These nine months don’t always look like the glossy pictures from the stellar Instagram. But if a loving man is nearby, then even the most difficult pregnancy can be a wonderful time.
In anticipation of their first child, future parents go through a difficult path. A woman learns to cope with hormonal surges and accept changes in her body, and a man tries on new responsibilities and begins to realize how important his support is for a woman. We have selected five joint activities for parents-to-be that will bring you closer, make pregnancy easier and will please both.
Breakfast in bed
For many women, toxicosis during pregnancy becomes a real test of strength. It is exhausting physically and emotionally, deprives the expectant mother of all the joys in life and worsens her mood.
Having breakfast without getting out of bed is a simple way to combat toxicosis, proven for generations. Combine business with pleasure and have breakfast in bed for two. When the day starts out deliciously and pleasantly, getting out of bed becomes much easier. In addition, the feeling that a man cares about you anxiously works wonders. And he will surely be touched by your sincere gratitude.
Whims and requests
During pregnancy, a woman’s taste preferences change frequently and dramatically. The expectant mother may suddenly want watermelon, fresh mint, pitted olives or mangoes. And this is the best case. At worst, she might be impatient to go to the train station in the middle of the night to sniff the sleepers. Moreover, this will not be just a desire, but a desperate need akin to an obsession. You will not get out.
But, for example, a man goes to the store, and upon his return he discovers that his wife no longer wants chocolate-covered peaches, but wants donuts with herring. In the meantime, she eats pickles straight from the can, snacking on them with ice cream. Such a situation can infuriate even a patient person. Do not forget that the husband is also a person and experiences the wife’s pregnancy in his own way.
In general, it’s better to let someone else go to the store. Finding such a “different” is quite easy – for example, on the website of an online consumer services service
Sea water
Water procedures are classified as restorative and therapeutic: they help relieve muscle tension and calm the nervous system. It is also a pleasant way of joint leisure for future parents. If the timing of pregnancy and well-being allow, go to the sea. Sea water and air will give you the strength you both need soon. If there is no way to go to the sea, it will be replaced by a pool with sea water. The husband will be able to fully train, and you will be able to relieve the load on the lower back, improve blood microcirculation and feel a pleasant lightness in the body. After the pool, both of you will feel refreshed and refreshed. What future parents need. By the way, the pool is one of the ways to cope with the difficulties of summer pregnancy easier. So even without sea water, just to take a dip.
Personal time
Many couples give up sex in order not to harm the child. But such restrictions are not only unnecessary, but also harmful: they increase emotional stress, do not give the usual discharge and become a cause of stress. This is definitely not in the best interests of the child. Physiologically, sex during pregnancy does not harm the fetus if there are no individual contraindications. So feel free to follow your desires: if you want and the doctor allows you – arrange a romantic evening, turning into a passionate night.
By the way: sex is one of the ways to speed up the onset of childbirth, if all the terms have already clearly come to an end, and the baby is still in no hurry.
Courses for pregnant women
There is a misconception that only women should attend courses for expectant mothers. In fact, training is beneficial for both parents. Even if you are not planning a joint labor, it is helpful for your husband to know what to do when the water has broken and how to support you during labor.
For a man, childbirth is also a test and stress, do not exclude it from the preparation process. For example, the billionaire husband of model Ksenia Delhi did not neglect the courses for future dads: he learned to swaddle, change diapers.
Collaboration in courses and subsequent practice can be turned into entertainment. Some couples even arrange competitions: at home they swaddle the dolls for speed, find out who remembers the recommendations best. Whichever way of learning you choose, it is important that you both like it, help you spend time together and usefully.