Blood type «O» is referred to as the group of hunters. The term came from the fact that our ancestors obtained food by hunting and meat in the diet of people from this group is the most important. About 0% of people worldwide have this blood type.
A diet adapted for people with a specific blood type allows you to understand why one diet is effective and another is not. People with group 0 are active people, which is why meat is important in their diet, they tolerate wheat products less, which can be replaced with vegetables.
The diet for these people should include:
Meats and poultry: mutton, veal, lamb, heart, liver, beef
Fishes and seafood: cod, halibut, sturgeon, salmon, mackerel, hake, perch, sardine, sole, herring
Oils and fats: olive oil, linseed oil
Nuts and seeds: pumpkin seeds, walnut
Beans and legumes: black eyed pea
Vegetables: chard, broccoli, red and yellow onions, horseradish, chicory, red pepper, garlic, pumpkin, seaweed, kohlrabi, artichoke, parsnip, parsley, leek, turnip, romaine lettuce, sweet potatoes, spinach
Fruits: dried figs, fresh figs, dark and red plums; fresh and dried
Juices and drinks: pineapple juice, dark cherry juice, prune juice
Spices: curry, turmeric, seaweed, Cayenne pepper, parsley
Herbal teas: hops, ginger, linden, peppermint, dandelion, mulberry, rosehip, parsley,
Avoid these products
Meats and poultry: bacon, goose, ham, pork
Fishes and seafood: caviar, smoked salmon, octopus, catfish, marinated herring
Eggs and Dairy: skim milk or 2%, yoghurts, kefir, goat’s milk, ice cream, buttermilk, cheese
- Neutral products are mozzarella cheese, goat cheese, butter, feta, soy milk
Oils and fats: corn oil, peanut oil
Nuts and seeds: poppy seeds, peanut butter, brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts
Beans and legumes: red and green lentils
Cereal products: products of this type should be completely excluded from the diet; corn flour, oat flour, wheat, bran, oat flakes, corn
Bread and croutons: wheat bread, multigrain bread, corn rolls, wheat flour bread,
Grains and pastas: for this blood group it is inadvisable to eat any pasta
Vegetables: avocado, eggplant, white cabbage, corn, white potatoes, Brussels sprouts, black olive, red cabbage, cauliflower, Spanish and Greek olives, mushrooms
Fruits: blackberries, tangerines, melons, coconuts, oranges, rhubarb, strawberries
Juices and drinks: apple juice, cabbage juice, orange juices and drinks
Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, vinegar, white and black pepper, corn starch, vanilla
Herbal teas: aloe, St. John’s wort, coltsfoot, rhubarb, sorrel, corn
Drugs: coca-cola, black tea, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks