Climbing rose Abracadabra is a beautiful perennial with a bright and original color, which combines several shades. This variety is widely used in landscape design, used for cutting. Plant care should be comprehensive, preparation for winter is mandatory.

History of breeding

The history of the Abracadabra rose variety began in 1991 with a Californian nursery. Its author is William Warriner. In 1993, the plant was presented under the name Abracadabra at the exhibition. Made by Jackson & Perkins. The novelty was obtained from hybrid tea varieties Tribute (Tribute) and White Masterpeace (White Masterpiece).

In 2002, the German company Kordes and Sons developed the Abracadabra rose, based on the flower of its own authorship, Hocus Pocus. Both varieties are incredibly similar, because they are often confused.

In the same nursery, two years later, another variety of roses appeared. Under the name Abracadabra, it was officially introduced only in 2014. The difference between this variety is the predominance of white and light pink shades, greater terry.

Description of the climbing rose Abracadabra and characteristics

Rosa Abracadabra is a floribunda, that is, it belongs to a group that occupies an intermediate position between the hybrid tea and polyanthus class. A characteristic feature of the buds is their complex coloration. They have a red-burgundy, rich background with white and yellow inclusions – stripes, spots, strokes. Unlike Hokus Pokus, they are more pronounced in this climbing variety.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Due to the variegated coloring, it is impossible to find the same flowers of the climbing Abracadabra.

The predominance of a particular shade in the color of Abracadabra roses cannot be predicted. Sometimes a dark background takes precedence, and light inclusions are insignificant. In other cases, some petals may appear completely yellow. Often, gardeners note that the color of the buds on the same bush differs markedly in different years. For the first time, they can be monophonic, more often yellow. In future seasons, the color will change.

Rosa Abracadabra grows on average up to 0,7-0,8 m, when grown on a stem up to 1,5 m. Its lashes are long, reaching 1,5-2 m. The shape of the bush is upright or sprawling. Its width can reach 1,2 m.

Climbing Abracadabra prefers warm and sunny places, but the light should not be direct. Partial shade is recommended in the afternoon. The absence of cold winds is important for the plant. The soil should be moist and well-drained, preferably loamy. Water stagnation is unacceptable. The recommended acidity is 5,6-7,3 pH.

Comment! The root system of the climbing rose Abracadabra goes deep. To reduce the risk of black spotting, groundwater should lie no closer than 1 m.

The climbing rose Abracadabra has dark green dense foliage. When grown outdoors, a brownish tint may appear. There is a characteristic glossy sheen. There are practically no thorns on the shoots.

Peduncles are long when one bud is formed on them. They are then located on erect stems. Peduncles may be short. Then they are located up to three buds.

The stems of the climbing rose Abracadabra are rich green, dark emerald after lignification. The diameter of its double flowers is 6-7 cm, when fully opened it can be twice as large. The petals are velvety, the tips are pointed. The aroma of the plant is weak, but persistent and pleasant.

Climbing Abracadabra re-blooms. If you properly care for the plant, then it lasts all summer. In direct sunlight, poor soil or constant drafts, flowering may be absent. It comes into full force in June. Until autumn, 2-3 waves are observed. When grown outdoors, there are small breaks between them.

Flowering can continue until frost, as the last buds form in early autumn. In greenhouses and greenhouses, it will last almost all year round if competent comprehensive care is organized. In such conditions, the maximum number of buds is obtained.

Climbing rose Abracadabra is considered a cut variety. It can stand up to 16 days, while maintaining its attractiveness.

Rose Abracadabra belongs to zone 6b in terms of winter hardiness. This means that the plant can withstand up to -20,6 °C.

Comment! For abundant flowering for the next season and better wintering in the first year until August, buds must be removed. Then leave 1-2 on the shoot for fruit set.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Climbing Abracadabra attracts gardeners with its variegated colors and its unpredictability. Even one such rose is able to revive the bouquet, make it original.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

On one bush of climbing Abracadabra you can find both variegated and plain flowers.


  • interesting coloring;
  • re-flowering;
  • good immunity;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • long preservation in the cut.


  • susceptibility to black spot;
  • poor resistance to rain.

Methods of reproduction

The climbing rose Abracadabra is propagated by cuttings. For their preparation, you need to choose young, but strong bushes. Cuttings are cut when the first wave of flowering ends.

The Abracadabra rose can also be propagated by grafting (budding). To do this, you need a wild rose rootstock with a developed root system.

Cultivation and care

Climbing rose Abracadabra is planted in late April or early May or during October. If you choose spring, then you need to wait for the soil to warm up. Autumn planting is allowed only in warm regions, as the plant needs time to take root.

The selected area must be dug up by 0,3. The depth of the landing pit is 0,5-0,7 m, the width is according to the size of the earthen clod. Drainage is required – gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay. A layer of 0,1 m is enough. The soil is suitable as follows:

  • three parts of manure;
  • two parts of sand and fertile land;
  • part of the peat.

Seedlings need to be bought from trusted places in order to get a specific variety. You can order a hybrid tea rose Abracadabra in the Sadovita online store. After purchasing, proceed as follows:

  1. Shorten the roots of the seedling, remove the damaged ones, cut the shoots to 2-3 buds.
  2. Dip the cuttings in a mixture of cow dung and clay (1:2).
  3. Set the seedling in the planting hole, straighten the roots.
  4. Compact the soil, deepening the neck by 5 cm.
  5. Water the bush under the root.
Comment! Before planting, it is recommended to lower the roots of the rose in cold water for several hours.

Watering the climbing rose of Abracadabra should be plentiful once a week, more often in the heat. 15-20 liters of non-cold water is enough for a bush. By autumn, reduce moisture, stop in September.

The first feeding is carried out after wintering. Nitrogen fertilizer and mullein are introduced (dilute in water 1: 7). When forming buds, it is important to increase the number of ovaries. To do this, for 1 m² you need a bucket of water with minerals dissolved in it:

  • 15 g of potash fertilizer;
  • 20 g of saltpeter;
  • 40 g superphosphate.

Climbing rose Abracadabra responds well to the alternation of mineral compositions and organics. With repeated flowering, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of nitrogen, but increase the dose of potash fertilizers.

Climbing rose Abracadabra needs to be regularly weeded. The earth around the bush must be periodically loosened.

In the spring, sanitary pruning is needed. After it, the bushes must be shortened to 3-5 buds. Pruning is carried out in the summer to enhance flowering. You can delay it for a month by pinching the tips of the shoots.

Unripe shoots, flowers and leaves should be removed only before warming. When stable cold weather comes, cover the bushes with 0,2 m peat and cover with spruce branches. If the winter is severe or with little snow, then additional insulation with a cloth or sawdust is required.

Pests and diseases

Climbing rose Abracadabra has medium disease resistance. The flower may suffer from black spot. Fungal infection starts from below. Round purple-white spots appear on the leaves. Gradually they turn black. All affected parts of the plant must be removed and burned. For treatment, spraying with copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol, Topaz, Previkur, Strobi, Ridomil Gold is effective.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Due to black spotting, the plant may lose almost all foliage, there will be no flowering

Application in landscape design

Thanks to the variegated color, the climbing rose of Abracadabra looks good even alone. It can be planted against the background of conifers – juniper, thuja, spruce.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

A minimum of 1,5 m must be left between the climbing rose of Abracadabra and fruit or ornamental shrubs

The combination of the Abracadabra rose with such plants looks spectacular: euonymus, privet, wolfberry (snowberry), comb (tamarisk), tree-like caragana (yellow acacia), cotoneaster, pshat, lilac, skumpia, mock orange.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Variegated Abracadabra looks good with solid colors

Variety Abracadabra can be planted next to other climbing roses. Preference should be given to monochromatic varieties.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

The combination of climbing Abracadabra with conifers is more suitable for decorating parks


Climbing rose Abracadabra attracts with its original variegation and repeated flowering. It can be grown outdoors or in greenhouses and greenhouses, where buds will appear almost all year round. The care of this variety is standard, warming is required for the winter.

Reviews with photos about the rose Abracadabra

Oksana Samokhina, 34 years old, Moscow region
Rose Abracadabra has been growing for me for five years. In the first bloom, the petals were completely yellow. Thought it was a reset. The next season, the color changed – a burgundy background with yellow or almost white stripes and specks. All flowers are different, you can look at them for a long time.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Anastasia Romanova, 42, Krasnodar
Rose Abracadabra is unpredictable, the flowers can be variegated or plain, and maroon or pure yellow. The color fades over time, the aroma is unobtrusive. The flowers are great for cutting and last up to 1,5-2 weeks. The rose suffered from black spot last year but has recovered.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Olga Korneva, 28 years old, Dzerzhinsk
I love the Abracadabra rose for its color and durability when cut. There are almost monochromatic flowers, but most are variegated. This variety is not more capricious than other roses, it is well resistant to diseases. Several times the bush froze, but quickly recovered.

Hybrid tea rose floribunda Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

Abracadabra Rose Kordes

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