Hydrangea grandiflora paniculata treelike: planting and care

Hydrangea grandiflora paniculata treelike: planting and care

Treelike hydrangea withstands both the pressure of its own inflorescences and the influence of the environment. It tolerates strong winds and the weight of snow masses. The plant is frost resistant.

A small tree is prized for its compactness. It can be grown in small plots. Its height does not exceed 5 m. Large foliage forms a lush dark green crown. A feature of the variety is the late formation of foliage. It only grows in late spring. The leaf plate has a velvet texture. This is made possible thanks to the down covering its surface on both sides.

Hydrangea grandiflora blooms until the end of October

After 4-5 years of life, the panicle grandiflora hydrangea begins to bloom. It blooms early and continuously. 2 types of flowers are formed on the tree:

  • Fertile – small-sized flowers, painted in snow-white color. They are unremarkable and fall off immediately after flowering.
  • Infertile – large flowers with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm. Consist of 4 petals. Initially, they have a white color, which later gives way to pale pink.

Flowering begins in June and continues until the onset of cold weather. In October, fruits are formed on the plant. They are small capsules, densely filled with seeds. Small seeds have high vitality. Hydrangea treelike grandiflora stands out for its rapid growth. Every year the plant adds about 30 cm in height and width. The diameter of the crown of an adult tree is 3 m.

Planting and caring for hydrangea grandiflora

Hydrangea is demanding on growing conditions. When planting, it is important to provide her with favorable conditions for further growth:

  • Diffuse lighting – hydrangea does not tolerate direct sunlight. In open space, its growth slows down. Better to plant a tree in partial shade. In the complete absence of the sun, its flowers will become small and dull.
  • Soil – it is advisable to choose a soil with a high level of acidity. In neutral soil, hydrangea can also grow, but much more slowly.
  • Fertility – the soil should be rich in trace elements that are required for the abundant flowering of hydrangeas.

When caring for a tree, he needs to provide abundant daily watering. During the growing season, mineral fertilizing is applied 4 times. You can trim to give the desired shape.

Hydrangea decorates the garden with lush flowers and infuses it with a honey scent. The plant takes root well, and is also not afraid of pests and diseases.

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