Every gardener dreams of making his backyard bright and unique. Hydrangea Pastel Green is a new word in landscape design. With proper care, you can get a plant that will delight with bright and lush flowering throughout the summer period.
Description of hydrangea variety Pastel Green
For the first time, a new plant species was presented at an international exhibition in 2016 by breeder J. Renault. A distinctive feature of the shrub was an incredibly lush flowering. According to the description and photo of Pastel Green hydrangea, its petals are able to change colors over time. Initially, they are white in color, but over time they turn into cream, pink, wine and pistachio.
A feature of the hydrangea of the paniculate variety Pastel Green is the increased flowering time. With proper agriculture and warm weather, the shrub blooms throughout the summer. The first buds appear in the second decade of June. Abundant flowering lasts until early September.
The size of the Pastel Green bush is miniature compared to relatives. An adult plant rarely grows more than 1,5 m. The leaves are bright green, turning yellow by autumn. The inflorescences are spherical up to 20 cm long. Each flower has 4 petals.
Hydrangea Pastel Green in landscape design
Despite the fact that the variety appeared on the market quite recently, it is quite actively used by modern designers. Best of all, Pastelgreen hydrangea is combined with other types, forming lush flower beds with buds of different shades. If you want to emphasize the sophistication of the plant, you can supplement it with different types of cereals – feather grass, miscanthus or millet.
In addition to large flower beds, hydrangeas can be used as single plants. With proper form pruning, you can get a magnificent spherical shrub. It will perfectly emphasize the place chosen for it on the site, attracting glances with its multi-colored buds.
Winter hardiness of hydrangea Pastel Green
Like most artificially bred varieties, the shrub is well adapted to low temperatures during the cold period. Small hydrangea bushes can survive snowy winters with temperature drops down to -30 degrees. If there is little snow, experienced gardeners recommend covering ornamental shrubs.
Such indicators of winter hardiness make Pastel Green a desirable guest in almost the entire territory of Our Country and neighboring countries. The bush takes root perfectly in the central and northern European part of the country. It is able to withstand even the continental climate of the Urals and Central Siberia.
Planting and caring for hydrangea Pastel Green
A distinctive feature of this variety is unpretentiousness to growing conditions. Almost any soil is suitable for Pastel Green, like all ornamental plants, it prefers substrates rich in humus. The more fertile the soil, the less fertilizer and complementary foods will need to be applied in the future.
In order for the hydrangea to be healthy and bloom magnificently, you must follow a few simple rules:
- regular watering;
- timely introduction of complementary foods;
- periodic pruning of shrubs;
- proper landing in open ground;
- protection from diseases and pests.
To protect an adult plant from weeds and retain moisture in the soil, experienced gardeners recommend periodically mulching the near-stem circles of Pastel Green. Moss, sawdust or crushed bark of deciduous trees are best suited for these purposes.
Selection and preparation of the landing site
The right planting site is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant. It is necessary to avoid places completely closed from the sun. Experts do not recommend planting Pastel Green in shaded areas with outbuildings and fences.
In order for the shrub to please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to find the perfect balance of the sun. Despite the fact that the hydrangea is not too demanding on it, it is best to plant it in open areas. Prolonged exposure to sunlight does not spoil the color of the leaves and, with proper watering, does not affect the development of buds.
Since the shrub has a crown that is not too developed relative to other plants, it must be protected from the wind. It is best to combine hydrangea plantings with small trees or shrubs. If the area is too windy, you can install additional protective screens.
Rules of landing
The best time to plant Pastel Green is early spring. It must be done after all the snow has melted and before the first buds swell. To do this, they dig small planting holes 40x40x40 cm. It is best to prepare them in advance in the fall.
Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the root system of the hydrangea. Damaged areas are removed with secateurs. After that, the seedlings are placed in pits and added dropwise with a layer of earth mixed with peat and ash in a ratio of 3:3:1. Each seedling is additionally treated with a growth stimulator for faster rooting.
Watering and top dressing
Hydrangea Pastel Green does not require a lot of water. It is enough to water the bush once a week. If the weather is too dry, this operation can be carried out every 3-4 days. On average, 5-7 liters of water are poured under each bush. Watering is carried out directly on the near-stem circles.
Pastel Green can easily withstand short-term droughts of up to 1-2 weeks. At the same time, it is very negative about excess moisture. With an insufficient drainage layer, the accumulated water can cause the entire root system to rot.
Hydrangea health can be maintained by occasional fertilization. It is best to do this either before or after flowering. At the end of September, mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus are applied under each bush. After the snow melts, each hydrangea is fed with 20 liters of water mixed with 40 g of urea.
Hydrangea pruning Pastel Green
Most flowering shrubs need periodic thinning of the crown. This ensures the proper development of the shoots, and also helps to form lush branches. The very first pruning of the year is sanitary. As soon as the snow completely melts, it is necessary to inspect the hydrangea for frozen shoots and dead branches. They are completely removed to healthy wood.
The next type of trimming is shaping. It is aimed at obtaining a lush crown. The procedure is performed on young plants, leaving only strong, even branches. As soon as Pastel Green has finally formed, rejuvenating pruning can be performed periodically – adult branches are removed annually by 3-4 buds.
Preparation for winter
Artificially bred Pastel Green survives the winter well in the conditions of central Our Country. But so that sudden fluctuations in temperature do not damage the roots or branches of the plant, it must be prepared for the onset of cold weather. The first step is to dig up the trunk circles and increase the layer of mulch used.
If the winter is planned to be snowless and cold, it is recommended to additionally insulate the hydrangea bushes. They are wrapped with spunbond or roofing material and tied with twine or thick clothesline. This will provide additional protection from wind and freezing of branches.
Reproduction of hydrangea Pastel Green
Every novice gardener can purchase seedlings of any variety in the store. However, with sufficient experience, you can breed Pastel Green yourself. Like other types of hydrangea, it propagates in traditional ways:
- Cuttings. The most common method among most gardeners. As soon as the first buds appear on the bush, a long branch is cut off from the hydrangea. The top is removed from it, after which it is divided into equal cuttings with 2-3 rows of leaves each. The lower shoots are removed, after which the future plant is placed in a special solution for root growth. As soon as the root system becomes sufficiently developed, the hydrangea is transplanted into the prepared soil.
- Seeds. The collected seeds are placed in a humus-rich soil and watered abundantly. The container with the earth is covered with glass or plastic wrap. The first shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. After that, the seedlings are grown in greenhouse conditions for 1-2 years before transplanting into open ground.
Sprouted cuttings and young seedlings should strengthen and develop the root system before transplanting. In order for the future Pastel Green to take root better, it is recommended to keep it in outdoor greenhouses in the summer, only to transfer it to the house for the winter. As soon as the bush reaches a height of 30-40 cm, it can be rooted in your backyard.
Diseases and pests
Subject to proper agricultural technology, the plant will delight the gardener with lush flowers. Despite constant care, sometimes hydrangeas can be affected by a variety of diseases. Although selection has greatly improved Pastel Green’s immunity, she is prone to the following ailments:
- viral diseases – ring spot and hydrangea cancer;
- fungal diseases – powdery mildew, septoria, white and gray rot.
In addition to traditional diseases, hydrangea bushes can infect various pests. The most common intruders are spider mites, leaf aphids, gall nematodes, and garden slugs. To get rid of insects, at the first sign of their detection, specialized insecticides are used.
Hydrangea Pastel Green will turn any site into a real work of landscape design. Bright multi-colored buds will create a unique palette of colors. With proper care and adherence to agriculture, the shrub will delight with abundant flowering throughout the summer.