Humidifiers what they are reviews

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With the onset of the heating season, our homes become warm, but too dry, which can lead not only to discomfort, but also to health problems, especially for children.

With the onset of cold weather, we begin to look forward to the heating season, so that at least in the apartment we can warm up. But the comfort associated with heat in our homes has a flip side of the coin: heated radiators dry the air a lot. And dry air can lead either to the occurrence of diseases, or to exacerbation of existing diseases, such as, for example, asthma. In addition, dry air is bad for the skin and hair. Dry air is especially dangerous for children, because babies are more sensitive to air quality than adults.

What to do? The answer, as they say, is on the surface – humidify the air! There are many ways, but it is better to buy a device that, without your help, will maintain the optimal balance of air humidity in your apartment. It will take the necessary measurements by itself and adjust the operating mode so as to achieve the required results.

Permissible air humidity – no more than 60%, optimal – from 30 to 45% in winter and from 30 to 60% in summer

Humidifier-purifier Venta not only purifies and humidifies the air, but also controls the level of humidity, has warm and cold humidification modes, and turns off automatically when the water level is low.

Air purification is carried out with the help of special filters, which are equipped with a humidifier-air purifier, the apartment is filled with clean and fresh air.

Thus, the modern Venta humidifier-air purifier will easily solve the problem of low air humidity in the apartment.

Benefits of the Venta humidifier

1. It works according to a simple and effective principle: water is used as a humidifier and filter. The air is sucked in, passed through the water, humidified and cleaned of allergens, dust and animal hair. To change a dirty filter, simply pour out the water and fill up a new one.

2. Very quiet humidifier for the nursery. There is no annoying buzzing or hissing that does not prevent the child from sleeping peacefully.

3. Hygienic. The device does not have replaceable filters and cartridges in which microorganisms actively multiply, which is important if a children’s humidifier is needed.

It is important to know that there is a certain area for which the humidifier-air purifier is designed!

Specifically! Why dry air is dangerous

1. Dry air is most unfavorable for the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and the respiratory tract in general, which, when dry, become more susceptible to viral respiratory diseases, and permanent discomfort in the throat in the form of perspiration and increased sensitivity to allergens may appear.

2. Dry air is unfavorable for the skin, which dries up, there is a feeling of tightness, peeling; such dry skin may be more resistant to allergens and irritation.

3. Our lips are very sensitive to low humidity, which dry out and can crack. Not a single lip balm helps, and a person does not even know that the point is not in the lips themselves, but in the insufficient humidity of the environment.

4. Owners of sensitive eyes and people using contact lenses, at low air humidity, will quickly feel discomfort in the eyes, irritation, which is associated with drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

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