Gidnellum rusty (Hydnellum ferrugineum)
- Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
- Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
- Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
- Subclass: Incertae sedis (of uncertain position)
- Order: Thelephorales (Telephoric)
- Family: Bankeraceae
- Genus: Hydnellum (Gidnellum)
- Type: Hydnellum ferrugineum (Hydnellum rusty)
- Hydnellum dark brown
- Calodon ferrugineus
- Hydnum hybridum
- Phaeodon ferrugineus
- Hydnellum hybridum
Hydnellum rust (Hydnellum ferrugineum) is a fungus belonging to the Banker family and the genus Gidnellum.
External Description
The fruiting body of the rusty hydnellum is a hat-and-leg.
The diameter of the cap is 5-10 cm. In young specimens, it has a club-shaped shape, in mature mushrooms it becomes inversely cone-shaped (it can be funnel-shaped or flat in some specimens).
The surface is velvety, with many irregularities, often covered with wrinkles, in young mushrooms it is whitish in color. Gradually, the surface of the cap becomes rusty brown or pale chocolate. It clearly shows purple droplets of the emerging liquid, which dries up and leaves brown spots on the cap of the fruiting body.
The edges of the cap are even, white, turning brown with age. Mushroom pulp – two-layer, near the surface – felt and loose. It is best developed near the base of the stem, and in this area has a lighter color. In the center of the cap of the rusty hydnellum, the consistency of tissues is leathery, transversely zoned, fibrous, rusty-brown or chocolate in color.
During growth, the fruiting body of the fungus, as it were, “flows around” the obstacles encountered, for example, twigs.
Spiny hymenophore, consists of spines, descending slightly down the stem. at first they are white, gradually becoming chocolate or brown. They are 3-4 mm long, very brittle.
Spines near:
The height of the rusty hydnellum leg is 5 cm. It is covered with a completely rusty-brown soft cloth and has a felt structure.
Thin-walled hyphae have slightly thickened walls, do not contain clamps, but have septa. Their diameter is 3-5 microns, there is a minimum color. Near the surface of the cap, you can see a large accumulation of brown-red hyphae with blunt ends. Round warty spores are characterized by a slightly yellowish color and dimensions of 4.5-6.5 * 4.5-5.5 microns.
Grebe season and habitat
Hydnellum rusty (Hydnellum ferrugineum) grows mainly in pine forests, prefers to develop on depleted sandy soil and is demanding on its composition. Widely distributed in coniferous forests, with spruce, fir and pine. Sometimes it can grow in mixed or deciduous forests. The mushroom picker of this species has the property of reducing the concentration of nitrogen and organic matter in the soil.
Rusty hydnellum feels good in old lingonberry forests with white moss, in the middle of old dumps along forest roads. Grows on soils and substrates. These mushrooms often surround mounds and pits formed by heavy machinery. You can also see rusty hydnellums near forest paths. The fungus is ubiquitous in western Siberia. Fruiting from July to October.
Similar types and differences from them
The rusty hindellum is similar to the blue hindellum, but is very different from it in section. The latter has many blue patches inside.
Another similar species is Gindellum Peck. Mushrooms of these species are especially confused at a young age, when they are characterized by a light color. The flesh of Gidnellum Peck in ripened specimens becomes especially sharp, and does not acquire a purple hue when cut.
Hydnellum spongiospores is similar in appearance to the described mushroom species, but grows only in broad-leaved forests. It occurs under beeches, oaks and chestnuts, characterized by a uniform edging on the stem. There are no droplets of red liquid on the surface of the fruiting body.
The article uses a photo of Maria (maria_g), taken specifically for