Hydrangea arborescens Magical Pinkerbell is a relatively recently bred variety of flowers. Despite this, the plant has already become widely applicable in the landscape of gardeners in various countries. The positive qualities of Magical Pinkerbell include a rich crimson color of flowers, large inflorescences and strong shoots. Effective growth and beautiful flowering can be achieved by observing the rules of planting and care.
Description of hydrangea Pinkerbell
Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell is a deciduous perennial shrub that can reach 140-150 cm in height. Arborescens magical pinkerbell has a rapid growth and flowering in July-September, as, for example, panicled hydrangea. The crown is spherical.
Hydrangea shoots are strong, which allows Magical Pinkerbell to endure rainy and windy weather without severe damage and hold massive inflorescences. This variety is one of the most resistant among pink hydrangeas.

Hydrangea should be purchased in early spring or early September
Hydrangea leaves are elliptical or oval in shape. In summer, the foliage becomes light green, and by autumn it turns yellow.
The inflorescences of the flower are large, reach 20-30 cm in diameter. The receptacle is also large, the petals are wide, bright crimson or purple. Unlike the large-leaved hydrangea, the color of the petals does not depend on the acidity of the soil.
The aroma of hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell is weak, barely perceptible, but pleasant and fresh.
Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell in landscape design
Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell is an ornamental plant that is used in landscaping lawns and creating hedges. The shrub will provide a harmonious appearance for both single and group plantings.
Winter hardiness of Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell
Magical Pinkerbell belongs to frost-resistant hydrangeas – it can survive up to -30 -35 ° C. When classifying areas in terms of winter hardiness, such a temperature limit corresponds to zone 3b.
Planting and caring for Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell
Hydrangea treelike Magical Pinkerbell was not in vain grown in royal gardens – it is able to amaze anyone with its beauty. However, this can be achieved only by observing the rules of care and landing.
Selection and preparation of the landing site
Hydrangea can be grown outdoors or in a pot or container. Regardless of the landing site, Magical Pinkerbell should be in partial shade.
The soil should be slightly acidified. It is also worth being wary of calcareous or marshy soil.
For hydrangeas, pits with a diameter and depth of 45-55 cm are suitable. The day before planting, they are thoroughly watered.
Before planting, it is better to compost or fertilize the soil with peat, especially if the soil is not rich enough in nutrients and moisture.
An overview of how to plant Magical Pinkerbell seedlings:
Rules of landing
Hydrangea planting is best organized in early autumn, in warm areas it can be done in the spring.
When planting a flower, it is worth applying fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In no case should you add chalk, ash, tree bark or lime, as they will adversely affect the development of the seedling.
Before planting, the shrub is planted in a pot or container so that the root system is completely straightened, and then, together with a clod of earth, is placed in a prepared hole. The flower is covered with fertilized soil, leaving part of the root neck above the soil layer, and watered abundantly. The trunk circle is mulched with sawdust or tree bark.
Watering and top dressing
Magical Pinkerbell is demanding on the choice of water. The liquid must be settled, but not stagnant, otherwise the root system will rot. It should also be at room temperature.
Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week, depending on whether it was raining. 3-5 buckets are poured into each bush.

Water the plant 1-2 times a week with water at room temperature.
For beautiful and effective growth and development, several top dressings should be carried out:
- When the kidneys swell, urea is added at the rate of 10 g of the substance per 5 liters.
- In summer, organic fertilizers are introduced.
- When the plant is budding, the soil is loosened, fertilized with potassium sulfate and superphosphate, and watered so that water does not fall on the buds and leaves.
- When the leaves fall, the plant is given mineral fertilizers.
Pruning hydrangea tree Magical Pinkerbell
The pruning process is necessary, as the flower has an active growth. It is usually held in autumn. Throughout the growing process, sanitary pruning is carried out – old dried branches and inflorescences are removed.
In addition, stems older than 4 years are cut off. The shrub is thinned out by removing weak shoots.
Lastly, all shoots are shortened to 6-8 buds, except for the stems of the current year.
Preparation for winter
Hydrangea Magical Pinkerbell will not be able to produce lush inflorescences if it freezes in winter. Therefore, it should be prepared for the winter. To do this, thinned shoots and branches are removed, “looking” into the center of the bush. Fallen leaves are collected.
The branches of the bush are divided into parts and bent to the ground, fixed with a wire. A non-woven fabric is placed on top of the plant, dry leaves are sprinkled, and then covered with a film and heavy material so that the shelter is not blown away by a strong frosty wind.
Gardeners consider cuttings to be one of the most effective ways of propagation. In this case, when young stems appear, cuttings should be cut no more than 10 cm in length, the cut must be lubricated with a growth stimulator, and then the planting material is placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. When the shrubs get stronger, they are planted in a permanent place.
Also for reproduction, you can use the method of layering. In the spring, they dig and level the soil near the shrub, and then furrows are created in this area, shoots of the first year are placed in them and covered with soil. When the stems grow to 50-55 cm, the layers are separated from the mother bush and planted.
In addition to cuttings and propagation by layering, dividing the bush is common among gardeners. Hydrangea is dug up and divided into parts so as to slightly damage the root system. Daughter shrubs are planted separately from each other.
Diseases and pests
Among the diseases of Hydrangea arborescens, there are diseases caused by:
- disturbed metabolism;
- fungus;
- virus.
If the metabolism is disturbed, black spots on the leaves and their fall, wet blackening and chlorosis may appear. All these diseases occur due to non-compliance with the rules for caring for the plant, therefore, for prevention, it is important to properly organize the cultivation of the bush.
Gray rot is a fungal disease in which there is softness and wateriness of the foliage with the formation of various depressions. The diseased parts of the bush are removed, and the planting is treated with Fundazol.

Gray rot is difficult to treat
With peronosporosis, the appearance of yellow and green greasy spots is observed, which may darken over time. Magical Pinkerbell in this case should be treated with a soapy solution with the addition of copper sulfate.
Powdery mildew is manifested by yellow and green spots on the leaves, a gray coating forms on the underside, the shrub fades. Hydrangea is sprayed with Fitosporin-B, Topaz and Skor.
A symptom of septoria is spots that are light in the center and darken towards the periphery of the leaf. In this case, the plant is treated with copper sulphate.

Waterlogging and excess nitrogen fertilizers are a factor contributing to the development of the disease
Ring spot is expressed in the form of spots in the form of a ring. There is no cure for this disease, diseased bushes are removed and burned to prevent the spread of the virus.
Insects such as gall nematode, aphids and spider mites will be dangerous for hydrangeas.
If a web of small thickness appears between the leaf and the stem, then it was struck by a spider mite. Kleshchevit, Fitoverm, Taurus, Neoron and others are considered effective in the fight against this pest.
The leaf aphid sucks the juices from the foliage, which causes it to dry out. In this case, the bushes are treated with soapy water. In a neglected situation, you can apply “Fitoverm”, “Spark”, “Bison” and others.
The defeat of the gall nematode leads to the drying of the hydrangea. The roots are covered with galls. “Bassamil”, “Nematorin” or “Nematofagin BT” helps in the treatment.
Hydrangea arborescens Magical Pinkerbell is a beautiful plant that has been winning the love of gardeners in the seedling market for several years. The reason for this was the large inflorescences and resistance to inclement weather with wind and rain. It is not for nothing that among people who grow flowers, another name for the bush is also common – the purple sun.