Hydradenitis in adults
Hydradenitis in adults is an unpleasant skin disease that causes a lot of inconvenience. It can develop into a chronic form and even lead to sepsis, so it is important to treat hydradenitis on time.

What is hydradenitis

One of the variants of purulent-inflammatory skin disease is hidradenitis. The name translates as “water” and “iron”. With hydradenitis, a special type of sweat glands becomes inflamed. These glands begin to work during active puberty, releasing odorous sweat. Therefore, hydradenitis affects only adults, sexually mature people.

Both men and women can get sick – the latter suffer more often. Moreover, in women, hydradenitis is formed mainly in the armpits, and in men – in the perineum.

The most severe form of the disease is usually in the Negroid race. There is also a hereditary factor. Elderly people almost never get hidradenitis, because their sweat glands are inactive.

The unofficial, “folk” name for hydradenitis is “bitch’s udder.” In the acute phase, painful swelling on the skin outwardly resembles the nipples of a nursing dog.

Sweat glands located in the skin produce sweat. They are a tube rolled up into a ball – sweat is formed from below, through the tube it is released onto the skin surface. 400 – 600 ml of sweat can be released per day, and in the heat during physical activity – several liters.

There is a special type of sweat glands – apocrine. They are located only under the armpits, around the nipples, anus and in the groin. The sweat from these glands is special – thicker and with a strong odor. It is believed that it contains pheromones that attract the opposite sex.

The sweat from the apocrine glands smells because, along with sweat, the upper part of the apocrine cells is also brought to the surface. In this mixture, bacteria actively multiply and enhance the smell.

This sweat has a neutral or alkaline pH, which is completely harmless to bacteria. Also, the size of the apocrine glands is larger than that of other sweat glands, so bacteria easily make their way through the duct and multiply inside. Then they spread into the surrounding tissue, and inflammation develops.

Causes of hydradenitis in adults

Deodorants and other products clog pores and cause inflammation. Non-compliance with hygiene, skin abrasions after shaving and epilation, diaper rash make the skin vulnerable to bacteria. Hydradenitis is caused mainly by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus.

Also, a general decrease in immunity caused by hormonal diseases, toxins, the abuse of sweets increases the risk of hidradenitis. The disease can be repeated, so it is better not to allow the first time.

Symptoms of hydradenitis in adults

In the first stages, in the place where inflammation begins, discomfort and tingling are felt. On the surface, you can see that a red pimple is an affected sweat gland, while one. If hydradenitis develops further, neighboring glands will also become inflamed.

Over time, the swelling increases, the skin turns red, pain appears. The central part of the swelling becomes soft, because there is pus inside it. At some point, the swelling opens up, and the pus begins to come out. It is thick like sour cream, often with blood. The process of development of an abscess can last up to 2 weeks. After the release of pus, a scar is formed.

If many neighboring glands are inflamed, a large infiltrate is formed, causing severe pain. The skin in this place is bumpy. Without treatment, inflammation can drag on for a couple of months. In severe cases, a person feels weak, the temperature rises, and the state of health worsens.

Treatment of hidradenitis in adults

At the initial stage, treatment consists in treating the skin with antiseptics, ointments with an antibacterial effect. Sometimes dry heat, ultraviolet irradiation is used, but only after consulting a doctor.

With the formation of an abscess, the help of a surgeon is required. Under local anesthesia (in severe cases, general anesthesia is required), the doctor opens the abscesses and removes the contents, washing the wounds. After the operation, it is important to take care of the skin and treat it with special solutions to prevent recurrence.

In place of the opened abscess, a scar is formed. It doesn’t matter if he opened himself or surgically, a trace on the skin is almost impossible to avoid.


If symptoms appear, you should consult a dermatologist or surgeon. The doctor examines and probes the affected area. It is important to distinguish hidradenitis from a boil, cyst rupture and other diseases.

You will also need to donate blood for a general analysis – it contains elevated leukocytes and an acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation. The contents of the abscess are sent for sowing. This helps to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease, and which antibiotic it will react to.

Modern treatments

The most effective treatment for hidradenitis today is a course of antibiotics. It will not be possible to do without therapy against bacteria, and sometimes external treatment is not enough.

Sowing discharge from the wound helps to choose an effective drug. But sowing takes time, and at that moment the person suffers from pain and inflammation. Therefore, therapy may be prescribed before the result of the analysis comes.

With active treatment of an unstarted form of hidradenitis, recovery occurs in 5-14 days. But there is always a risk that the disease will recur. By the way, hidradenitis is not contagious, but still you should not use the same depilatory products.

Prevention of hidradenitis in adults at home

The best way to avoid hidradenitis is to practice good hygiene, especially if you are prone to sweating. The skin in places where hydradenitis usually develops should be periodically treated with antiseptics.

To reduce sweating, it is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics. It should not rub, and it is important to change it regularly to a clean one.

The constant use of antiperspirants is also harmful, especially those that promise a long-term effect. You can use them occasionally, try to replace the powder with a bactericidal effect. Or just rinse your armpits with water several times a day. Reducing excess weight will also help reduce sweating.

If you shave with a razor, avoid cuts and treat the skin after the procedure. But it is better to just cut the hairs or use laser hair removal.

It is important to monitor the state of immunity, to prevent the development of infections. If the disease nevertheless began, you can not take a bath, it is better to wash in the shower and not rub the inflamed places, otherwise the infection will spread.

Popular questions and answers

What to do to avoid sweating and at the same time prevent the development of hidradenitis? Will tell you more PhD, dermatologist Olga Petrenko.

What complications can occur with hydradenitis?
Complications of hidradenitis are repeated hidradenitis, the spread of infection to the surrounding soft tissues, their purulent fusion, the formation of persistent foci with streaks, passages that are difficult and take a long time to heal.
When to call a doctor at home with hydradenitis?
An internal examination is recommended, and in a medical institution. It is worth contacting either a dermatologist in the initial stages, or a surgeon when the process of purulent fusion of the skin has already gone far. Since you may already need help in a small operating room, it is better to visit a doctor in a clinic.

Tests may also be required – a blood test for glucose, a general blood test, culture of discharge to identify the pathogen and determine the sensitivity of antibiotics, since it can vary significantly.

Is it possible to treat hydradenitis with folk remedies?
You can treat, somehow people were treated before, but! Still, there is a great danger that the patient is mistaken with the diagnosis and underestimates the severity of the condition and factors predisposing to the rapid spread of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures for pre-medical and medical examination.
What means of sweating during the heat to use, so as not to provoke hydradenitis?
People can use antiperspirants, but maintain a healthy balance. With a tendency to inflammation, you should not choose those that promise long-term protection from sweat, because this will be achieved by artificial inhibition of the function of the sweat gland.

Be sure to observe daily hygiene using mild detergents, do not injure the skin by rubbing, aggressive hair removal, of course, clothes should be pleasant to the touch, hygroscopic and fresh.

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