Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

Hybrid tea roses have a huge number of varieties, the exact number of which no one knows. They originate from the almost legendary rose La France, bred by a famous French breeder back in 1867. He first crossed a tea rose with a remontant and got a plant with charming fragrant flowers, long flowering and relative resistance to cold. Since then, the work of breeders has been crowned with some success in breeding frost-resistant varieties, giving the world thousands of magnificent flowers of different colors with wonderful smells. Hybrid tea roses, planting and caring for which require certain knowledge, adorn almost every suburban area. This rather gentle species requires high-quality shelter for the winter and an attentive attitude.

How to plant

Hybrid tea roses, whose varieties can be very different in appearance, are very similar in their needs. The description of one rose does not give an idea about all representatives of this species – they can be short (a lot of bushes grow from 60 to 90 cm) or tall (some representatives grow over one and a half meters), the bush can have a pyramidal shape or be wide and sprawling. Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivationLeaves of different shades of green consist of 5 – 7 fragments, one flower is formed on the peduncles at a time, but there is also a small inflorescence. Buds are spiky, blooming flowers are usually large (from eight to fifteen centimeters in diameter), terry, petals are from 20 to 150. Shades of aromas and colors can be described for a very long time and with pleasure.

The hybrid rose incorporates the qualities of mother plants, modern varieties can boast not only external beauty, but even greater resistance to diseases and cold.

But as before, all this variety of varieties prefers light nutritious soil, preferably slightly acidic.

Roses are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, deepening the grafting point by 2 – 3 cm underground. But first you need to choose a good seedling. If possible, it is advisable to carefully examine the entire plant. The roots should be without damage, without signs of rot or overdrying. A well-developed root system is the key to a strong and healthy future bush. The shoots should have at least a couple of healthy, fully formed buds, and there should be no signs of rot, infestation.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

Before planting, it is very useful to soak a seedling in water, if not entirely, then so that the root collar gets wet. Before planting, many experts advise dipping the roots in a clay-dung mash, this is especially useful if the land on the site is poor, and fertilizers have been added to the planting pit, then the clay will stick around the roots and protect them from possible contact with chemicals.

It is worth digging a hole a little more than the volume of the root system itself, loosening the earth at its bottom, pouring earth mixed with humus or compost on the bottom. Put straightened roots on this mound, cover them with the remaining earth, tamp it around the shoots, water it abundantly, mulch it with peat or humus, you can simply spud it with earth to a height of 15 cm.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about this type of bushes.

Vintage roses. tea roses


A young seedling needs to be looked after carefully and carefully, if it was not bought in a nursery in the neighborhood, then it is possible that it grew in a greenhouse. First, it must be cut off, leaving 2 – 3 healthy buds on the shoots, then create a light shadow for it and gradually accustom it to the sun’s rays.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation During the entire growing season, the rose will need to be watered, fed, loosened and mulched around the soil, freed from weeds, and protected from parasites. But all these efforts will be rewarded – a charming fragrant rose will delight with the first flowering of the year from the second half of June.

After a month of continuous flowering, there comes a break – for some varieties up to two weeks, for others – up to a month. Then flowering resumes and continues almost until the very frost. Often, at the end of October, you have to cut the buds that have not had time to bloom. Some modern varieties bloom all summer without a break.

Such a busy flowering schedule requires a lot of energy, which is probably why roses need top dressing several times per season. The first two times (in spring) the plant is given a lot of nitrogen fertilizers. These can be complexes of mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen or simply a solution of slurry (or bird droppings). After the first abundant flowering, the flowers must be fertilized, but part of the nitrogen is significantly reduced, and other elements should prevail: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. Closer to autumn, nitrogen is completely excluded, potassium-phosphorus top dressing is introduced, which will help the plant accumulate strength for the winter. Top dressing is desirable to make after watering.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

The hybrid rose is propagated by grafting, but some varieties can be propagated by cuttings. In autumn, during pruning, you need to prepare suitable segments of shoots, save them in one of the known ways until spring, then root. Own-rooted roses usually have very good characteristics, they adapt more easily to weather and climatic conditions, but their root system remains superficial. With care, especially with watering, they can be made to grow a little more down, and not in breadth, but they will never match the strength and depth of growth of rosehip roots. Therefore, perhaps, experts prefer to vaccinate them.

Care and watering

Roses love moisture, its lack will necessarily affect the strength of the aroma, the size of the buds, their number. Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. But excess moisture can be even worse – if the soil is too clayey and drainage is not organized, then stagnant water near the roots can lead to root rot. Therefore, watering is better to produce plentiful, but not frequent. Young plants are watered every week, especially in hot summers, water at room temperature, settled in the sun, must be poured under the shoots, it is not advisable for it to fall on branches, leaves and buds. After watering, which is usually done early in the morning or in the evening, the next day the earth around the bush is loosened, then mulched with humus or peat, or even just hay or mowed grass. Mulch will protect moisture from evaporation, soil from weathering, and roots from overheating.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

It will be enough for adult plants to get from one and a half to two buckets of water every two to three weeks, especially if the summer is not too hot. Coolness and excessive humidity will create poor conditions for roses, but good for pathogens of fungal diseases. In such weather (frequent cool rains) it is worth dusting the bushes with crushed wood ash.

Pruning hybrid tea roses is a very important point in caring for them. The first time the rose is cut in the first spring after planting. In subsequent springs, they are not pruned so much, but it is still worth leaving no more than five healthy buds on the shoot. Peduncles are formed on the shoots of the first year, so all pruning in spring and summer is aimed at stimulating their growth. In summer, damaged shoots and blind shoots, that is, not blooming, are removed. In autumn, in the second half of October, if frosts have not yet come, they cut off unripe shoots, buds, leaves. Be sure to cut out completely wild shoots, which can form in most varieties (almost all). All cut greens must be collected and burned so as not to leave any chance for diseases and pests.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

Roses can suffer already when the temperature drops to -10 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to cut, remove plant debris, wrap them up for the winter before such low temperatures. To make the rose better prepared for winter, experts recommend leaving a few flowers until the fruits ripen, then the plant completes a full annual cycle and is about to go into a dormant period. Bushes prepared for winter are spudded with earth mixed with sand to a height of at least 25 cm, covered with spruce branches. Above them, they make a frame of metal wire (or put a wooden box with slots), cover the entire structure with lutrasil, the edges of which must be firmly pressed to the ground with stones or boards so that the wind does not damage the winter house of our sissy. If necessary (during thaws), lutrasil can be raised for ventilation. And if it snows all winter, then the rose will definitely winter well.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

The longer the main root, the more developed the root system, the less the whole plant suffers from frost. Even if the shoots freeze, new ones will grow from the root. Therefore, the first years, while the rose is still young, you need to cover it very carefully, make sure that the grafting site is underground, adult bushes will already be easier to tolerate frost.

Popular varieties

Among all the splendor of this type of roses, there are varieties that have long been known to everyone, often found, but that does not become less loved. Among them is the exquisite Gloria Day. The bush does not like radical pruning, grows up to two meters tall. On its strong powerful shoots grow elegant dark green leaves and single luxurious flowers of yellow-lemon color with a pink edge of the petals. A pointed (traditionally) bud opens with a large, up to 15 cm in diameter, double flower, consisting of 45 delicate petals of stunning color. In order to form a new bud as soon as possible, the fading flower must be cut off with part of the stem. This variety cannot boast of a strong aroma, and it begins to bloom later than others, but the hearts of many flower growers belong to it.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

Another charming flower went even further in its coloring. The variety “Double Delight” is known for its pleasant strong aroma and two-tone color – its double flowers with a creamy center have a red border, the width and color intensity of which depends on the amount of ultraviolet rays received during flowering. A bush up to 90 cm tall with dark green glossy leaves is usually covered with a large number of flowers of different colors – after all, one got more sun, the other less. When grown indoors behind glass, all flowers have a pleasant cream color with no signs of red.

Another variety is known for changing the color of the flower – “Paradise”. A silvery-lavender bud, with a reddish edge of the petals, opens up to become bright crimson, and the middle remains lavender.

Large double flowers of the Nicole variety delight the eye with a dark red upper part of the petals, the lower part of which is almost white with slightly pinkish edges.

The Blue Moon variety is very popular, whose large double flowers are more lilac than blue.

Our summer residents love the Red Velvet variety. Its tall, up to two meters, bushes with dark green glossy foliage are decorated with magnificent large double dark red flowers.Hybrid tea roses: the best varieties, care and cultivation

The long and profusely flowering variety “Dallas” is distinguished by large double flowers on long peduncles. Their color is crimson red, and the rounded petals look like they were trying to fold them as compactly as possible. Even when the middle is visible, it still seems that the flower has not yet fully opened.

Among white roses, the Virginia variety is especially popular, its medium-sized cone-shaped bud has only 31 petals, and the blossoming flower looks like it was cut out of precious paper. The stem is covered with small thorns and the foliage is dark green and very dense.

The pink flowers of the ‘Eiffel Tower’ variety are long and sharp, and the leaves are light green, matte. The bush looks very decorative, and is also resistant to fungal diseases.

The Bella Pearl flower, creamy with pinkish stains, looks very delicate. The thorny bush grows up to a meter, flowers with a diameter of 9 cm cover it abundantly, after a short break, flowering is repeated.

Video “Best varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties of this type of roses.

The best varieties of hybrid tea roses

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