Hyaluronic acid Video

Hyaluronic acid Video

Among the many means for preserving youthful skin, you can often hear about those that contain hyaluronic acid in their composition. It is really good for the skin, but you should not think that it is some kind of chemical component or a novelty. In fact, hyaluronic acid is present in everyone’s body, helping to moisturize the skin, but not always in sufficient quantities.

Hyaluronic acid is a special substance responsible for maintaining moisture in the skin, produced by the cells of the connective tissue. The peculiarity of the acid is that it kind of binds water molecules together, holding them, thanks to which the skin retains its youth longer and looks better.

Reviews on the forums about hyaluronic acid, sold in its pure form, characterize it as a transparent liquid that does not have a specific smell or texture. Over the years, the concentration of this acid ceases to be produced in the required amount in the body, and then the means come to the rescue, supplying it to the cells from the outside.

You should know that the production of hyaluronic acid is reduced not only due to age-related reasons, but also due to excess ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, sunburn should be avoided to maintain skin hydration and youthfulness.

How hyaluronic acid works

It contributes to the normalization of the skin’s water balance and its preservation, while the acid has the unique property of concentrating liquid in those cells where it is deficient. That is why the use of this acid is so effective for excessively dry skin. It is also encouraging that the days have passed when this tool could only be used in beauty salons.

Today it is enough to choose the right cosmetics, which include “hyaluron”, and you can buy it not only in a pharmacy. With regular use of these products at home, the effect will be noticeable after a few weeks, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin itself will become more toned.

One should not expect that hyaluronic acid will help to significantly rejuvenate, its task is to a greater extent in preventing aging by improving the exchange of fluids in skin cells, moisturizing it and toning it

The use of hyaluronic acid

At home, a natural “hyaluronic” substitute can be used both in creams and in pure form. The price of the latter is not so high, but it can be applied in a much more diverse way: add your favorite masks to the recipes, rub into the skin along with the cream, and carry out mesotherapy on its basis.

The area of ​​application is also not limited and masks based on creams with hyaluronic acid are equally effective for the face and hands.

The only drawback of the tool is that you can not buy it in every store.

There is also an opinion that it is advisable to use acid in courses so as not to pamper the skin too much and avoid addiction. Therefore, it is worth carrying out the procedures in cycles or several times a week, but not daily.

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