Hydrangea Mega Pearl is a fast growing shrub that is often used in landscape design. With proper planting and care, the culture grows on the site for about 50 years.

Description of Hydrangea Mega Pearl

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl (hydrangea paniculata mega pearl) is a profusely flowering shrub. In nature, hydrangea is found on the southern coast of Sakhalin, on the islands of Japan and in China. Its height reaches 10 m. When grown in the temperate climate of Our Country, the branches of the shrub stretch to a length of 2-2,3 m.

The Mega Pearl variety is adapted to heat and frost, therefore it is actively used in landscape design throughout Our Country.

Hydrangea inflorescences are long panicles (up to 30 cm) with a creamy or greenish-white color.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

Fully opened flowers become pinkish, and closer to fading – reddish

The flowering period is long, lasts from June to the end of September, and in warm regions – until mid-October. After planting, the bush blooms no earlier than 4 years later.

The bark of an adult shrub is brownish-gray, with exfoliation. In young specimens – pubescent, brown-green.

The leaves are dense, serrated at the edges. Their shape is elliptical, oblong, length – from 7 to 10 cm. The upper part of the leaf plate is dark green, and slightly lighter below, there is pubescence.

Hydrangea Mega Pearl in landscape design

Hydrangea Mega Pearl is often used to create hedges. Its height (about 2,5 m) and tough shoots make it possible to build a natural barrier in the garden.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

A sprawling bush can be used as a tapeworm that will decorate a flower bed

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

Hydrangea is often used as a hedge, decorated with single-color or multi-colored varieties.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

Seedlings can be placed along the wall of the building

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

A landscape hedge of hydrangea looks unusually beautiful against the background of large-sized

Mega Pearl hydrangea seedlings are purchased by city gardening organizations, since this culture is often used to pad the park area.

Winter hardiness of hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl

Hydrangea paniculata Mego Pearl belongs to deciduous shrubs with high winter hardiness. The variety has been tested throughout the European part of Our Country, as well as in the Far East and Western Siberia. USDA hardiness zone 4, i.e. the bush can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. Young seedlings are less winter-hardy, so they need shelter.

Planting and caring for hydrangea Mega Pearl

In order for the plant to grow strong, sprawling and lush, it needs proper care. The landing site is no less important, because each culture has its own requirements for the composition of the soil, its acidity, as well as for illumination and watering.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The Mega Pearl variety takes root well on abundantly moist, highly drained soils. Moisture stagnation is unacceptable, therefore, when planting, a drainage layer is laid.

The soil is preferably slightly acidic or acidic. If the indicator is alkaline, then the soil can be acidified by introducing humus, manure, and coniferous litter. Clay soil must be mixed with sand, peat, earth from a coniferous forest.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

Mega Pearl is best planted in a lighted area, which is in partial shade at noon

Too hot daytime rays can cause foliage burns, which will affect the period and quality of flowering.

Attention! Under the scorching sun, the culture feels uncomfortable, blooms later, while the panicle inflorescences are too small.

Rules of landing

To properly plant a crop, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the size of the hole depends on the root system of the seedling. Approximate dimensions of the landing pit: 35-50 cm – depth, 40-50 cm – diameter;
  • For planting, a nutrient soil mixture is needed. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix the sod layer of the earth with sand, peat, organic fertilizers;
  • when planting several seedlings, a distance of at least 1 m is left between them. A hedge can be planted in one or two lines. If a dense fence is needed, pits are dug in a checkerboard pattern;
  • the root system of the seedling is inspected for rotten and damaged areas. When detected, they are removed, too long roots are shortened;
  • when buying seedlings with an open root system, they are soaked in water with the addition of a growth stimulator before planting. Seedlings in shipping flowerpots are planted by transshipment, without pre-soaking;
  • the prepared soil mixture is poured into the hole. Hydrangea is placed on it, gently straightening the roots. Then they fall asleep with the remaining soil, slightly tamping each layer;
  • the root neck of Mega Pearl hydrangea is not added dropwise, leaving it flush with the surface;
  • seedlings are watered, and the trunk circle is covered with mulching materials. It can be peat, humus, wood chips, sawdust.
Attention! If the hydrangea has released buds in the first year after planting, they are removed so that the seedling gets stronger and takes root.

Watering and top dressing

Mega Pearl is a moisture-loving hydrangea that is watered at least twice a week. Each well will require about 20 liters of water. The procedure is carried out during dry periods. If it rains, the watering rate is reduced. Mulch helps retain moisture and reduce watering.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

For hydrangea, use water without chlorine, you can collect rainwater or defend tap water

Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. Moisturizing hydrangea Mega Pearl is carried out carefully, pouring the liquid strictly under the root. In order not to harm the decorativeness of the culture, it is necessary to avoid droplets of liquid on foliage and flowers.

Feed the plant 2 years after planting. Nutrients are applied three times per season:

  • mineral compositions are necessary during the appearance of the first shoots;
  • when forming buds, they are fed with potassium sulfide and superphosphate, which are taken in a ratio of 3: 1. For 10 liters of water, 100 g of dry mix will be required;
  • in the last decade of August, paniculate hydrangea is fed with infusion of mullein. To do this, manure is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 3, infused for at least 7 days. The resulting concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before watering.
Important! It is not recommended to increase the number of top dressings, because lush flowering is fraught with broken branches that could not withstand the severity of the inflorescences.

Pruning Hydrangea Mega Pearl

Mega Pearl is an ornamental hydrangea that needs pruning. The procedure allows:

  • achieve lush flowering;
  • create an attractive shape;
  • rejuvenate the culture, extending the lifespan.

Spring pruning is carried out before bud break.

Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

Cut thick, inward-directed crowns, frost-damaged or wind-damaged shoots

The anti-aging procedure is carried out in different ways:

  • on bushes whose age exceeds 5-6 years, no more than 10 skeletal shoots are left, the rest are cut off;
    Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

    Rejuvenation is carried out over several years

  • all shoots are cut to a stump, i.e. the culture can be rejuvenated in 1 year.
Important! After autumn pruning, Mega Pearl hydrangea tolerates frost worse, so the procedure is best done in the spring.

Faded flowers must be cut off for the winter.

Preparation for winter

Young seedlings of Mega Pearl hydrangea must be covered for the winter. Adult specimens that have overwintered in shelter bloom earlier and are much more magnificent than bushes that are not warmed in autumn.

Hydrangea roots are covered with a thick layer of mulch. Peat, sawdust and other natural materials are used. The layer must be at least 30 cm.

Attention! Hydrangea Mega Pearl branches cannot be bent down for shelter, because they can break.
Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

To insulate the shoots, stakes are driven in around the bush, on which spruce branches are attached.

The structure is tightened with spanbond.


Most often, Mega Pearl hydrangea is bred using cuttings or layering. The seed method is long and ineffective, therefore it is not suitable for home propagation.

Cuttings are cut in the spring. Each must have at least two kidneys. Cut shoots are placed in peat at an angle of 60 °. The lower kidney should be under the ground. Seedlings are watered, covered with a film and kept in greenhouse conditions until rooting. Transplantation into the ground is carried out next spring.

Hydrangea cuttings Mega Pearl can be carried out in the summer. To do this, cut the shoots, remove the lower leaves from them and shorten the upper ones. Placed in a solution that stimulates root formation. Then planted in a container with peat or nutrient soil mixture. Closed with a jar. Periodically watered, preventing the soil from drying out. In about a month, the cutting will take root. From this moment on, the jar is periodically removed so that the seedling gets used to the environment. Planted in the ground for the next season.

The withdrawal method is as follows:

  • the lower branch of the hydrangea is bent in the spring and dug into the ground;
    Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl: description, planting and care, reviews

    The escape is fixed with a wooden or metal bracket

  • periodically watered and loosened;
  • when new shoots appear, they are spudded every 7 days;
  • separated from the mother bush after a year.

Diseases and pests

Mega Pearl hydrangea diseases are associated with metabolic disorders, as well as with viral and fungal infections.

Chlorosis causes yellowing of foliage and deformation of buds. The cause of the pathology is a lack of nutrients (iron). To eliminate the disease, Ferovit, Antichlorosis or a self-prepared solution are used. This will require the following components:

  • iron sulfate – 1 g;
  • citric acid – 2 g;
  • water – 0,5 l.

Fungal and viral diseases of hydrangea Mega Pearl: peronosporosis, powdery mildew, septoria, viral ring spot. To combat these pathologies, Skor, Topaz, Fitosporin, Fundazol, a solution of copper sulfate are used.

Of the insects on Mega Pearl hydrangeas, gall nematodes, aphids and spider mites parasitize. To combat them, use the Commander, Akarin and other insecticides.


Hydrangea Mega Pearl is a flowering shrub used in ornamental gardening. With proper care, it is practically not a hassle. It reproduces easily at home. The culture is characterized by high winter hardiness, therefore, it needs shelter only when grown in the northern regions.

Hydrangea reviews Mega Pearl

Maya Vasilievna, 51 years old, Leningrad region.
Hydrangea Mega Pearl planted on the site to create a hedge. I bought only 3 bushes, then propagated by layering and cuttings. She grew about 30 specimens, which made it possible to separate the recreation area from the garden. Hydrangea bushes are beautiful, constantly blooming and pleasing to the eye. Care is minimal, I periodically cut and water, for the prevention of diseases I treat with copper sulphate.
Vitalina Andreevna, 44 years old, Zernograd
I bought a paniculate hydrangea at an exhibition of horticultural crops. I really liked the Mega Pearl variety, I bought 2 seedlings. I grow in flowerbeds as a central accent. Caring for hydrangeas is simple, you need to periodically water, mulch the soil and feed. Lush inflorescences will be a reward to everyone who plants this culture.
Hydrangea paniculata Mega Pearl 🌿 review: how to plant, Mega Pearl hydrangea seedlings

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