches, leaving 2-3 buds;
  • thin out the crown if necessary.
Important! Pruning begins immediately after the swelling of the first buds. In this case, you do not need to wait until they bloom – you should choose the right moment.

Preparation for winter

Preparation for winter is carried out during the period of active leaf fall (late September – early October). The layer of the near-stem circle is mulched with needles, sawdust, peat to a height of at least 5-7 cm. You can also spud with earth 20-30 cm. Young seedlings need additional shelter with spunbond, burlap and other improvised materials.

Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

Young Summer Love bushes are best covered every fall.


Hydrangea Summer Love is quite easy to propagate at home. For this, classical methods are used:

  1. Layers – the lower branches are bent down and dropped in at the end of March, and then at the beginning of October they are separated and transplanted to a new place.
  2. Cuttings – in spring or summer, apical shoots with 2-3 pairs of leaves are taken, treated with a growth stimulator and grown in fertile soil (possible in cups). A month later, they are transplanted into pots, and the next spring – into open ground.
  3. Division of the bush – dig out the entire bush, divide it into 2-3 parts (each should have several powerful shoots) and plant it in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

The Summer Love variety is resistant to diseases and pests, but periodically the shrub is exposed to fungal infections:

  • leaf spot;
  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew.

Also, common pests often settle on it – aphids, leafworms, spider mites and others. To avoid this, treatment with any fungicide and insecticide should be carried out in the spring. If necessary (appearance of signs of damage), repeat the procedure at another time.

For processing Summer Love, you can use Bordeaux liquid, Topaz, Skor, Fitosporin-B. These drugs effectively destroy fungi. To eliminate aphids and other pests, you can use a solution of wood ash, baking soda, ammonia, as well as insecticides (Aktara, Iskra, Fitoverm).

Hydrangea Summer Love: description, planting and care

As a folk remedy for treatment and prevention, spraying the hydrangea bush Summer Love with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 1-2% is often used.


Among flowering shrubs, hydrangea paniculata Summer Love stands out for its beauty. This is a very attractive, almost exotic flower that will easily decorate both a small garden and a large flower garden. The plant survives well even in regions with extreme climates and is not too demanding to care for. If you provide the bush with regular watering and fertilizer, it will bloom for several weeks in a row.

Hydrangea paniculata in the suburbs. Planting and care: hydrangeas Vanilla Frazi, Weems Red, White Lady.

Hydrangea Reviews Summer Love

Lyubov Andreevna, 56 years old, Samara.
Summer Love is my favorite hydrangea, especially since the neighbors do not grow it yet, basically the variety has not yet spread throughout our expanses. She has such lush panicles that from afar it seems as if she is powdered with snow. It is not very difficult to care for, but loves water and top dressing. Fertilizers are applied almost every 2-3 weeks, especially during the flowering period. Suitable superphosphates and potassium sulfate.
Yuri, 61 years old, Stavropol.
Summer Love is a very attractive hydrangea that begins to bloom in July and, if constantly fed, lasts until the end of August. Not capricious. Only in an adult bush is it better to tie up flower stalks – panicles with flowers are too heavy.
Anna Mikhailovna, 53 years old, Odintsovo.
We have been growing Hydrangea Summer Love for several years – we have already formed a hedge along the path, it looks very impressive. The flowers are white at first, then pinkish, then classic pink. The main thing is to give potassium and phosphates – then flowering will go until the end of summer. Summer Love can definitely be recommended to beginner gardeners. Growing such a bush is a pleasure.

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