Magical Candle is a popular, unpretentious variety of panicled hydrangeas. The shape of her flower brushes is similar to a candle. Because of this feature, the variety got its name “Magical Candle”, which translates as “Magic Candle”. Paniculata hydrangea Magic Candle will help gardeners with minimal effort to make the garden romantic and sophisticated.

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Hydrangea Magical Candle is one of the most beautiful, graceful and spectacular types, thanks to the original inflorescences

Description of hydrangea paniculata Magic Candle

Hydrangea Magical Candle is a lush flowering, compact shrub, 2-3 m high, up to 1,5 m in diameter. The leaves are quite dense and rigid, serrated along the edge, dark green in color. Inflorescences are dense, large, pyramidal in shape. Grow strictly vertically. Flowers of the original color, changing as they bloom. At the beginning they are white-cream or greenish. A little later, the inflorescences of the hydrangea Magical Candle acquire a soft pink hue. At the final stage, the flowers become bright crimson. The budding season begins in early summer and continues until mid-autumn.

Comment! Sometimes the inflorescences of the panicled hydrangea Magical Candle reach large sizes (more than 30 cm in length), which causes certain difficulties when growing plants in a container.

Hydrangea Magic Candle in landscape design

Exquisite and luxurious, the Magical Candle hydrangea is one of the most sought after and popular shrubs used in landscaping and gardening. This culture is valued for its abundant flowering and harmoniously combined colors.

Very often, the Magical Candle hydrangea is used in landscape design to create a flowering hedge. Basically, it either decorates the facade of the garden plot, or helps to zone the garden. Hydrangea is also grown in mixborders – complex compositions of flowering perennials and shrubs. They also use it as monoplants, as an independent decoration of the garden.

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Hydrangea varieties Magic Candle looks good in hedges

Winter hardiness of hydrangea paniculate variety Magic Candle

Hydrangea (magical candle) Magical Candle is a winter-hardy variety adapted to regions with a temperate climate. The plant tolerates winter well, in particular, it withstands a significant decrease in air temperature (up to -30 ° C).

Hydrangea paniculata Magic Candle 🌿 review: how to plant, hydrangea seedlings Magic Candle

Planting and caring for Hydrangea Magic Candle

Magical Candle is an unpretentious garden crop. To get beautiful and lush flowering bushes will allow the implementation of a minimum set of activities related to care.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The place for planting hydrangea Magical Candle should be chosen sunny. It is allowed to place seedlings in partial shade. The soil shrub prefers fertile, neutral or slightly acidic. Alkaline soils must be oxidized by adding peat or potassium salt. Hydrangea Magical Candle does not like waterlogged soils.

Attention! The level of soil acidity directly affects the color of the inflorescences. On weakly alkaline soils, they acquire a crimson or pink color, on acidic soils – blue or blue.

Rules of landing

The most optimal time for planting hydrangea Magical Candle are the following periods:

  • early spring (before bud break);
  • autumn (after the end of flowering).
Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

It is not recommended to plant a young flower near similar shrubs and trees, this can cause competition for nutrients and moisture.

Landing step by step:

  1. Prepare landing holes. Their size should be twice the size of the root system of the seedling. The recommended layout of the bushes is 1,5×2,0 m.
  2. Prepare a soil mixture from fertile soil, humus and sand.
  3. At the bottom of the hole, equip drainage and sprinkle it with prepared soil.
  4. Place a bush in the hole along with an earthen clod.
  5. Fill the space around the seedling with soil mixture.
  6. Pack the soil firmly around the trunk to prevent air pockets from forming.
  7. Plentifully water the soil in the near-stem circle.

Watering and top dressing

Hydrangea Magical Candle is a moisture-loving variety that needs regular and abundant watering. In a hot period, bushes should be watered often, several times a week, in a moderate period – 4-5 times a month. It is recommended to pour at least 30-50 liters of water under one root. Watering is recommended in the morning and evening, during the absence of sultry heat.

Advice! You can reduce the frequency of watering by adding peat chips to the soil, which has the ability to retain moisture.

Additional moisture must be provided to plants in a dry autumn. The lack of moisture can significantly reduce the winter hardiness of hydrangeas.

Lush flowering is ensured by regular and proper feeding. Fertilizers must be supplied in the dosage necessary for the plant. An overabundance of nutrients can lead to the opposite effect. Instead of forming beautiful inflorescences, the hydrangea will produce excessive foliage, growing randomly in different directions.

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

The hole should be 2 times larger in volume than the root of the seedling

To feed the bushes, you can use a variety of fertilizers, which are selected, focusing on the stage of crop growth.


The norm for 1 m2soil

At the initial stage of growth

Potassium sulfide

30-35 g


35-40 g


20-25 g

In the period of buttoning

Potassium sulfide

40-45 g


60-80 g

At the end of the growing season


15-20 kg


Pruning Hydrangea Magic Candle

Annual spring pruning allows the shrub to form a lush and beautiful crown. It is recommended to carry it out before the start of sap flow. On a young bush, about 10 strong branches are selected, which are cut to 1/3, leaving 5 buds. Thin and dry shoots are removed completely.

In a mature plant, in subsequent years, all branches are cut (up to 7 cm in height). This procedure is carried out in order to rejuvenate the shrub.

Also, pruning is a prevention of the appearance of pests, since a thickened crown contributes to their reproduction. At the end of the growing season, cut off all faded inflorescences.

Preparation for winter

The variety is quite frost-resistant, therefore it is necessary to cover the bushes for the winter only when grown in cold climatic regions, in areas with a significant decrease in winter temperatures, dropping to 25-29 ° C. This rule applies to mature plants. Young seedlings need warming, regardless of the region of cultivation. For shelter, you can use any mulching materials or branches of coniferous trees.


Hydrangea can be propagated in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.

To get layers nearby, side shoots are added dropwise to the mother bush. They are placed in specially prepared grooves. In the spring-autumn period, they are regularly cared for – watered and fed. In winter, layering is covered. With the onset of spring, they are separated from the bush and sent for growing in a place that is maximally protected from the scorching sun.

Cutting procedure:

  1. At the tops of the shoots, cuttings (15-20 cm) are separated.
  2. Treated with a growth stimulator.
  3. Placed in well-moistened soil, deepening by 2 buds.
  4. Watered.
  5. Fertilize.
  6. Sheltered for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle has good immunity to diseases and pests, but sometimes the bushes are affected by powdery mildew and aphids. Fungal diseases develop due to high humidity and sudden temperature changes.

To combat fungal diseases, biological preparations are used (Fitosporin, Baktofit, Topaz).

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Signs of powdery mildew are twisted leaves covered with a white coating that looks like flour.

Signs of the appearance of aphids are deformation and wilting of flowers, as well as the presence of puncture marks on the foliage from bites.

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Candle: planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Destruction of garden pests led by insecticides

Advice! To increase the strength of the shoots and for preventive purposes, it is recommended to irrigate the soil in the near-stem circle with a solution of potassium permanganate.


Hydrangea Magical Candle is a perennial, lush flowering garden plant. With its spectacular beauty, the shrub pleases from the beginning of summer until the very frost. This crop requires minimal maintenance. Even a novice gardener can plant this shrub in his garden and enjoy its beauty.

Hydrangea Magical Candle Reviews

Olga Orlova, 47 years old, Samara
Hydrangea of ​​the Magical Candle variety is the main pride and decoration of my garden. I fell in love with her at first sight, as soon as I saw her in the Landscape Design magazine. The plant is not only incredibly beautiful, but also unpretentious in care. The “Magic Candle” blooms for an incredibly long time, with beautiful and huge caps of inflorescences. I recommend to all gardeners to plant this perennial shrub on their site in order to enjoy its spectacular flowering.
Sergey Kovalenko, 55 years old, Moscow
Hydrangea Medical Candle is a very beautiful, bright and long flowering shrub. Flowering lasts from early summer to late autumn. I love to watch how the color of its petals changes at different stages of growth. The culture is unpretentious and not capricious, quite frost-resistant, so I do not cover the bushes for the winter. Hydrangea does not need special care. The main thing is not to forget about watering, top dressing and annual, spring pruning. I also consider it an undoubted advantage that it has immunity to diseases and pests.

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