Tomatoes are grown in almost all farms of the country, in private and farms. This is one of those vegetables whose agricultural technology is known to many gardeners. Hurricane F1 tomato grows well in open ground, according to the description and characteristics of which you can understand what this variety is.

History of breeding

The Hurricane hybrid was obtained by breeders of the Czech agricultural company Moravoseed. Registered in the State Register in 1997. Zoned in the Central Region, but many gardeners grow it in other regions of Our Country, where it grows normally.

Designed for outdoor cultivation. It is recommended to grow it in garden plots, in small farms and household plots.

Description of the tomato variety Hurricane F1

The tomato plant of this hybrid is standard, with an average formation of shoots and leaves. The bush is indeterminate, reaches a height of 1,8-2,2 m. The shape of the leaf is ordinary, the size is moderate, the color is classic – green.

The inflorescence of the Hurricane F1 hybrid is simple (the first is formed after 6-7 leaves, the following ones – every 3 leaves. how the seedlings look.How the Hurricane tomatoes look can be seen in the photo.

Hurricane F1 variety tomatoes: description, photo, reviews of gardeners

Variety “Hurricane” is considered a hybrid of early ripening

Description of fruits

The tomato is flat-round in shape, with a slightly ribbed surface, inside there are 2-3 seed chambers. The skin is dense, does not crack, because of this, tomatoes tolerate transportation well. The color of ripe fruits is red. They are small, weighing only 33-42 g. The flesh is dense, but tender, the taste is noted as good or excellent. Most ripe tomatoes are marketable.

Characteristics of tomato Hurricane F1

This is an early ripe, tall variety, with small but uniform fruits. Plants require garters to supports and pinching.

Hurricane tomato yield and what affects it

From 1 sq. m. of the area occupied by the Hurricane hybrid tomatoes, you can collect 1-2,2 kg of fruit. This is higher than the varieties “Gruntovy Gribovsky” and “White filling”, which are accepted as the standard. In greenhouse, more stable conditions, the yield will be higher than in the beds.

The number of fruits that can be harvested from the bushes also depends on how the grower will take care of the tomatoes. From neglected or diseased bushes, it will not be possible to harvest a large crop.

Disease and pest resistance

Moderately resistant to late blight on tops, strongly affected by this disease on fruits. The hybrid is immune to most common diseases.

Scope of fruits

The fruits of tomatoes “Hurricane” are used for fresh eating and for canning in a whole form, to obtain juice and paste from them. The fruits contain 4,5-5,3% dry matter, 2,1-3,8% sugars, 11,9 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of product, 0,5% organic acids.

Hurricane F1 variety tomatoes: description, photo, reviews of gardeners

On hybrid plants, tomatoes ripen quickly and amicably

Advantages and disadvantages

The Hurricane tomato hybrid can be grown both in open beds and in a greenhouse, but besides this, it has the following advantages:

  • one-dimensional fruit;
  • early and friendly maturation;
  • dense, non-cracking skin;
  • good appearance of the fruit;
  • excellent taste;
  • tops resistance to phytophthora;
  • productivity.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Because of the tallness, you need to tie up the plants.
  2. You have to cut off the stepchildren.
  3. High risk of late blight fruit disease.

You can not leave the seeds of “Hurricane” for propagation, as they are hybrid.

Features of planting and care

Tomatoes are grown mainly from seedlings, sowing seeds should be done in the spring at different times. They depend on the climatic conditions of the regions. You should choose the time so that about 1,5 months remain before the date of the proposed planting of the Hurricane tomatoes on the beds. How long does it take to grow seedlings?

Hurricane tomato seeds are sown in separate cups or pots, plastic or peat. You can sow in a common container, but then they will have to dive when they throw out 3-4 leaves. The volume of the cups should be approximately 0,3 liters, this will be enough for the seedlings to grow normally.

For their filling, a universal substrate is well suited, which is intended for growing seedlings of vegetables. Cups are filled with soil mixture almost to the top, a small depression is made in the middle in each and 1 seed is lowered there. Previously, the seeds of the Hurricane tomatoes are soaked in water for 1 day, and then in a fungicide solution for dressing for about 0,5 hours.

Seeds are watered and sprinkled with a substrate. After planting, the cups are transferred to a warm place and covered with a film. They should remain in the pots until sprouts emerge from the ground. After that, the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. The most suitable place for tomatoes at this time will be the windowsill.

Hurricane F1 variety tomatoes: description, photo, reviews of gardeners

Tying up is a mandatory procedure for tall tomatoes

For watering seedlings of tomatoes “Hurricane” use warm and always soft, chlorine-free water. At first, it is convenient to water the soil from a spray bottle, simply moistening it, then from a small watering can for flowers.

You can feed Hurricane tomatoes with complex fertilizers with trace elements. The frequency of application is every 2 weeks, starting from the stage when 1-2 true leaves appear on the plants.

Attention! If tomatoes grow on ordinary beds, they need to be hardened 1-1,5 weeks before transplanting.

Hurricane tomato seedlings are transferred to the ground only when frosts have passed. In the regions of the Middle Strip, this can be done during the second half of May. The greenhouse can be planted at least 2 weeks earlier. Tomatoes “Hurricane” are placed in grooves or in holes according to the scheme 0,4 m in a row and between – 0,6 m. Since the plants grow tall, they need supports. They are installed on tomato beds immediately after planting.

Agrotechnics of tomatoes “Hurricane” does not differ from most varieties of this crop. They need watering, loosening and top dressing. Watering should be done so that the soil always remains moist. You can’t over-moisturize or over-dry. After watering, loosening should be carried out. The same procedure will destroy the weed sprouts.

Advice! You can keep the soil moisture longer by laying mulch on the surface of the earth.

Top dressing of tomatoes of the Hurricane hybrid is carried out 3 or 4 times per season: 2 weeks after transplantation and the beginning of flowering and fruit set, and during their mass growth. Both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used as fertilizers. It is useful to alternate them, but they cannot be used at the same time.

Tomatoes “Hurricane” grow well on top, but give little side branches. They are formed in 2 shoots: the first is the main branch, the second is the primary stepson. The rest are cut off, like the lower old leaves on tomato bushes. The stems are tied to supports so that they do not break.

Hurricane F1 variety tomatoes: description, photo, reviews of gardeners

In the greenhouse, you can grow up to 12 kg of tomato fruits per square meter

Harvest tomatoes from the bushes of the Hurricane hybrid should be harvested from June to mid-August. They can be picked either fully ripe or slightly unripe. From red and soft fruits, you can prepare tomato juice, which turns out to be very thick, dense, slightly unripe – canned in jars. Tomatoes can be stored in a dark, cool place for some time. They need to be folded into small boxes in no more than 2-3 layers to reduce the likelihood of rotting or mold.

Attention! It is impossible to leave seeds collected from fruits grown by one’s own hands, as this is a hybrid.

Pest and disease control methods

Tomatoes “Hurricane” very often fall ill with late blight, so you need to carry out preventive spraying. First, you can use folk remedies, for example, garlic infusion. It is prepared as follows: 1,5 cups of crushed cloves are poured into 10 liters of water, then left to infuse for 1 day. After straining, 2 g of manganese are added. Sprayed every 2 weeks.

If the signs of the disease are already noticeable, you can not do without chemicals. Tomatoes are immediately sprayed with fungicides. The solution is prepared and processed according to the instructions for use.


Tomato Hurricane F1 has characteristics that are inherent in many tall tomatoes. The hybrid is productive, gives uniform fruits of high quality and excellent taste. For home cultivation, this hybrid is suitable for those vegetable growers who prefer tall varieties.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Hurricane F1

Yulia Efremova, 28 years old, Astrakhan
I have been growing Hurricane tomatoes on my private plot for several years. It cannot be said that they are in some way superior to other hybrids or varieties: the yield is average, the fruits are medium-sized. But I chose them not for large-fruitedness or record yields, but for fruits of the same type, almost uniform in weight. They are excellent for canning and taste good both fresh and processed.
Natalya Grishina, 33 years old, Tyumen
I like to grow tall tomatoes, they give a larger yield per unit area than low ones. Although you have to tinker with them, tie up and remove stepchildren, all this then pays off with a good harvest. The hybrid “Hurricane” is otherwise unpretentious in care, all that is required is to water and fertilize the bushes on time. Tomatoes sing quickly, you can collect them for almost 2 months. They are dense and tasty, you can cook salads from them, pickle or roll them into jars as an ingredient in vegetable preparations. In seaming, tomatoes do not soften, they retain their shape.
We grow early tomatoes The experience of Svetlana Kalashnikova. Site “Garden World”

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