When the leaves of the hydrangea turn red, you should not panic, because there are quite understandable reasons for this. Even if the problem lies in injuries or diseases, all this is fixable. Hydrangea, although an unpretentious plant, is occasionally subject to disease, especially due to improper care. But she is quite patient with treatment and recovers fairly quickly if caught in time and taken care of properly.

Hydrangea leaves turned red: why they turn red, what to do

There are many reasons for changing the color of foliage.

Why did the hydrangea leaves turn red

Hydrangea is one of the most resistant representatives of the fauna to various diseases and pests. But those still do not bypass the plant side. Amateurs and novice gardeners are seriously afraid of such a phenomenon, because it is not easy to explain. However, there can be many reasons, so you should not expect a definite answer. You will have to remember the manipulations carried out on the hydrangea, as well as the characteristics of the water, soil and weather conditions in which the shrub grows.

Much depends on how the flowers are watered. Excessive moisture can harm hydrangeas, although some varieties are thought to be tolerant of these conditions. But this does not mean that the plant needs to be watered every day “to satiety”. In addition, the reason may lie in the soil, the gardener did not prepare it in advance, did not take care of fertilizers, or it is exhausted and does not nourish the hydrangea as much as it needs. It also happens that the grower planted a bush incorrectly or damaged the root system during transplantation. Finally, hydrangea can be overcome by fungal diseases, but they are treatable.

Causes of red leaves in hydrangea

Hydrangeas, especially some of its varieties, have strong immunity and endurance against many diseases, as well as weather conditions. But it happens that the flower begins to change outwardly, and for the worse. Many people know that the loss of foliage color means chlorosis. But when the leaves turn red in different varieties of hydrangea, for example, large-leaved, gardeners begin to look for answers.

It is worth noting that redness manifests itself in different ways. The color change can start from different edges of the sheet or from the middle. You may notice that red spots appeared on the leaves of the hydrangea. All this expresses different reasons for such modifications.

In order not to panic, it is worth stocking up in advance with information about what can harm hydrangeas – from mechanical manipulations over it to weather conditions of growth. It is noteworthy that the plant needs close attention for the first two years after planting – whether the soil is good, whether water harms it, whether the hydrangea freezes in the first winter.

Hydrangea leaves turned red: why they turn red, what to do

When the foliage turns red, you should pay attention to watering and soil fertility.

Wrong choice of seedling

In the process of planting new seedlings, it is necessary to adhere to several rules, which include the correct selection of a seat, preparation of good soil, lighting level, and planting time.

Attention! You can’t “accidentally” dig a hole and plant a seedling in it.

Firstly, an inexperienced gardener could neglect the planting rules and root the hydrangea in the summer, when the plant should have already begun flowering, or the daytime sun is too “aggressive”. All this is unacceptable. It is planted either in spring or autumn, shortly before the start of sap flow or before sending the hydrangea “to rest”.

In addition, the seedling must be in the ground even before planting, that is, they acquire it in a pot, container or other container. During the planting process, the gardener could compact the ground too much, and the young plant literally had nothing to breathe.

The roots could have suffered during planting, transplanting, in the process of transporting the seedling to a new place.

Improper care

The initial care of a young hydrangea should be filled with attention to the flower, care. It is not only about timely watering, but also about the composition of the soil, which is regularly fertilized at first. Also, its condition depends on pruning. Don’t forget to mulch.

So, it is important to remember that the acidity of the hydrangea soil should be about 5 pH, despite the fact that many representatives of this flora grow well on slightly acidic or even neutral soils. But we are talking about the initial care, including regular feeding of the flower with mineral and organic fertilizers and fixing the result in the form of mulching.

Many beginners make a big mistake in the process and timing of pruning, cutting off the stems “at random” almost at the peak of flowering. Thus, natural forces literally ooze out of the plant without being deposited in the foliage and inflorescences, hence the modifications in their color and shape.

Hydrangea leaves turned red: why they turn red, what to do

Reddening of the leaves can cause improper care

Adverse weather conditions

Hydrangea tolerates harsh winters well and does not suffer much from the summer heat. However, you should be careful with the latter, because the reddening of the leaves can be caused by too much exposure to direct sunlight after summer watering the bush in the middle of the day, during which the foliage gets burned. Also, its preventive treatment at the wrong time of day can turn into a disaster. If the hydrangea painfully tolerates the scorching sun, it is worth giving it a shadow, partial shade, diffused sunlight, which is provided by transplanting or “manually” covering the plant with a canvas stretched on the frame.

During wintering, young shoots may freeze, however, they usually “come to life” in the spring. Perhaps, under the weight of snow on hydrangeas without pruning, damage to the stems occurred, to which, naturally, vital juices do not flow well during the flowering period. This is eliminated by competent removal and further processing of damaged branches.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests, no matter how resistant the hydrangea is to them, from time to time they overcome it. Speaking of reddened leaves, especially individual brown spots, we can assume a fungal disease. Also, the problem may lie in the fact that the soil in which the shrub grows is depleted, or overdried, or overfilled.

Attention! Chlorosis is often mentioned, which causes a change in the pigmentation of the plant, eliminate it by top dressing.

Among pests, aphids are considered the worst enemy, as well as a root-knot nematode that feeds on hydrangea juices, which it lacks for adequate functioning. If you do not catch on in time, the reddening leaves will gradually fall off, and the whole plant will soon die behind them.

What to do if hydrangea leaves turn red

If the leaves of hydrangea paniculate, large-leaved and any other turn red, measures must be taken. Of course, you first need to determine the cause, since it makes no sense to start treating the plant from a non-existent disease, increase the normal acidity of the soil, and water the choking plant even more abundantly.

Hydrangea leaves turned red: why they turn red, what to do

Spots on the foliage signal the presence of a disease

If brown spots appear on the crown, this is undoubtedly a fungal disease that is treated with fungicides, for example, Fundazol, Okihom, Hom, Abiga Peak. Foliage is processed on both sides twice, with a break of 2 weeks. To strengthen the result, you need to fertilize the soil with microelements, in particular, magnesium sulfate.

Attention! With a fungal disease in the future, prophylaxis is carried out annually.

In early spring or autumn, the plant is sprayed with the same preparations or biofungicides – Fitosporin, a mixture of Alirin and Gamair.

Otherwise, depending on the cause of the redness. With an excess of moisture, water a little less often. Protect from the scorching sun. Check the soil for acidity, once a season fertilize with mineral and organic compounds. In winter and summer, they mulch to provide the necessary temperature (mulch protects against overheating, as well as from the evaporation of moisture with useful substances).

How to feed a hydrangea when the leaves turn red

If the leaves turn red due to the depletion of the soil, it is fed. Due to improper acidity, the plant cannot absorb micro and macro elements necessary for development and growth from the soil. The folk way involves mixing 10 liters of water with 1 tsp. lemon juice or oxalic acid and pour this solution over the hydrangea.

Attention! Feeding is postponed if the roots are damaged.

If it turned out that the reddening of the leaves is due to damage to the roots, the situation is corrected by feeding the soil with a preparation that stimulates their growth. Produce this thrice a month, along with sufficient watering. Top dressing is resumed after the restoration of the hydrangea root system.

Tips from experienced gardeners

On the topic of why hydrangea leaves turn red, there are many videos shot by experienced gardeners that show examples and explain the reasons for the inappropriate behavior of the plant.

What is Hortense sick with? Diseases and treatments for hydrangea.

Many advise not to abandon the plant due to its unpretentiousness, but to continue regular feeding, preventive treatments of hydrangeas from diseases and pests, moreover, with biological products or folk remedies, which will contribute to their better growth. But the most important rule among experienced gardeners is adequate watering. Overdrying hurts, no doubt. But an excess of moisture, firstly, washes away useful substances, and secondly, leads to decay of the root system.

Hydrangea leaves turned red: why they turn red, what to do

To avoid problems, it is worth taking care of the flower from the very beginning


On the problem, when the leaves of the hydrangea turn red, they create separate topics on the crop forums. Inexperienced people ask for advice and master gardeners and receive comforting answers: whatever the problem is, it can be solved. Weather conditions do not change, but you can move the plant. Proper pruning and regular feeding will prevent the appearance of diseases. Attentive attitude and timely care is the main solution to the problem.

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