The use of ornamental plants allows you to significantly expand the design possibilities of personal plots. Hydrangea paniculata Selection is one of the most popular crops among flower growers. The sight of huge “pyramids” blooming for almost two months will not leave indifferent either the owners or the guests of the garden. In addition, this variety is ideal for growing in relatively cold conditions.

Description of hydrangea paniculata Selection

Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea Paniculata Selection) is a shrub from the Saxifrage family, native to eastern Asia. The height of the bush can reach up to 250-300 cm. Shoots are straight branches drooping at the ends. Already in the second year of vegetation, their lignification occurs. Hydrangea paniculata Selection has large leaves up to 15 cm long. They are covered with small teeth along the edges.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

A distinctive feature of Hydrangea Selection is the paniculate form of the inflorescence

The bud is a set of small flowers collected in several panicles of a pyramidal shape. The sizes of such inflorescences can reach 30 cm in length and 20-25 cm in width. Sometimes they almost completely cover the bush.

Flowering hydrangea paniculata Selection occurs from June to September. At this time, the color of the petals changes from white to pink. The first flowering is observed at 3-4 years of plant life. In total, Hydrangea paniculata Selection can live for more than 50 years, practically without reducing the intensity of flowering.

Hydrangea paniculata Selection in landscape design

The variety is widely used in the design of parks and garden plots. Used as individual plants. Due to its large size and spectacular flowering, Hydrangea Paniculata Selection can be used in group plantings as a central element of the composition. Large bushes can cover unsightly corners of the garden.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

Hydrangea Selection is often grown in the form of a trunk, since the plant takes up less space in the lower tier.

Forms in the form of shrubs, on the contrary, due to the sufficient thickening of the crown in the root zone, can be used as a natural fence.

Winter hardiness of hydrangea paniculata Selection

The winter hardiness of the variety is high, the fourth frost resistance zone is declared by the originator (it is allowed to lower the temperature without freezing the buds to -35 ° C). This is fully confirmed in practice: Paniculata Selection hydrangea winters well not only throughout Europe, but also in more extreme conditions. Cases of successful wintering varieties on about. Sakhalin and in the Ussuri region.

Important! However, young plants up to 4 years old do not have sufficient winter hardiness and in case of severe winters, they need shelter.

Planting and caring for Hydrangea Selection

Growing a plant does not require much effort. The variety of hydrangea paniculata Selection is quite simple in agricultural technology, and only the choice of site and proper pruning will be critical for it.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The variety of hydrangea paniculata Selection requires for its normal growth and development a sunny or penumbra site, located on acidic fertile soil. The planting site must be protected from drafts and cold winds.

Important! Flowering of Hydrangea Selection in partial shade will be less plentiful, but this planting method is often used to preserve the white shade of the flowers. In partial shade, it does not change to pink.

Preparing the site for planting consists in digging holes with a depth of at least 40 cm (preferably 60 cm) and dimensions of 50 by 50 cm. A layer of drainage and top dressing up to 15 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit. Usually a mixture of several components is poured there:

  • leaf ground – 2 parts;
  • peat – 2 parts;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • sand – 1 part.

Additional fertilizers are added:

  • urea – 30 g;
  • superphosphate – 60 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 30 g.

After adding fertilizers and mixing them with the substrate, the pit is watered with 1-2 buckets of water and left for several days.

Important! If the soil for Hydrangea Selection is not acidic enough, you can add a little more peat to the composition or acidify it with artificially finely chopped needles or a few drops of citric acid solution.

Rules of landing

Before planting, hydrangea seedlings also undergo preliminary preparation. Their roots should be slightly shortened so that they fit into the dug hole when unfolded. Unlike large-leaved varieties, which are strictly forbidden to cut, Panicle hydrangea Selection needs to be pruned. They should have no more than 5, but not less than 3 kidneys.

Planting is carried out according to the standard scheme – a mound is formed from the excavated soil, on which the seedling is installed, straightening the roots. Its height should be such that the root neck is located at a distance of 1-2 cm above the ground.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

The roots are sprinkled with soil and lightly tamped; after planting, the bush is watered with 1-2 buckets of water.

Watering and top dressing

Watering is carried out once every 7 days, while it is important to prevent the appearance of a crust on the top layer of soil. Irrigation rates can be very large (up to 30 liters per 1 sq. M). Depending on the presence or absence of natural precipitation, they can be adjusted up or down.

Hydrangea paniculate Selection requires 4 top dressing per season:

  • the first is produced before the start of sap flow, while using organic fertilizers;
  • the second – during budding, phosphorus-potassium complex fertilizers are used;
  • the third top dressing is done in the middle of summer, immediately after the start of flowering; at the same time, special compositions for ornamental plants are used;
  • the latter is applied before the onset of cold weather, while fertilizer is used for hydrangeas.

Usually, top dressing is always combined with watering.

Pruning hydrangea paniculata Selection

The intensity of the growth of the bush is very high, so the correct pruning of the branches is the guarantee of the formation of an ideal crown. Usually it is done at the beginning of the season, combining the forming and sanitizing of the crown.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

No more than 10 large and strong shoots are chosen, which are shortened similarly to seedlings, leaving 3 to 5 buds, the remaining parts are cut

This approach may seem barbaric, but it is the norm for paniculate hydrangea.

Important! For a thorough rejuvenation of the bush, an even more radical technique is used – all branches are cut to stumps with a maximum height of 7 cm from the root collar. The following year, many young healthy shoots are obtained on the bush.

Rejuvenation is performed every 7-10 years.

Preparation for winter

Adult hydrangea Paniculata Selection does not need specific preparation for winter. Young bushes aged 2-3 years are recommended to be bent to the ground and covered with a layer of foliage, straw or sawdust, covering the heat-insulating layer with plastic wrap.


Hydrangea is propagated in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

The first two methods are not justified in terms of time. Seed propagation allows you to get full-fledged plants only for 4-5 years of cultivation, and layering for good survival should grow next to the mother bush for up to 2 years.

Cuttings are the most popular. To obtain planting material, annual shoots with at least 5-6 buds are used. They are cut in the fall, treated with a growth stimulator and soaked in water for several hours, after which they are placed in boxes with a substrate (2 parts of peat and 1 part of sand) for rooting.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

Outside, the cuttings are covered with polyethylene or plastic bottles, providing seedlings with greenhouse conditions.

In containers, cuttings of hydrangea paniculate Selection can be kept for a long time – until August of next year. They should be regularly watered and ventilated. As soon as the root system is formed (usually, this happens on the 2nd month), the greenhouse is opened, and the container is placed on the window on the south side. Landing is carried out at the end of the summer of next year.

Important! If buds appear on the cuttings during cultivation, they should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on them.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases of Paniculata Selection Hydrangea are fungal diseases (powdery mildew, gray rot, etc.). Aphids and spider mites are among the most dangerous pests.

Hydrangea Selection: photo and description, planting and care, reviews

Counteracting fungi is carried out by treating the plant with copper-containing preparations, for example, vitriol or Bordeaux mixture

Against pests, it is better to immediately use powerful means – acaricides, they are able to kill both ordinary insects and ticks.


Hydrangea paniculata Selection is a relatively easy-to-care variety that even beginner gardeners can grow. The plant is characterized by long flowering, high frost resistance, simplicity of agricultural technology and reproduction efficiency. In landscape design, there is always a use for huge white inflorescences and straight high branches of Hydrangea paniculata Selection bushes.

Hydrangea Selection Reviews

Margarita Kotelkina, 35 years old, Ryazan
With the first hydrangea bushes, I somehow did not work out very well. By mistake, I planted it in sandy soil, and no matter how I fertilized the bushes, it could not be called abundant flowering. Having suffered with the bush for almost three years, I decided to do everything right next time: from choosing a place and growing conditions to choosing the right plant variety. On the advice of the designer, she chose the Hydrangea Selection. I really liked the look of her flowers. Under the bush, I specially acquired soil, in addition, the place where I planned to plant it was protected from the wind by a hedge. Already in the second year after planting, the hydrangea pleased me with abundant flowering. The conclusion is simple: when growing ornamental plants, be sure to follow agricultural practices.
Alexey Morskoy, 43 years old, Golitsyno
Of all the flowers in the garden, I recognize only roses and hydrangeas. In our climate, only they are able to reach their full potential. I consider Selection to be the optimal variety of hydrangea suitable for growing in the Moscow region. Huge, up to 30 cm in length, inflorescences have a classic white color, which allows them to be used in any role and almost anywhere. Naturally, the plant requires compliance with certain conditions, and even in large flowerpots it can not always be grown. Nevertheless, in terms of the combination of positive characteristics, the Selection variety is one of the best. I recommend to all.
Hydrangea paniculata Selection 🌿 review: how to plant, hydrangea seedlings Selection

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