
Okhota is one of the most popular brands of strong beer in Russia. The owner of the brand, the Dutch concern Heineken, positions it as a beer for real men: serious, purposeful, self-confident. Heineken invests an average of 65 million rubles a year in the drink’s advertising campaign. And this gives results: in terms of sales in the territory of the Russian Federation, the Okhota brand is the undisputed leader in its category.

Historical reference. Beer “Okhota” was created in the late 90s of the last century by the technologists of the famous “Brewery named after. Stepan Razin”. This company, founded in the middle of the XNUMXth century, was famous for its traditions.

Initially, Okhota Strong beer was designed for the category of consumers who value strength and rich taste in beer. The drink was brewed according to the classical technology: exclusively from malt, hops and yeast, without any additives.

But in 2005, the company became part of the Heineken concern. The new owners appreciated the potential of Okhota beer and significantly increased the volume of production. However, the Finns changed the recipe of the drink: sugar and maltose syrup were added to it. The violation of the traditional technology benefited the beer: its taste softened a little.


In 2009, the plant them. Stepan Razin was closed, but Okhota began to be brewed at the St. Petersburg brewery of the concern, and later at the Moscow one. Since 2014, the drink has also been produced in Bobruisk. Okhota Krepkoe has already managed to occupy 1% of the beer market in Belarus.

The Heineken management tried several times to repeat the success of Okhota Krepkoe beer by expanding the range of the brand, but all attempts failed:

  • beer “Okhota Zimnee” was supposed to surprise the target audience with a combination of 10% alcohol and a thick sweet taste and aroma of dried fruits. However, the novelty was not appreciated by either the lovers of the “Hunting Strong” or the fans of beer mixes. The drink was discontinued;
  • Okhota Svetloe, a lager with a strength of 2,15%, which had a not very expressive taste, but a pleasant aftertaste, went unnoticed by the general public;
  • beer “Okhota Aged” (strength 2,61%) with the addition of caramel malt was also not a success;
  • “Hunting Dark” was severely criticized by experts for its watery taste with a distinct alcohol tint and an indistinct charcoal-apple aftertaste.

But “Okhota Krepkoe” has been leading the sales ratings for the second decade. Advertising slogans: “The principles of real men” and “Men understand” – are known to almost every consumer. The brand constantly sponsors major sporting events. Based on the results of a study of sales volume in Russia, the National Trade Association awarded the Okhota trademark the Product of the Year 2017 award.


Beer “Okhota Strong” is a lager with a strength of 8,1% and a density of 17,3%. The taste of the drink is rich, with pronounced bitterness and without any original undertones. To match the taste and a slightly sharp aroma. Beer is produced in metal cans, glass and plastic bottles.


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