Hydrangea Endless Summer is one of the most interesting and original varieties of garden plants. These bushes first appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 2th century and initially grew only in the gardens of the aristocrats of England and France. At that time, only 100 species were grown: with red and white flowers. Endless Summer quickly gained popularity, and as a result of the work of breeders, more than XNUMX varieties of hydrangeas appeared.

But later it turned out that there are about 52 species in the genus Hortensia. A real sensation was made by a large-leaved specimen (Hydrangea macrophylla), capable of blooming twice a year: on the shoots of the past and current years.

Description of hydrangea Eternal summer

It is for the ability to bloom twice a year that the large-leaved hydrangea was called endless summer, translated into as “endless summer”. This species is a shrub up to 1,5 m high. The leaves of the “endless summer” are simple, bright green. The shape is ovoid. The flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences with a diameter of 10-15 cm. In cultivated varieties, the size can be up to 20 cm. The flowers are large, up to 3 cm in diameter.

Endless Summer has another interesting feature: the same bush can produce blue or pink flowers. It changes color depending on the acidity of the soil:

  • pH below 6,0 (acidic soil) – blue;
  • pH above 6,0 is pink.

In the West, soil additives are already specially sold: Color Me Pink with lime increases the pH level; Color Me Blue with sulfur stimulates the development of blue flowers. It is not worth adding moldy bread tincture or sour milk to the soil “for acidification”. It is easier then to use a weak solution of vinegar. At least it is not an environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Attention! To acidify the soil, completely different elements are used.

If sulfur is not available, aluminum can be added instead of sour milk. But here it is important not to overdo it: an excess of aluminum will cause yellowing of the leaves.

Based on the original form of the large-leaved hydrangea endless summer original, new varieties have already been bred, and breeders are not going to stop. Some of the varieties of Endless Summer:

  1. Avant-garde: variety Eternal Summer, not very common in Our Country.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    A distinctive feature of this variety of Endless Summer is dense, large spherical inflorescences with a diameter of up to 30 cm.

  2. Bloom Star: a variety with good winter hardiness with spherical inflorescences. The diameter of the “balls” is about 18 cm. The large-leaved hydrangea endless summer bloomstar is distinguished by the fact that it easily changes the color of flowers depending on the acidity of the soil. In alkaline soil, the petals of the Eternal Summer hydrangea will be pink, as in the photo below.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    This variant of the Eternal Summer variety is often called Bloom star rose.

    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    In acidic soil, the flowers will be blue-purple.

    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    And sometimes there is an intermediate version of the Eternal Summer

  3. Blushing Bride Endless Summer: the semi-double flowers of this cultivar are initially white.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    Over time, this variety of Eternal Summer changes color to pale pink or light blue.

  4. Twist-and-Shout: very original variety of Endless Summer with flowers of different sizes. Like other hydrangeas, the same bush can bloom in both blue and pink flowers. Some sources claim that the bush can be “colorful” at the same time. But nowhere is it explained how to achieve this. Most likely, there is a translation error from a foreign language.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    Inflorescences are still present, but in the middle the flowers are small, and large along the edges.

    Perhaps, under the blue flowers of hydrangea endless summer, small buds were meant, as in the photo below:

    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    This is a “pure” blue version, tinted with lighter large buds.

    Attention! Hydrangea blooms Eternal Summer Twist-and-Shout from June to autumn.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    Additional decorativeness to this variety of Endless Summer is given by shoots and leaves reddening in autumn.

  5. Hovaria Hanabi Rose: the variety has large double flowers collected in inflorescences. The color of the petals is often light pink, but if desired and acidification of the soil, blue buds can be obtained.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    The variety is winter hardy

Hydrangea Endless summer in landscape design

The very decent height of the large-leaved hydrangea bush allows it to be used as a decorative background for lower plants. The dense, dark green foliage of Endless Summer sets off the white and light flowers in the foreground. You should not plant a large-leaved hydrangea along the paths if the goal is not to create a green corridor.

Other types of hydrangeas can be cut off at the root by the winter and get flowers on new shoots in the summer. Endless Summer” requires a different approach, it is unsuitable as a green border.

A bush of Endless Summer on top of an ornamental hill, surrounded by smaller plants, will look good.

Comment! The large-leaved hydrangea has one more advantage: its flowers are easily dried in the air and stand for a long time in this form.

Endless Summer grows well in containers. This allows the plants to be used to decorate porches and courtyards.

Winter hardiness of hydrangea Endless Summer

Eternal summer is considered cold-resistant. Foreign sources claim that the Endless Summer can withstand frosts down to -30 °C. At the same time, according to English-language sites, the large-leaved hydrangea survives frosts the better, the more water it received in the last watering in the fall.

gardeners have a different opinion. They believe that the Endless Summer must be covered for the winter so that the flower buds do not freeze out. And also that it does not tolerate frosts just because of the excess moisture in the tissues of the plant.

Such discrepancies are possible due to differences in climatic conditions. Hydrangea hardiness zones Endless Summer are listed as 9-4. That is, it can withstand cold from -1,1 ° C to – 34,4 ° C. But the table of zones was compiled in the USA, where there are usually no very severe colds. It is one thing – 30 ° C for one night and quite another when such a frost lasts for several weeks. For orientation, you can familiarize yourself with this table of zones:

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

The table is only a reference material, the data from it can be taken into account, but specific natural conditions must be taken into account.

Planting and caring for hydrangea Endless Summer

Hydrangea Endless Summer has 2 undeniable advantages over other species of this genus:

  • resistance to cold;
  • flowering during the spring and summer months.

It is 2,5-3 months longer than other hydrangeas. Due to the peculiarities of the growing season, Endless Summer varieties require special treatment.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

When determining the landing site, you need to inspect your site and revise the already planted plants. For hydrangea Eternal Summer, a place is chosen taking into account the climatic zone: in the north, the bush needs more sun, and in the south it will have to be protected from too much light. The basic rule: even in the northern regions at midday (within 2-3 hours), the flowers should be in partial shade.

If the plans are to plant several bushes of Eternal Summer in one area, the seedlings are placed taking into account the size of an adult plant. For proper ventilation of the garden plot, grown hydrangeas should barely touch each other.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

From hydrangea varieties Endless Summer, you can even make a hedge, the main thing is not to overdo it with planting density

Soil preparation on the site

Endless Summer “loves” wet soil, but has a negative attitude towards the “swamp”, and also changes color depending on the acidity of the soil. Before planting hydrangeas, it is necessary to determine the type and composition of the soil at the planned site. In Europe, you can buy a special soil test kit, but there is an easier way available at home.

How to determine the composition of the soil

To begin with, a hole 10 cm deep is dug in the selected area and a quarter cup of soil is collected from the bottom of the recess. Pour the sample into a clean jar or plastic bottle, add 2 cups of water and a couple of drops of detergent. The container is shaken well for 1 minute and left to settle for a day.

You should get 3 layers: sand, organic, clay. The sand settles first and will be at the very bottom of the can. Then organics and clay on top, it may not even be in sediment, but in the form of water, colored red, brown or yellow-brown.

After 24 hours, they look at what happened and “read” the composition:

  • sandy soil: more than half of the sand in the sediment and much less organic matter and clay;
  • enriched in humus: sediment contains more than half of organic residues and very little clay;
  • clayey with humus: sediment contains ¼ ​​clay and many organic residues;
  • loam: sand and organic matter equally in 2 parts plus 1 part clay.

Ideal soil for hydrangea Eternal summer – loam.

Another way to determine the type of soil without prior preparation

In Our Country, the diversity of soils is greater, and their type is usually determined “by eye”. The only prerequisite: the earth in the pit must be wet. A large percentage of clay, sand, or organic debris can be identified.

Soil signs:

  1. Sandy: moist soil cannot form a ball or sausage. They crumble.
  2. Sandy loam: the ball keeps its shape, the sausage cannot be bent into a ring. She breaks.
  3. Loamy: the ball keeps its shape, the sausage can be rolled into a ring, but there will be cracks.
  4. Clay: the ball does not want to crumble even when falling from a height of 1 m. When rolled into a ring, the sausage keeps its shape and does not crack.
  5. Lime: light brown color with lots of stones. Heats up and dries quickly. Belongs to the category of poor soils. To grow hydrangea Endless Summer, organic fertilizers must be applied. Since this soil is alkaline, the flowers will be pink.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    Lime soil looks like a loose substance

  6. Peat: It is distinguished by a light brown color and a large amount of plant fibers. There are few nutrients. Requires a large investment of effort and various elements: from clay to lime. Organic fertilizers are also needed. Wednesday is acidic. Hydrangea flowers Endless Summer will be blue.
    Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

    Medium decomposed peat sod-podzolic soil

  7. Chernozem: dark earth saturated with organic matter. When squeezing a wet lump in a fist, a dark greasy trace remains on the palm. Sometimes requires the introduction of sand. Any acid-base environment can be. Looks like peat. You can distinguish if you put a wet lump in the sun: peat dries right there, black soil holds moisture for a long time.

Determination of soil acidity

Soil pH can be indirectly determined by plants that prefer one or another environment. But there is a more modern and accurate way: using litmus paper. In stores for gardeners, you can immediately buy a roll of such paper.

For analysis, a soil suspension is first prepared:

  • the sample is poured with distilled water and stirred until the earth turns into a liquid porridge;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • mix again;
  • wait another 5 minutes;
  • apply litmus paper to the liquid that appears on the surface.

It remains only to look at the color of the paper:

  • red – high acidity, pH level 5,0 and below;
  • Orange – medium acidity, pH level 5,1-5,5;
  • yellow – slightly acidic, pH 5,6-6,0;
  • greenish – the soil is neutral;
  • bright green – alkaline earth, pH 7,1-8,5.

Taking into account these data, it is possible to qualitatively prepare the soil at the planting site of the hydrangeas of the Endless Summer group. But with clay soil, it will be necessary to find out how much additional elements need to be added to the pits empirically.

A lot of organic matter needs to be added to clay soil, as it not only provides hydrangea with nutrients. Organic creates air pockets that allow excess water to drain. The same organic fertilizers and clay will have to be applied to the sandy soil.

Rules of landing

After determining the places for planting, preparing the soil and adding all the necessary ingredients, they start planting Endless Summer seedlings. Store-bought hydrangea is carefully removed from the pot. If the roots are strongly compressed, they are straightened so that the root system begins to actively develop. The planting hole should be slightly larger than the capacity of the pot.

Hydrangea Endless Summer is placed in a pit so that the root neck is at ground level. If it is deepened, the plant will rot. If you leave it in the air above the soil level, the hydrangea will dry out.

The soil around the seedling is compacted, creating a natural recess. After tamping, the earth is filled with water. After absorbing moisture, the procedure is repeated.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Proper planting of hydrangea Endless summer: the gardener takes into account the size of an adult bush

Watering and top dressing

Hydrangeas Endless Summer prefer moist, but not waterlogged soil. Excessive watering leads to a decrease in flower ovaries on the bushes. The amount of water and the frequency of irrigation are regulated, depending on the type of soil.

Clay soil does not pass moisture well, and most of the liquid will drain to the side. Sandy passes water so well that it will all go into the depths. There will be almost nothing left for hydrangeas. Loamy well absorbs and retains moisture.

For optimal water supply to hydrangeas from the Endless Summer variety group, use:

  • drip irrigation;
  • a hose with special holes for water, in case of a large number of bushes.

You can also water the old fashioned way, that is, manually as the soil dries.

In hot regions, hydrangea leaves may droop during the day, but by evening they restore elasticity. On hot days, it is better to water the bushes in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not hot and the wind subsides.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

Using mulch is another great way to conserve water and keep the ground moist and cool.

The most convenient time for feeding perennial hydrangeas Eternal summer with fertilizers is spring or early summer. The flower needs a lot of phosphorus, which stimulates its activity. It is optimal to use granular fertilizers with a slow release of phosphorus, then there will be no overdose of the element.

Fertilizer is applied following the instructions on the package. The option “the more the better” is not suitable, since in this case the hydrangea can “throw all its strength” into growing large green foliage and slow down flowering.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

You can not overdo it with top dressing

Pruning Hydrangea Endless Summer

Endless summer is not considered a type of plant that requires particularly careful care. But with improper pruning, it may stop blooming. Due to the fact that her flower buds are formed on last year’s shoots, any summer, winter and autumn pruning is contraindicated for Eternal Summer hydrangeas. It is at this time that she lays the kidneys for the next year.

Endless summer is not recommended at all, so as not to lose flowers. Only forming a bush and sanitary pruning is possible. At the same time, bushes older than 3 years usually begin to be removed in order to remove the dried parts and rejuvenate the hydrangea.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

For perennial hydrangea Endless Summer, only corrective pruning can be carried out

Attention! When cutting flower stalks to form bouquets, it is important to be careful not to be left without flowers for the next year.

Shelter for the winter hydrangeas Eternal summer

Although Endless Summer is positioned as a very frost-resistant plant, in conditions protection will not interfere with it.

Attention! You can not cut the stems of the bush and flower stalks after August 1. Flower buds will have time to form on the bush by winter, which will bloom next spring. But to protect these buds, the bush must be well covered for the winter.

As a covering material use:

  • dry leaves;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • shredded tree bark.

Mounds at least 35 cm high are poured around the bushes. If branches remain on top, they can be covered with burlap and polyethylene. But even if the upper parts freeze in winter, the hydrangea will grow flower stalks from the remaining intact buds.

Attention! In the spring, do not remove the mulch until the danger of frost has passed.

Buds on last year’s stems will provide spring flowering of Endless Summer, and inflorescences formed on new shoots will begin to bloom after 6 weeks and continue to bloom until autumn.

Hydrangeas Eternal Summer also grow well in containers. If the bushes are planted in portable containers, they are placed in a cool basement or garage for the winter. Then they cover in the same way as street ones.

There are differences: flowers in containers do not need as much mulch. But they will need water in small quantities, as they will not receive moisture from snow and rain.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

A sufficient amount of insulating material will keep the flower buds of Eternal Summer from freezing.

Reproduction of hydrangea Endless summer

Reproduction in hydrangea Endless summer is “traditional” for perennial shrubs:

  • division of the rhizome;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

The division is made in the spring. The old bush Eternal Summer is dug up and the root is divided into several parts. It is necessary to ensure that there are kidneys on each piece. The place of division is disinfected with ash or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Reproduction of Eternal Summer by layering also begins in the spring. The selected shoots are bent to the ground, fixed with staples and dug in. At the place of attachment there should be buds, one of which will give roots, and the second a young shoot. Rooting takes several months, and the young plant is planted in a permanent place only next spring.

Cuttings are the least productive way to propagate flowers Eternal Summer. Selected stems are cut into cuttings and placed in moist soil in a greenhouse. Until the cutting takes root, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture. After about a month, roots appear, and the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Endless summer is not protected from the main garden pest – the spider mite. Hot dry days are the perfect time for an arthropod attack. If the spider mite wound up on a bush, you should not try to bring it out with folk remedies. Practice has shown that they do not help. Endless summer is not a productive plant, so it can be safely sprayed with a potent acaricide.

Hydrangea Eternal Summer: description, planting and care, winter hardiness, reviews

To prevent infection of hydrangea Eternal Summer, you should try to spray it in the morning and evening

Also hydrangeas Endless Summer are sensitive to water quality. They are recommended to be watered with rain or settled water. It is also worth checking the acidity of the water. Watering Eternal Summer with an alkaline liquid can lead to the development of chlorosis.

The third misfortune that lies in wait for the large-leaved hydrangea Eternal summer is downy mildew. To combat it, copper sulfate preparations are used.

Shelter for the winter of a large-leaved hydrangea.


Hydrangea Endless Summer is a real garden decoration that can be used in landscape design or decorate the porch of a house with flowering bushes. The relative unpretentiousness of hydrangeas allows even beginner gardeners to grow it. And experienced ones can experiment with changing the color of flowers Eternal Summer.

Hydrangea Reviews Endless Summer

Elena Voronova, 37 years old, Yegorievsk
I have Endless Summer hydrangeas of the Bloom Star variety planted around the stables and the house. In autumn, yes, you have to tinker. In our middle lane, it is impossible to leave them for the winter without warming. I like these hydrangeas because they grow quite tall, but at the same time they do not need to be cut constantly. It is also a big plus that neither horses nor my chickens eat them. It is generally difficult to pick up plants on the territory of the stable that will remain intact with free-range horses.
Tatyana Maslova, 53 years old, pos. Big Raznokol
I live in the southern region, so there is not even a need to close many plants for the winter. I love hydrangeas, but the panicled one gives the impression of being sloppy, no matter how you ennoble it. But from the varieties of Endless Summer you can make magnificent whole compositions. The bushes are dense, with the correct formation of the crown, they look very neat. So I have Eternal Summer growing not only along the hedge, but also on the porch, and next to the house.

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