Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

In the beautiful and vast world of roses, we always highlight hybrid tea varieties. Along with floribunda roses, they are most often grown in our gardens and are considered classics – after all, it is the hybrid tea rose that we represent when it comes to these wonderful flowers. This is the largest group and the most popular. If the rose is the queen of flowers, then the hybrid tea variety is undoubtedly the queen of roses. It is hard to imagine that a century and a half ago these flowers simply did not exist. Let’s get to know them better.

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Description of hybrid tea roses

The typical hybrid tea rose has large to medium-sized buds with many petals that form a well-defined central cone. Long flowering stems bear one or more buds. It is the roses of this group that are most often used for cutting and forcing.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Tea hybrid roses are aristocratic, each of their flowers can be called a work of art. Their graceful elongated glasses with sharp tops open with satin or velvety curved petals, which in the middle remain folded into a tall cone for a long time.

The flowers can be double or densely double, the number of petals usually ranges from 25 to 60 pieces per bud, the diameter is from 8 to 15 cm. They are located on slender peduncles 20-80 cm long, one at a time or in small inflorescences of 5-7 pieces.

Comment! Some varieties can have more than 100 petals in a glass.

Roses of the tea-hybrid group are unmatched in their richness of colors, shades, color transitions and shading, many varieties change color as the buds open.

Advice! If you want to get a very large flower, leave the central bud on the peduncle, remove the rest as soon as possible.

Almost all varieties of hybrid tea roses bloom in the middle lane in mid-June and bloom almost until frost.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

For this group of roses, the shape of the bushes plays an important role, which, unfortunately, sometimes leaves much to be desired. They should have strong, even shoots from 0,5 to 1,0 m high, well leafy, with delicate or dense, glossy or matte foliage.

The bush should have a proportional addition, have a shape from sprawling to pyramidal. Unfortunately, many varieties suffer from the fact that from improper pruning, excess nitrogen fertilizers or adverse weather conditions, their bushes do not hold their shape well or simply fall apart.


The best varieties of hybrid tea roses have a rich range of scents, they can be thin and light, subtle, and can be thick and heavy.

The aroma exudes microscopic glands with precious essential oil, located on delicate petals. Roses of dark varieties with dense, dense petals usually smell the most in the morning.

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Advice! To enhance the aroma of a rose, you need to properly feed it, a lack or excess of fertilizers adversely affects the intensity of the smell.

What is tea rose fragrance? This is the aroma of freshly dried selected tea.

Disadvantages of hybrid tea roses

First of all, it should be noted that hybrid tea varieties grow on rootstocks and are very poorly propagated by cuttings. Weak winter hardiness is also a feature of the group, therefore, all bushes require good shelter for the winter.

Reading rave reviews and catalog descriptions, this group of roses is ideal, but some of the best varieties produce woefully few buds. In the brightness of colors, they clearly lose to floribunda, the shoots are tough and form collapsing bushes, moreover, you rarely see a hybrid tea variety that has good resistance to wetting of buds.

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

You should not rely on the number of flower awards in this group – some titled beauties are good as exhibition specimens and are not at all suitable for decorating a garden. So you need to be very careful when choosing hybrid tea roses. Photos do not always reflect the true state of affairs. It is best to see the flower with your own eyes, on a video, or read the reviews of experienced rose growers.

History of creation

The first hybrid tea rose is the La France variety, obtained by the French breeder Jean-Baptiste André Guillot in 1967 by crossing the remontant rose of the Madame Victor Verdier variety with the tea rose Madame Bravi. “La France” opened the era of modern roses, which combined the beauty and marvelous aroma of old roses and re-blooming, winter hardiness, resistance to adverse weather factors from wild roses, in particular, from Remontant Rose.

  • Madame Victor Verdier

    Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

  • La France

    Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

In 1990, the first yellow rose “Soleil de Or” was obtained, after which the breeders bred so many new varieties with a variety of colors that all of them can only be considered in the catalogs of the largest companies involved in the trade in these flowers.

Hybrid Tea Roses

We decided to bring to your attention the roses of this group, breaking down the varieties according to the color of the flowers.

Red varieties

Although this color is often found in the flower kingdom, true, pure red is rare.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

A beautiful compact bush up to half a meter high has a high resistance to diseases, blooms continuously and profusely in the sixth zone. The flowers can serve as a standard of red, are up to 10 cm in size, collected in 3-5. When fully bloomed, the petals are slightly wavy along the edge, have a fragrance of medium intensity.

Black Baccarat

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

This re-blooming rose has gained fame as the “blackest”. In fact, she has a real dark red color. A densely double flower with angular velvet petals has a slight smell and is not impressive in size – only 7-8 cm. The bush is up to 1,0 m high, up to 0,7 wide, moderately disease resistant. The buds are located on the stems one by one.

Red Nostalgie

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Large single flowers up to 10 cm in size have an unusual blood-red color and a classic-shaped glass. Re-flowering bushes up to 1,2 m high are in excellent health, intended for cultivation in the sixth zone.

Raspberry varieties

Often roses are painted exactly in raspberry color, there is plenty to choose from. We bring to your attention those varieties that we liked.

George Dixon

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Large double flowers of rich raspberry color with a strong aroma are up to 13 cm in size, located one at a time on the peduncle and are used in the perfume industry. The bush does not exceed 1,3 m, blooms in two waves, has an average resistance and is intended for the sixth zone.

Alain Souchon

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Fragrant raspberry-red quartered flowers with 75-100 petals are 12-13 cm in size, arranged singly. Bush up to 1,0 m blooms repeatedly and is characterized by medium resistance. Designed for cultivation in the sixth zone.

Pink varieties

This color is consonant with the name of the roses themselves, bushes with pink flowers will bring a romantic mood to any garden.

Frederic Mistral

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

This romantic full-double rose is in the top ten. This is not surprising, its amazing pale pink flowers up to 11 cm in diameter at first looks like a real hybrid tea rose, when opened it resembles the best English varieties. Blooms repeatedly, and very abundantly, which is not the rule for this group, has a strong sweet aroma.

A strong slender shrub up to 1,1 m in hot climates can grow much higher. If we add to this a high resistance to diseases, it becomes clear why this rose is so loved all over the world. Designed for the sixth zone.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

This reblooming rose of medium hardiness performed well in the cut. Weakly fragrant single flowers have pink petals with a coral tinge, collected in a classic 11 cm glass. Narrow bush grows to 0,8 m, has dense foliage and reddish growth.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

The newest variety introduced in 2015. Its color is listed as “antique pink”. Whatever you call it, but dense single flowers 10 cm in size are very beautiful, besides they bloom repeatedly. Bushes up to one and a half meters high have excellent health and are intended for the sixth zone.

White varieties

It would seem the most common color. But very rarely there are pure white flowers.

White Christmas

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Large double flowers of true white color in a classic goblet shape reach a size of 12 cm, have a strong aroma and repeat flowering. An upright bush does not exceed 1,0 m, to wetting and diseases of medium resistance, grown in the sixth zone.

Pierre Arditi

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

The white flowers of the romantic series with an intense aroma reach a diameter of 14 cm and are located on neat bushes up to 1,2 m high and 0,7 wide. Flowering – continuous, the highest resistance to disease and soaking.

yellow varieties

This color is very suitable for roses, although it does not occur as often as we would like.

Gloria Day

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

This rose is better known throughout the world under the name “Peace”. She is the most famous of all existing today and, with her appearance, set new quality standards for roses. A powerful beautiful shrub 1,0-1,5 m high, up to 1,25 m wide, with single flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, which constantly change color. Usually its petals are a soft yellow color with a crimson edge, eventually fading to pink, cream or salmon. In fact, its color is very dependent on the place of growth, soil, care and even weather. Its aroma is described by some as subtle, others claim that it is thick, strong, sweet with fruity notes. It blooms repeatedly, grows best in the sixth zone, has an average resistance to diseases and soaking (which is very decent performance for this group).

Chipindale Gold

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

A magnificent flower of yellow, even golden color with a diameter of 10 cm with a faint aroma, when fully opened, the glass is cupped, quartered. Bush 0,7-1,0 m in size is intended for the sixth zone, medium resistance to diseases and soaking. It is considered re-blooming, but rose growers claim that with good care it blooms continuously.

orange varieties

Orange flowers are always very popular.

Abbey de Cluny

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Apricot flowers up to 11 cm in size at the base are almost cream in color, at the ends of the petals they are orange or copper, so densely doubled that they resemble a tight head of cabbage. Most often, one flower with a faint aroma of spices is located on the stem, occasionally – 2-3. A powerful bush up to 1,25 m tall with a width of 0,7 m has a high resistance to diseases, it is intended for cultivation in the fifth zone. Blooms again.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Flowers of an unusual orange color with yellow and pink hues, petals wavy when fully opened, always a darker shade on the wrong side. The size of the bud is up to 13 cm, flowering is repeated, the aroma is heavy, strong. Bush – 0,7-1,2 m, healthy, for the sixth zone.

Lilac varieties

At one time, these flowers made a splash.

Sterling Silver

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

The first flower is lilac-lavender in color, 8-9 cm in size, with beautifully shaped single buds exuding a strong sweet aroma. The bush grows in height by 1,0-1,25 m, in width – by 0,8 m. It has a weak resistance to diseases, it is intended for the sixth zone. Unfortunately, in a cool climate, it forms a weak bush, blooms poorly, albeit throughout the season.

Mainz Fastnacht

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

One of the most popular and famous lilac roses, many consider it the best. Large, up to 11 cm buds, one by one are located on the peduncle, slowly open. It blooms repeatedly, has a strong aroma, is resistant to diseases. An upright bush reaches 0,7-1,0 m, grows up to 0,7 m wide. It grows well in the sixth zone, with good shelter and proper care, you can try to grow in the fifth. Looks great in single plantings, but does not combine well with other flowering plants.

Comment! This rose is good to cut and stays in water for a long time.

Varieties of multi-colored coloring

Gorgeous roses with glasses painted in harmonious combinations of different colors.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Yellow densely double flowers 10 cm in size have a red edging of the petals and a high cone in the center. The bush does not exceed 1,2 m, it is intended for the fifth zone. Blooms repeatedly, medium resistance to disease and soaking.

Double Delight

Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Someone calls this rose vulgar, and someone – magnificent, but one way or another, for many years it remains one of the most famous and popular. The ideal bud of the classical form blooms for a long time and stands in the cut. The coloring is a stunning contrast between the white center and crimson outer petals, which increase in size as the flower ages. On the stem one bud up to 14 cm in size with a strong spicy aroma, flowering is repeated. The height and width of the bush can reach one and a half meters. Medium resistance to diseases, the sixth zone.


Hybrid tea roses: photos and names 

Beautiful single glasses of classical shape up to 10 cm in size have white petals with crimson edges. Continuously flowering bushes reach a height of 1,0 meters, are distinguished by excellent health and resistance to soaking, grow in the sixth zone. Straight strong shoots have almost no thorns.


As you can see, hybrid tea roses are diverse and everyone can find a flower to their liking among them. True, they often require constant attention, but their incredible beauty pays off all the effort.

Hybrid tea roses. Group Features

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