This plant is a real decoration for any garden. Paniculate species are considered the most decorative, in particular, Kyushu hydrangea. Beautiful, lush shrubs “came” to Europe from Japan and won the hearts of millions of gardeners.

Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

Hydrangea Kyushu – decoration of any personal plot

Description of Hydrangea Kyushu

Hydrangea Kyushu is deciduous. Its height reaches 2,5-3 m. The plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but does not tolerate a clean sandy environment and does not grow in swampy areas. Even without flowering, the bushes are highly decorative due to the unusual combination of upright brown shoots with oval leaves of rich emerald color with red petioles.

Attention! To preserve the external attractiveness of Kyushu hydrangea, it is not recommended to place it in the open sun.

Another distinctive feature of Kyushu hydrangea is a lush crown, which can reach 3 m in diameter. Starting from June, inflorescences are formed in the form of cones. At first, the color of the petals is white, but closer to autumn they become pinkish. Thanks to pruning, the bush can be given almost any shape.

Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

The bush can grow up to 3 m high

Hydrangea Kyushu in landscape design

Hydrangea paniculata Kyushu is a born diva. It has beautiful white flowers that create a bewitching picture: delicate petals seem airy and weightless, as if descended from the pages of a fairy tale. Benches and swings are often placed near these shrubs in order to admire this pure beauty during the flowering period and take a break from everyday worries.

Even one single bush planted in the center of the site will definitely attract everyone’s attention. Additionally, the landing site can be decorated with a decorative stone or paved around a path of unusually shaped tiles.

Often the garden needs zoning. This allows you to more rationally use the territory and streamline the planting. As a hedge, designers often use the Kyushu hydrangea. It is also appropriate in group plantings, near artificial ponds, gazebos and benches.

Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

Openwork inflorescences of Kyushu hydrangea create a soft and cozy atmosphere in the garden

Winter hardiness of hydrangea Kyushu

Hydrangea Kyushu is characterized by high winter hardiness. Sensitivity to low temperatures is typical only for young plants. With age, they become hardened and calmly endure the winter.

Planting and caring for hydrangea paniculata Kyushu

The most optimal time for planting Kyushu hydrangea is spring. It is necessary to wait until the snow cover completely disappears and the soil warms up. If we are talking about the southern regions, then it is permissible to start planting Kyushu hydrangeas in the fall, no later than mid-September. It is important that the seedling has a well-formed root system. Young bushes with weak roots are planted only in the summer, so that they have time to fully grow stronger.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

For the normal growth and development of hydrangea Kyushu requires a well-lit place, but without contact with direct sunlight. Otherwise, the shoots will lose their decorative effect, and the soil will dry out too quickly. However, a full shadow is also not suitable.

The golden mean will be such an area where most of the day there will be a sufficient amount of soft diffused light. It is also worth considering the proximity of trees and other shrubs. They should not strongly shade the hydrangea, take away moisture and nutrients from it.

Attention! Kyushu hydrangea seedlings have fairly fragile shoots, so they additionally need protection from drafts and gusts of wind. Otherwise, the branches will always be broken off, which will have a bad effect not only on the appearance of the bush, but also on its condition.

The site must be completely cleared of weeds, dig up and level the soil. A few days before the planned planting of Kyushu hydrangea, you can start preparing a hole. Its width is 55-60 cm, and its height is 40 cm. It takes a little time for the soil to completely subside. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pit in the form of expanded clay, crushed brick or crushed stone (layer height no more than 8 cm).

Next come several types of fertilizers (nitrogen, potash, and superphosphate). Nitrogen is especially important in the spring, as it actively stimulates vegetation. In autumn, it is practically not used, because the regrown young twigs will not withstand the upcoming cold weather. After fertilizer, peat is poured (to obtain optimal soil acidity) and humus. It is forbidden to use lime or fresh manure, otherwise the root system will die. All components must stand in the pit to shrink. It is best to choose a dry week so that the planting hole does not become flooded with water.

Rules of landing

A seedling is immersed in the “settled” planting hole. Before transplanting the shoots of Kyushu hydrangea, the roots are shortened a little to stimulate their further growth. During spring planting, Kyushu hydrangea shoots are also pruned, leaving only 3-4 buds. The seedling is slightly buried, and the root neck is sprinkled with a small layer of soil (just a couple of cm). After watering, it will lower, and the neck will be above the soil level. After that, the trunk circles are mulched. To do this, use any materials at hand: dry sawdust, walnut husks, straw or needles.

Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

Hydrangea Kyushu is best planted in the spring

Watering and top dressing

Hydrangea Kyushu on the stem needs moisture, so it needs regular watering as the soil dries out. It is best to moisten the ground in the morning to protect the bush from burns and prevent the rapid evaporation of water. The drought of Kyushu hydrangea is contraindicated, it tolerates a slight stagnation of moisture more easily than its complete absence.

No less important are Kyushu and top dressing for hydrangeas. They bring in 4 times a season:

  1. The first falls at the very beginning of spring, when active sap flow begins. During this period, organics are introduced (solutions based on manure or bird droppings).
  2. The second – during the formation of buds. To do this, use a mixture of superphosphate with urea and potassium sulfate, diluted with water.
  3. The third top dressing is made in the middle of summer. A good result is given by complex mineral fertilizers in granules.
  4. The fourth time they feed the Kyushu hydrangea before winter, using special nitrogen-free preparations.

Hydrangea pruning Kyushu

A lush bush without proper care will quickly lose its shape. However, pruning Kyushu hydrangea, in addition to its aesthetic function, has a general beneficial effect on the plant. If you cut the hydrangea even before the opening of the kidneys, in the future it will delight you with generous and long flowering. Without this procedure, flowers may not appear at all.

At the end of autumn, all Kyushu hydrangea inflorescences are cut, as well as weak and rotting shoots. In the spring, they do the same with frozen branches. To rejuvenate the bushes, they resort to radical pruning right up to the stump.

Preparation for winter

Young plants, especially the first year, should be carefully insulated. All the inflorescences are cut from the shoots of Kyushu hydrangea, the stems are bent to the ground itself and slightly pressed down so that they do not straighten. From above, the branches and part of the soil are covered with a special agrofiber or spruce branches.

Adult strong bushes do not react to frost. It is enough just to tie their branches and fix them on a support. This will protect them from breaking off by the wind and sagging under the weight of snow. You can see how to properly cut the Kyushu hydrangea in the video:

Pruning Panicled Hydrangea Kyushu


Hydrangea Kyushu is bred in several ways:

  1. Seeds. A soil mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand is poured into a convenient container. Planting material is immersed in it and lightly sprinkled with earth. From above from a spray bottle it is moistened. The first shoots of hydrangea Kyushu can be seen on the 45th day. Prior to this, the soil is regularly moistened. After the appearance of sprouts, you can remove the film and after a while dive into small cups. When 4 strong leaves are formed, they are seated in small pots. Next comes the hardening period so that the plants get used to the fresh air. After 2 years, the sprouts are transferred to the garden, immediately choosing a permanent place.
  2. Cuttings. It is necessary to choose healthy branches on which there are several formed buds. First, they are rooted in containers with water, and then transferred to nutrient soil. If the stalk of Kyushu hydrangea is planted immediately in the ground, its lower leaves are cut off completely, and the upper ones – by ½ of the length. There must be a transparent dome on top to create the effect of a greenhouse.
    Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

    A rooted cutting is the same care as a sprout obtained from seeds.

  3. Layers. The lower shoot of Kyushu hydrangea is bent to the ground and sprinkled with a layer of soil, firmly fixing it. The upper part of the branch remains above the ground (it is tied to a support). After the appearance of side shoots, they are spudded in several stages. Rooted layers are carefully separated and transferred to a pre-prepared place.

Diseases and pests of hydrangea paniculate variety Kyushu

Diseases affect Kyushu hydrangea bushes with improper care, unsuitable soil composition and sudden changes in temperature. Common problems include:

  1. Chlorosis. Occurs with iron deficiency. The veins of the sheets begin to noticeably lighten. Iron sulfate or citric acid will help correct the situation.
    Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

    With chlorosis, the veins of the leaves brighten

  2. Gray rot. Ulcers and characteristic dark spots form on the leaf blade. Spend spraying with a soapy solution with copper.
    Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

    This infection spreads quickly, so it is important to get rid of the affected parts of the plant in time.

  3. Septoria. It is expressed in brown spots, after a while the crown begins to actively crumble.
    Hydrangea paniculate Kyushu: description, pruning, photos and reviews

    Bordeaux mixture fights well with the problem

Among the most dangerous pests of Kyushu hydrangea, aphids, spider mites and slugs can be distinguished. To combat them, gardeners use folk methods or resort to modern effective insecticides, using them strictly according to the instructions.


Hydrangea Kyushu is an unpretentious and very beautiful plant that is easy to propagate. By placing several such bushes on the backyard, you can properly zone the garden, create cozy places to relax, and complement flower arrangements. Snow-white inflorescences will please with their lightness, tenderness and delicate pleasant aroma.

Hydrangea Kyushu Reviews

Evgenia Eremina, 33 years old, Konstantinov
I planted a hydrangea of ​​the Kyushu variety relatively recently. The bush is very beautiful and lush, there was already the first flowering. Incredible beauty! I recommend to all gardeners – an absolutely unpretentious plant.
Sergey Lykov, 41 years old, Nosovka
I bought a Kyushu seedling for my mother. He took root immediately and grew without problems. It blooms profusely and for a long time, which cannot but rejoice. Mom regularly conducts pest prevention. There were no special problems with this hydrangea, but it brought joy to the sea.
Elizaveta Ilnitskaya, 27 years old, Novgorod
For a long time I selected an unpretentious plant for the garden. A friend advised hydrangea to Kyush. At first, her flowers seemed plain to me, as I like spherical specimens more. But over time, I just fell in love with my beauty. After cuttings, I already have three healthy bushes.

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