Husband posted a photo of his wife after giving birth, but did not expect such a reaction

Surviving 40 hours of childbirth, and then seeing her exhausted photo in an email newsletter – a young mother from Australia was not ready for this.

Sofia Munzl suffered from labor pains in the mail for two days. So right after giving birth, she fell asleep like a dead sleep. But half an hour later I woke up: the young mother was impatient to admire her newborn daughter. Then she took the phone and the first thing she saw was congratulations from her husband’s colleagues.

“Congratulations, she’s just lovely!” – wrote people hardly familiar to Sophia. But how did they know that the child had already been born? And how do they know what their daughter looks like?

“Did you send a photo of our daughter to your colleagues?” She asked her husband. His answer pissed off the woman.

Yes, I sent a letter with several photos to our entire team. So what?

Sofia was furious. Affected by fatigue – emotions beat over the edge, perhaps the reaction turned out to be too violent. But send photos from the hospital to colleagues, even without permission ?! No, this is still too much!  

“I was so angry with my husband, I felt so humiliated! After all, he just sent a very personal photo to strangers, ”the young mother shares her feelings.   

“Please tell me these were normal photographs,” she told her husband, taking his phone.

But when she saw the pictures, the woman became even more angry. It turned out that the husband took the photo a few seconds after giving birth, when the doctor was still stitching it up.

“I don’t consider myself a shy person, and usually I don’t care what people think, but here I was beside myself. I couldn’t believe I looked so terrible. No, I certainly wasn’t going to take pictures with tons of makeup and pose with a baby, pretending that childbirth is the easiest thing in the world. But I certainly didn’t expect such a photo. “

“I sent the photo because I am very proud of you and our girl. And you both look amazing, ”her husband responded to Sofia’s attacks.

I can’t convey how upset I was. Throughout my pregnancy, I looked at photographs of mothers with newborn children. The pictures were great. The moms looked amazing. Everything is so perfect. And now I will never have the opportunity to announce the birth of a child as beautifully. I didn’t choose the perfect suit and hat for my little one, I didn’t even have the opportunity to shower or even wash. And my husband took the most humiliating photograph and, without asking, sent it to all his acquaintances.

But, having calmed down, Sophia realized: she was angry because she was afraid of someone else’s opinion.

“Part of me was worried about what people would think. They will think that I did a poor job with childbirth, since I was given a cesarean. But then I realized how stupid it was. I underwent surgery to save me and my child. So why should I care what others think? “

Now Sofia wants to tell every mom: you don’t have to have glamorous pictures from the hospital to be proud of yourself.

“Because childbirth is not at all glamorous, and you, mothers, are real superheroines, once you’ve gone through this. Now I am happy: my husband was able to see what I did not immediately see. Thank you, darling, for being proud of me. You made me feel wonderful despite all this blood, sweat and tears. And those photographs, real, raw, which I once thought humiliating, are now the most beautiful for me. “

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