Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

Grocery stores sell specific types of citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. Some buyers know that on these shelves you can also find citrus hybrids that differ from their counterparts in unusual characteristics. Some argue that among them you can also find an orange crossed with a pomegranate.

Are there oranges crossed with pomegranate

Citrus fruits can only be crossed with representatives of a related species. Other fruits cannot create a full-fledged hybrid with them. Therefore, despite all the assurances of the sellers, there are no oranges mixed with pomegranate. This is a common marketing ploy that encourages the buyer to be interested in purchasing a product for the purpose of further study.

What is passed off as a hybrid of orange and pomegranate

Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

The red orange is a citrus with a blood-colored flesh. It is a hybrid obtained by crossing pomelo and mandarin.

The first representative of the species was grown in the lands of Sicily. Local residents appreciated its properties and began to trade citrus fruits and seeds in the southern part of Spain, the USA, China and Morocco.

The appearance of this fruit contributed to the legend of the existence of a hybrid orange with pomegranate. The fruit has a bright orange peel, inside of which is a bloody pulp with a strawberry-grape flavor. Ripe fruits have a slight hint of raspberry.

Red orange refers to dietary products. 100 g of its pulp contains 36 kcal. But due to the high fiber content, the fruits quickly saturate the human body, dulling the feeling of hunger. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on bowel function and maintain water balance.

The pulp of red citrus has a rich composition of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they like to use it in cooking and cosmetology. Experienced housewives use orange peel to infuse liqueurs and make seasonings for meat and fish dishes.

What other citrus hybrids are there

The list of citrus hybrids includes 60 new types of fruits. Many representatives are obtained by crossing ordinary citrus fruits with pomelo, lime and lemon. The most requested of them:

  • Tangelo – tangerine crossed with grapefruit, or pomelo. Its size does not exceed the fist of an adult man, and the sweet taste has retained all the notes of mandarin. Another name for this fruit is “honeybells”: tangelos make unusual growths at the base of such tangerines similar to them;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Mineola – one of the varieties of tangelo. The crossed fruit has a flattened shape and a thin orange skin with a red tint. The pulp of citrus is sweet, with unobtrusive sour notes;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Clementine is a crossed hybrid of a mandarin and an orange, which has a glossy orange peel, and inside is a sweet, pitted pulp. Clementine rightfully occupies a leading position in the list of sought-after citruses;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Coals – crossed tangerine with grapefruit. It differs from its relatives in that it was the result of natural work, and not human manipulation. The orange peel of citrus has a green tint and a characteristic tuberosity. A little later, it was combined with an orange, and a new offspring was obtained, in which there were a minimum of seeds. The taste of the younger generation of hybrids is slightly different from its predecessors. Orange notes and a slight bitterness appeared in it;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Rangpur – a hybrid of lemon and tangerine. The crossed fruit retained its orange skin and flesh, but took on a sour, lemony taste;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Calamondine – crossed hybrid of mandarin and kumquat. The pulp and peel of the resulting fruit can be eaten;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Oroblanco – a white grapefruit hybrid crossed with a pomelo. The peel of the fruit has a yellow color with a pale tint, and inside – juicy pulp, sweet in taste. Ripe oroblanco may turn golden or green;
    Attention! The white membrane of oroblanco remains bitter, so nutritionists do not recommend eating it.

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Etrog – one of the types of citron. This citrus has saved many people from seasickness, snake bites, E. coli, and respiratory illnesses;

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate

  • Buddha hand – no less popular type of citron. Its appearance resembles fused human fingers. Most fruits consist of one zest, so they are used as flavorings.

    Hybrid of orange and pomegranate


An orange crossed with a pomegranate is nothing more than a trick of the imagination of marketers who want to sell more product. Selection of citrus crops can only occur with representatives of related species, to which the pomegranate does not belong.

Citrus hybrids are not uncommon. The combination of different fruits makes it possible to obtain an unusual look and a new taste of the young generation of fruits. But this process can only be carried out under special conditions under the supervision of specialists. Even if a hybrid plant grows in a home environment, it is likely that it is sterile and will not bear fruit.

A hybrid of orange and pomegranate. What is this fruit?

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