Factors affecting our health

The quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume is one of the most important factors in maintaining health. Of course, “quality” is too vague a term. Here we are talking, first of all, about those components that normally should not be contained there. These are toxins of industrial emissions, and products of processing of oil fractions (at least the same car exhaust), and all kinds of dehumidifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, flavorings and other additives, “carefully” added to our food by manufacturers.

The second major group of factors that affect our health is, of course, infectious pathologies. And this is also thanks to Fleming (and a large number of other scientists) for the antibiotics that are still successfully used in the treatment of bacterial lesions. Here, by the way, everything is not as cloudless as we would like, but we will tell you about the resistance to antibacterial drugs in another article. Things are more or less good except with the means to get rid of fungi and other parasites. But the situation with specific antiviral treatment so far looks very depressing. What the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated in all its glory, which, let’s not be afraid of a loud word, affected the entire habitual way of life of human civilization!

Finally, the third of the main factors in the development of various diseases is the internal “breakdowns” in our body itself. First of all, these are all kinds of genetic defects that lead to disorders of certain organs and systems, as well as autoimmune lesions. But for the most part, such disorders are either, alas, not compatible with life, and then the fetus that has them dies, or they are characterized by a long chronic course. This is also unpleasant, it causes a lot of problems, but humanity has somehow learned to cope with their consequences by taking drugs that relieve the severity of symptoms.

Of course, it is unlikely that we will be able to create a universal medicine, a kind of panacea that will be effective against all three main causes of our diseases. Therefore, among medical researchers, the idea of finding a preventive remedy that can comprehensively protect the human body from the above threats is becoming increasingly popular. And humic acids are actively considered as one of the variants of such substances today.

Humic acids? What’s it?

Under this name, a fairly large number of organic acids are combined, which are the product of the natural decomposition of animal and plant tissues. Here it is also necessary to say that this class of connections is not the most recent discovery. Scientists have been studying humic acids for almost a century, and the pioneer here was Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, the creator of such a science as biogeochemistry. He was the first to draw attention to the beneficial properties of humic acids, and also called them the most natural and stable form of existence of organic molecules in the biosphere.

For a long time, research in this direction was very slow, because it is very difficult to study humic acids in detail. Their composition and structure are quite different, and without modern techniques, sometimes it was not possible to determine that a particular molecule belongs to this group.

Everything began to change rapidly at the beginning of the XXI century with the spread of high-quality spectral analyzers, electron microscopes and other high-tech laboratory equipment. It turned out that with a fairly large variety of chemical formulas, humic acids have similar biological properties. And these properties largely depend on the tertiary and quaternary structure of the molecule, that is, to put it more simply, on its spatial three-dimensional shape.

The generally accepted classification of humic substances is based on their solubility in certain liquids:

  • humic acids are soluble only in an alkaline environment;
  • himatomelanic acids can also be dissolved in ethyl alcohol;
  • and fulvic acids dissolve almost everywhere, not excluding ordinary water.

How do humic acids interact with the human body?

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize how they do not interact. In a number of studies, it has been demonstrated that humic acids:

  • first, they are almost completely non-toxic;
  • secondly, they do not have side effects;
  • third, they do not have carcinogenic properties;
  • fourth, they are safe for the health of the mother and fetus.

These are extremely important factors, without which it would not make sense at all to consider these compounds as a preventive means of complex action.

As for the beneficial effects, at least six humic acids have been identified at the moment. And in the light of the three main damaging factors that we discussed at the beginning of the article, they can be divided into three complementary pairs:

1. Detoxification and heavy metal binding

All those toxins that enter us with air, water and food, the body tries to neutralize and remove with all its might. Chemically neutralizes dangerous substances, mainly the liver. But the kidneys, intestines, and partially the lungs and skin try to throw them out. These are the main organs responsible for detoxification and it would be nice to help them somehow, which would serve as an additional prevention of a variety of diseases. This is exactly what humic acids do.

Both in the intestine and already in the blood, they are able to bind and chemically neutralize toxins, working as enterosorbents. And when the toxin is bound to a large molecule of organic acid, it loses its dangerous properties, and in addition, it is much easier for the same kidneys to filter out this large complex and remove it in the urine.

Neutralization of heavy metal ions is a special case of such a detoxifying effect of humic acids. But it is worth paying special attention to it due to the high sorption capacity of these substances. So, only 1 gram of humic acids can neutralize:

  • 30 mg of caesium;
  • 18 mg of strontium;
  • 60-150 mg of lead;
  • 300 mg of mercury.

2. Immunostimulation and virus control

This is the prevention of the second group of the main causes of morbidity in the human population. Humic acids improve the functioning of both cellular and humoral parts of the immune system. In the first case, they accelerate the movement of immunocompetent cells (T-lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, etc.) through the tissues and activate their phagocytic functions (the ability to absorb and destroy infectious particles). In the second case, humic acids enhance the synthesis of the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the walls of many pathogenic microorganisms.

And the antiviral properties of humus substances have been proven on the example of cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, herpes and, what is especially important now, SARS-CoV-1 coronavirus-the causes of the SARS epidemic of 2002-2003. This is a “close relative” of the current global scourge, which is called SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, there is every reason to assume that humus compounds will be effective against it.

3. Anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration

Finally, humic acids will be useful in the third group of causes of morbidity. Of course, they will not cure genetic defects and autoimmune reactions will not eliminate, but such disorders are almost always associated with inflammation. And humic acids can suppress it so effectively that many clinicians suggest using them as an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Well, after the inflammatory reaction has been removed, the tissues will need to recover. And humic acids will also help speed it up. A number of studies have shown that they stimulate cell division. And the faster new cells appear, the faster the tissue regenerates, closing the damaged areas.

Are humic acids used in modern medicine?

Yes, today in the arsenal of medical practitioners there are already several such drugs with a confirmed clinical effect. They are used mainly for inflammatory lesions of the nervous pathways (sciatica, plexitis, etc.), for joint inflammation, as well as for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the ENT organs. In addition, cosmetologists widely use humus compounds as the main component of baths, wraps, masks, creams, shampoos and soaps.

Can I buy humic acids in our country?

Yes, you can. For preventive purposes, they are recommended to be consumed as healthy food products. The domestic leader in the production of such products is VILAVI INT LTD. Its specialists independently created the technology for obtaining the FulXP complex, which includes all three fractions of humic acids. This development received a patent from the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation in 2020. Now on its basis, the company Vilavi produces a delicious and healthy drink called T8 Stone.

In addition to humic acids, the active formula of T8 Stone also includes silver nitric acid as an antiseptic and a rich trace element complex.

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