Hydrangea leaves turn yellow: what to do, reasons, how to feed

Often, with improper agricultural technology, many plants begin to hurt and wither. Hydrangea leaves turn yellow – a sure sign of a lack of care or nutrition. The faster the restoration operations are carried out, the more likely it is to return the bush to a healthy appearance.

Why do hydrangeas have yellow leaves?

Every housewife wants her indoor and ornamental plants to be healthy and to please with abundant flowering. Hydrangea is grown not only in household plots, but also at home. The appearance of yellow leaves in various growing conditions can be caused by several reasons.

Important! If the hydrangea turns yellow and does not grow well, it is necessary to immediately begin preventive measures to restore it.

For the proper development of any ornamental shrub, water and sunlight are needed. Despite the fact that the hydrangea is a rather unpretentious plant in terms of watering, improper agricultural practices can seriously damage the health of the plant. It does not tolerate excessive waterlogging very well – abundant watering spoils the root system of the shrub.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow: what to do, reasons, how to feed

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it is necessary to establish the cause as soon as possible.

Hydrangeas also need to create special conditions in terms of lighting. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leads to leaf burns and their further wilting. It is best to plant a shrub in partial shade or between large fruit trees.

Why do room hydrangea leaves turn yellow

Many ornamental shrubs do well at home. Having created ideal conditions for them, you can enjoy bright leaves and lush flowering throughout the year. But it is not uncommon for a hydrangea to suddenly change the color of its leaves to yellow and brown. The most common causes of this disease are the following factors:

  1. Lack or excess of moisture. Watering the plant is necessary only after the topsoil is completely dry.
  2. Insufficient humidity in the room. It is recommended to carry out additional spraying of leaves or install a special climatic device.
  3. Small amount of nutrients. Hydrangeas require periodic fertilization – 1 time in 7-10 days.

Don’t forget about sunburn. Most often they happen when placing a pot on a windowsill in the southern part of a house or apartment. It is best to place the plant on the western or eastern side of the dwelling – this will provide a moderate amount of sunlight.

Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

Unlike a house plant, placing a shrub on the site requires the gardener to follow clear conditions for caring for it. It is necessary to prepare a landing site in advance – it should not be too open, but not too shaded. It is required to follow the schedule of watering and fertilizing.

Important! Do not plant hydrangeas in places where the water table is too close to the surface – this will harm the root system.

Despite strict adherence to agricultural practices, many gardeners are faced with the fact that the leaves gradually begin to turn yellow. This can be caused by a huge number of factors – from excess moisture to damage by insects and other pests. In the event that the first signs of the disease are detected, it is important to start resuscitation of the bush as soon as possible.

Causes of yellow leaves in hydrangeas

As soon as the plant has shown the first signs of wilting, it is necessary to pay attention to a large number of factors that could be the cause. If the leaves of the panicled hydrangea turn yellow not due to humidity and excess sunlight, the first thing to do is to study the landing site. Hydrangea prefers acidic soils – a high alkali content can cause the shoots to dry out.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow: what to do, reasons, how to feed

The most common cause of yellow leaves is poor watering.

It is also important to pay attention to the ventilation of the landing site. The bush is quite sensitive to strong winds. Under adverse conditions, the leaves lose moisture, begin to turn yellow and dry. In this case, it is recommended to either cover the hydrangea with special protective screens, or transplant it to a quieter place on the site.

Wrong choice of seedling

Modern nurseries are replete with a huge number of ornamental plants of all shapes and colors. This is also facilitated by the rapid development of breeding – every year there are several new varieties of flowers and shrubs. However, it is worth remembering that not every type of hydrangea can be cultivated in the original conditions.

Important! Before purchasing seedlings, it is best to consult with specialists who are engaged in the cultivation of ornamental plants in the region.

Most often, when choosing seedlings, inexperienced gardeners prefer varieties with the longest and most lush flowering. For example, large-leaved hydrangea leaves turn yellow almost immediately during spring frosts. Despite the fact that even nurseries in the northern regions sell these types of hydrangeas, over time the bushes will begin to turn yellow due to the wrong climate. It is better to choose a variety that is resistant to sudden changes in temperature and designed for growing in a specific climatic zone.

Improper care

In addition to strictly following the watering and feeding schedule, the shrub also needs additional manipulations to maintain a healthy appearance. Often the leaves of panicled hydrangea begin to turn yellow with insufficient oxygen supply to the roots as early as August and September. To avoid the withering of the shoots, it is necessary to dig up the trunk circles several times a year.

To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, it is important not to neglect the pruning of the bush. If all the shoots lack nutrients, periodic thinning of the branches is necessary. It is carried out after the snow melts before the active circulation of the juice inside the trunk begins.

Adverse weather conditions

Even with full compliance with the rules for caring for a tree or paniculate hydrangea, the leaves may begin to turn yellow due to the vagaries of nature. Long rains or prolonged droughts adversely affect the health of most plants. Excessive waterlogging damages the hydrangea root system, and the sun dries out the shoots.

Important! To prevent the shrub from turning yellow during periods of severe drought, it is necessary to reduce the time between watering.
Hydrangea leaves turn yellow: what to do, reasons, how to feed

Shoots may turn yellow due to sudden frost.

Also, sudden changes in air temperature can be the cause of sudden wilting of the plant. Night frosts during late spring or early summer damage fragile shoots. Often this is the reason that entire branches turn yellow and gradually die off.

Diseases and pests

One of the most common reasons that hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow is its defeat by various viruses or microorganisms. Like most other ornamental plants, it has typical diseases that can lead not only to wilting, but also to the complete death of the shrub.

Such ailments include:

  • chlorosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • white rot.

Among the pests, leaf aphids and spider mites are distinguished. It is also not uncommon for hydrangeas to be damaged by garden slugs and gall nematodes. When parasites appear on a healthy plant, it is necessary to take a set of measures to eliminate them as quickly as possible.

What to do if the hydrangea has yellow leaves

As soon as the shoots begin to wither on the bush, it is necessary to establish the cause of this as quickly as possible and proceed with active actions. It is important to remember that the sooner action is taken, the more likely it is to keep the hydrangea healthy.

If the leaves turn yellow, then the following approaches are used:

  • with a lack of moisture – increase the frequency of watering;
  • with an excess of liquid – cancel the introduction of water for a while;
  • in case of diseases – treatment with special chemicals;
  • with insufficient acidity of the soil – the introduction of special dressings;
  • if pests are found, use insecticides.

If the leaves began to turn yellow due to damage to the roots caused by improper agricultural practices, the hydrangea must be transplanted. In this case, the damaged parts of the root system are removed. In the planting pits, the drainage layer is increased and additional acidic fertilizers are added.

How to feed a hydrangea when the leaves turn yellow

Regular fertilization helps maintain a healthy appearance and ensures abundant flowering. If the leaves suddenly turn yellow, unscheduled top dressing is necessary, which will allow you to restore health and restore strength after an illness.

Important! For better absorption of fertilizers, before applying them, it is necessary to slightly moisten the soil near the trunk circles.
Hydrangea leaves turn yellow: what to do, reasons, how to feed

If the leaves turn yellow, nitrogenous fertilizers must be applied.

The most important fertilizer for hydrangeas is urea. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary for the rapid transfer of nutrients from the roots to the leaves. 10-20 g of urea is mixed with 10 liters of water and applied under each bush.

In addition to urea, experienced gardeners recommend ammonium nitrate, chicken manure or cow dung. If the leaves turn yellow, these baits will help stop the wilting of the entire plant.

Tips from experienced gardeners

If the hydrangea leaf turns yellow, it must be removed. No methods will allow the shoot to return the green color. All technologies are aimed only at stopping the disease. If a whole shoot dies, it is better to cut it completely so as not to spread the lesion.

Often, hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow when watering the shrub with the wrong water. Hard tap water with a large amount of impurities negatively affects the root system of a young plant. It is best to boil it before watering and cool to room temperature.

Important! For irrigation, it is best to use settled or spring water.

Since the shrub prefers acidic soils, you can feed it with natural additives. Add a few drops of lemon juice to 1 liter of water. It can be replaced with vinegar essence – in this case, it is added at the rate of 1 tsp. for 10 liters of water.


Hydrangea leaves turn yellow – a sign of improper agricultural practices. Most often, this ailment is caused by non-compliance with irrigation or care technology. As soon as the first signs of wilting were discovered, it is necessary to take a set of measures to restore the health of the plant as soon as possible.

HYDENSIA resuscitation / bad experience

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