Humidity in the apartment: norm, measurement, how to increase or decrease

The optimal air humidity in the apartment is determined by the standards of GOST and SanPiN, the well-being of a person, the time of year, and the purpose of the room. An average of 40-60% is considered normal. If the water vapor content in the air is higher, favorable conditions are created for the development of the fungus on the walls, and if the mucous membranes of a person dry out excessively, skin itching and coughing may appear.

Humidity in the apartment

What is air humidity

In molecular physics, air humidity refers to the content of water vapor molecules in the air surrounding a person. One hundred percent humidity is characterized by the appearance of condensate on the surfaces. On the street with such indicators, precipitation falls.

Normal humidity in a residential area is usually different from that outside. In an apartment, it is more stable, while in the environment it changes under the influence of the seasons of the year – in autumn and spring it is higher, in winter with frost and in summer in extreme heat – lower.

Humidity fluctuations are caused by temperature. At excessively high, water molecules evaporate, and at very low, they crystallize. In a residential area, the air is most often made dry by central heating radiators.

How is humidity measured?

The ideal humidity in the apartment is the one at which a person feels comfortable. When determining, the concept of relative humidity (RH) is used. Unit – g / m3, grams per cubic meter. Modern hygrometers show the normal humidity in the house as a percentage.

What causes deviation from the norm

If the average humidity of the room is significantly higher than normal (more than 20-30%), various problems may arise:

  1. The appearance of mold. A moist and warm environment is the optimal condition for the development of fungal spores. Mold often forms in the bathroom, kitchen, and in the corners of rooms. In children and people with weakened immune systems, it can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions. For asthmatics, damp rooms are dangerous because prolonged exposure to them provokes frequent attacks.
  2. Increasing heat transfer. In hot summer weather, the high temperature is felt worse with an increased content of moisture particles in the air. The result can be overheating or heat stroke.
The dependence of the development of diseases and fungi on the humidity in the apartment

It is the state of health of the residents of the premises that determines what humidity should be in the house. Too high is not suitable for asthmatics, allergy sufferers, young children, people with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and immunodeficiency.

If the norm of humidity in a room for a person is not met and the air is too dry, this is also harmful to health:

  1. Dryness of mucous membranes. This can be manifested by itching and irritation of the eyes, especially in people with contact lenses, a scratchy throat, and a hacking cough.
  2. Difficulty breathing. When dry, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx do not perform their protective functions. A person becomes susceptible to colds and infections, nosebleeds, chronic rhinitis, exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  3. Deterioration of the skin. Peeling, irritation, redness, the appearance of wrinkles – all this occurs against the background of a violation of the hydrobalance of the skin. High humidity is especially bad for people with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and other dermatological diseases.

Most unpleasant symptoms do not appear immediately. But if there is no normal humidity in the apartment, sooner or later its residents will begin to experience discomfort.

The norm of air humidity in the apartment

Recommended GOST 30494-96 air humidity in the room depending on the season:

  • in winter – 30-45%;
  • in the autumn-spring period – 30-45%;
  • in summer – 30-60%.

The optimal humidity in the room for a person of different ages:

  • for adults – from 40 to 60%;
  • for children under 6 years old – 50-60%.

The ideal air humidity in an apartment for a person varies depending on the purpose of the room:

  • in the bathroom, where the finish of the ceiling, walls and floor is usually resistant to water, the humidity can reach 60-70%;
  • normal humidity in the rooms allocated for the kitchen, corridors, storerooms – 40-60%;
  • in rooms where there are plants, the humidity should not be lower than 60–70%, for tropical and subtropical flowers – up to 80–95%, so it is recommended to take them out to the balcony, loggia or give them a separate room;
  • it makes no sense to regulate humidity on a loggia or balcony, since this room is non-residential.

According to SanPiN, relative humidity for rooms is enclosed in a more rigid framework and has values ​​of 60% in the cold season, and 65% in the summer. Some rooms are not standardized due to non-permanent or short stays in them, as well as frequent and long-term changes in humidity in these rooms

The name of a roomAir temperature, °CRelative humidity, %
Living room18 – 24 Feet60
A room in the areas of the coldest five-day period (minus 31 ° C and below)20 – 24 Feet60
Kitchen18 – 26 FeetN/A*
Restroom18 – 26 FeetN/N
Bathroom, combined bathroom. knot18 – 26 FeetN/N
Lobby14 – 20 FeetN/N
Storerooms12 – 22 FeetN/N
Living room20 – 28 Feet65

* – not standardized

To increase the service life of household appliances, the safety of books, paintings, upholstery of upholstered furniture, the humidity level should not exceed 60-65%.

The norm of air humidity in the child’s room

The optimal humidity for a child in an apartment is determined based on his age. It is especially important to observe this parameter for newborns:

  1. Features of thermoregulation in infants. The drier the air (which the child inhales), the more liquid the body will spend on moisturizing it. Large losses of water are associated with this – dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity occurs, it is difficult for the baby to breathe. As a result, he wakes up more often at night, eats poorly, and is naughty.
  2. Long heating season. In most cities of Russia, it lasts at least 6 months a year. Central heating batteries can reduce the initial indoor humidity by 20–40% or more. Reduced humidity during the heating season means frequent respiratory diseases, chronic rhinitis, and an increased risk of bronchial asthma.
Optimum humidity in the child’s room is especially important

Depending on the age of the child, determine what humidity should be in the bedroom. For children of the first year of life, the optimal parameter is 50-70%, for children from 1 to 3 years old – 45-65%, for children over 3 years old, almost adult norms are suitable – 50-60%.

How to measure humidity

The relative humidity of the air in the room is measured using special devices – hygrometers. They have a different design and principle of operation:

  1. Electronic. Usually combined with thermometers to simultaneously measure the temperature in the room. In them, an electrolyte is applied with a thin layer on the inner plate, through which the voltage passes. The results are displayed on the dashboard.
  2. Mechanical. Cheaper and easier to use devices, however, can give an error in the measurement of up to 8%. They work without a power supply, are available as desktop or wall-mounted. They do not have a digital display, they are equipped with a dial and an arrow.
Electronic hygrometers have good accuracy and are affordable

There are several ways to determine the saturation of air with moisture, not all of them are popular, but there are:

  1. Weighted or absolute. It is a device that determines relative humidity by absorbing it. With the help of special tubes with a chemical composition, he takes measurements. Do not use at home.
  2. Hair. This type of hygrometer is used only in laboratories, and then only because its principle of operation is based on the study of a human hair.
  3. Film. It also belongs to the category of laboratory instruments. The main mechanism is a special film, which, depending on the level of humidity, is stretched or, conversely, compressed. It is most effective to use it in the winter season.
  4. Electronic. This type of device is most often purchased for household measurements of humidity. Using it is quite simple, since the mechanism immediately displays the final measurement result on the touch screen.
  5. Psychometric. The most accurate type of moisture meter. Often it is purchased for work in industrial, laboratory premises. Also, many “civilian” users leave their choice on psychometric hygrometers because of their relatively low cost and extreme accuracy.

To determine the norm of air humidity in an apartment, an inexpensive mechanical hygrometer is suitable. For domestic use, certification in the metrological service is not required.

It is important to pay attention to the temperature range of use – the maximum value is 80-120 degrees. When used in a sauna or bath, you must choose the extreme option.

Determination of humidity without devices

You can independently find out quite accurately the humidity of the air in the room without having instruments. There are two options for this.

When measuring in the first way, you need to measure the air temperature in the room with a thermometer and record the readings. Then take a small piece of a rag or bandage, wet it and wrap the tip of the thermometer and leave it for 5 minutes.

Psychometric table for determining the relative humidity of the air

In the second case, you need to pour a glass of water and cool it in the refrigerator to + 3 … + 5 ° C. After that, transfer the glass to a room away from heating appliances and leave for 10 minutes. We look at the glass if:

  • The glass is dry. The humidity in the room is insufficient.
  • There is condensation on the walls. Humidity is fine.
  • Lots of condensation and leaks. The humidity is too high.
Increased condensation on a glass with drips indicates high humidity

How to increase air humidity with household appliances

The most affordable and popular device for increasing the humidity in the air is a household humidifier. It can be used all year round, but it will be especially useful in winter, when the humidity of 20 percent indoors causes discomfort.

The following types of humidifiers are available:

  1. Classic. The principle of operation of such devices is based on the evaporation of cold water without preheating. From a special container, water flows to the evaporator – disc, filter or cartridge. Due to the fact that such devices take air from the room and release it after cleaning with a filter, there is an additional removal of dust and allergens.
  2. Humidifiers with air cleaning function. These are full-fledged climatic devices that simultaneously increase the level of humidity and purify the air by equipping them with special replaceable filters. They are also called air washers.
  3. steam models. The principle of operation of such devices is similar to the operation of an electric kettle. Heating elements with a ceramic plate or coil release steam after the water has been preheated. It is optimal to use both in summer and to maintain the norm of humidity in the apartment in winter.
  4. Ultrasonic. The most expensive and efficient. The liquid poured into the tank enters the plate, which vibrates under the influence of ultrasound. Water breaks up into tiny droplets that enter the room through a cooler inside the case.

With the help of such devices, you can not only create a comfortable humidity in the apartment, but also adjust other parameters:

  • control the temperature;
  • neutralize pathogenic microbes;
  • capture dust and allergens.

The action of the humidifier can cover a different area, which must be considered when buying. Small appliances are suitable for a bedroom or kitchen. For a living room or other rooms with a larger area, you need a powerful device.

How to increase the humidity of the air folk remedies

The humidity in a dry room can be increased using folk methods:

  • regular wet cleaning;
  • frequent ventilation (not in sub-zero temperatures), especially after rain;
  • installation of a mini-fountain, aquarium or other water containers;
  • breeding flowers and their regular watering;
  • reducing the intensity of the heating radiators with wet towels;
  • using a sprayer.
Folk remedies to increase the humidity in the room

To increase the humidity in the room, you can dry the laundry directly in the room, and not on the balcony or outside. During cooking, water vapor from boiling pots also enters the air.

How to reduce humidity

Not always high humidity is good. If mold, fungus appears on the walls, condensate constantly collects, it must be reduced. You can use one of these methods:

  1. Dehumidifiers. Special devices absorb excess water molecules, taking air from the room. The principle of operation of such a device is based on the condensation of steam in a room. Part of the function of a dehumidifier is performed by an air conditioner – it also takes water from the air.
  2. Good ventilation. Clogged air ducts do not cope with the function of removing excess wet air from the apartment.
  3. Drying clothes outside or on the balcony. Drying, the fabrics give off water molecules into the air, which circulates throughout the premises and increases humidity.
  4. Sunlight. Once in the room, it leads to the evaporation of water, so it is recommended to open windows regularly.

Some humidity factors cannot be influenced:

  • the more people live in an apartment, the lower this figure will be;
  • if all windows face north, the rooms most often have dampness;
  • in some cities, climatic conditions determine the constant high humidity.


To determine what humidity should be in the apartment, you can use a household hygrometer. If the level is below 40%, use humidifiers or other available methods. When it exceeds 70%, you need to reduce the number of sources of water evaporation (potted flowers, aquariums, water containers, wet clothes) or use dehumidifiers.

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