Hunger will wait! Discover 15 ways to cheat your appetite!
Hunger will wait! Discover 15 ways to cheat your appetite!Hunger will wait! Discover 15 ways to cheat your appetite!

Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, wakes up as blood glucose drops. Although dieters consider it an enemy, it is essential for our survival. Hunger reminds us of the need to eat food, thanks to which we will avoid deficiencies of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Deliberately starving ourselves exposes us to many harms, including: for the yo-yo effect after the end of slimming treatment. Sometimes we can use simple tricks that will allow us not to snack between meals.

15 tips to cheat hunger!

  1. A healthy sleep will regulate the feeling of hunger and satiety, which will spare us internal fights for not snacking.
  2. Your allies are whole grain products, as well as groats, fruits and vegetables. As they contain a wealth of fiber, they swell in the stomach, and as a consequence, we curb our appetite faster.
  3. Eat your meals carefully and without undue haste. The slower you eat, the faster your food is digested and you feel full.
  4. Have you eaten a meal and feel incomplete? After 15 minutes, your brain should send a signal to your body that you are full. Don’t be in a rush so you don’t eat too much. If the portion turns out to be too small, you can always catch up with a meal.
  5. A daily dose of movement will contribute to the increase of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones that will put away hunger in time. Of course, we are talking about moderate effort, not strenuous exercise.
  6. Carefully hide food from your eyes, and also try not to watch advertisements, photos of sweets in newspapers, or cooking programs. Make sure that the specter of pork chops with cabbage does not haunt you persistently in your mind.
  7. Quench the freshly felt hunger with a glass of still water, to which you can add a slice of lemon or a mint leaf. Also drink water before meals.
  8. Brushing your teeth, at least temporarily, should do away with the urge to grab a snack.
  9. It has been proven that in cold weather people reach for snacks more often, which argues for keeping the house warm.
  10. Avoid watching TV while eating. Give your full attention to the bites you chew.
  11. Food should not be overly greasy. Since fat is a flavor carrier, it encourages us to refill.
  12. Cook more fish than meat. Fish with the same amount of calories will be more filling than a portion of poultry or beef.
  13. We should chew mint gum not too long, otherwise it will awaken our appetite due to the increased production of gastric juice.
  14. Prefer food served on a small plate, it will make the portion seem larger. For a better result, chop the vegetables and cleverly cover the plate with them. This is important because we also eat with our eyes.
  15. Find a hobby. Consumed by an absorbing occupation, you won’t even notice when hunger strikes.

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