Hyacintoides: planting and care in the open field
Delicate hyacintoides is a bulbous perennial flower, somewhat reminiscent of a bell. It is called wild hyacinth, endymion, scylla, Spanish proleskaya. An unpretentious flower does not require special care and ennobles the garden area.
To plant a plant in a garden area, you need to have high-quality planting material – healthy young bulbs. Each planted onion gives about 6 children annually, so hyacintoides can be multiplied quickly. The bulbs are usually planted in a sunny location, although the flower will grow in a shaded area.
The spring hyacintoides flower is planted in September
The only difficulty with planting is to properly prepare the soil. It should be light, nutritious, loose, slightly alkaline or neutral. Prepare it in the fall: dig deep, up to ½ m, fertilize with universal dressing, potassium salt, humus. If the soil in your area is acidic, add lime or ash to it.
Plant from mid-September to late October.
- Start by treating the bulbs to keep them from disease. Dip in ½ in the fungicide solution, spread on a newspaper and dry.
- Dig small, 15-20 cm, planting holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
- Make a drainage layer by sprinkling coarse sand on the bottom of the holes.
- Plant the bulbs, tamp.
Cover the planting site with mulch – fallen leaves, cut grass, sawdust, dry peat. Make the layer thick enough to protect the set flowers from frost.
Hyacintoids care after planting in open ground
After planting the bulbs in damp ground, do not water them. Excess moisture in cool weather can kill flowers. But if the summer was hot, and the autumn is dry, without rain, then watering is required. Later, after spring germination, the flowers are moderately watered as the soil dries up. Stop watering two weeks after the last buds wither. Otherwise, the bulbs will start to rot and the plant will die.
Regular caring for it is not difficult.
- Loosen if you see that the soil on the flower plot has become too dense. Remove weeds at the same time.
- Mulch the soil to keep it moist longer.
- Make three dressings with superphosphate and potassium solution per season: after the spring awakening of the bulbs, after the first buds appear, at the end of flowering.
- Dig up the bulbs in July when the stems are dry. Dry and store at a moderate temperature of 15-18 degrees until autumn planting.
Hyacintoids are beautiful, unpretentious flowers. They are planted in the fall, the bulbs are dug up in the middle of summer, after the end of flowering.