Human skin microbiome: functions, features, recovery methods

What is the human skin microbiome?

First, let’s look at what the human skin microbiome is.

Microbiome – a variety of unique microorganisms living on our body. Organisms differ depending on their habitat: in dry areas of the skin – one microbiome, in the oily zone – another, in areas with hair – the third. The richer and more diverse the microflora, the healthier the skin: the epidermis is more resistant to stress and negative influence factors.

Important(!): It is interesting that the composition of the ecosystem and the number of microorganisms on the skin varies greatly among representatives of different ethnic groups, age categories and even professions. In relatives or cohabitants, it becomes similar, due to genetic microbial preferences.

What is the difference between microbiome, microbiota and skin microflora?

Microbiome (microbiota) of the skin – this is the microflora, that is, microorganisms that interact with the cells of the epidermis according to a well-established pattern of evolution.

The components of the skin microbiota are divided into neutral, beneficial and pathogenic. The first, with a lack of the second, can be transformed into pathogenic (parasitic) and cause some diseases. Ecosystem disturbance triggers the development of chronic skin diseases, such as eczema, rosacea, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, as well as allergic and infectious diseases. To balance it, pre- and probiotics are used, which are widely used not only to support the intestinal microflora, but as part of skin care formulas, scientists came to this conclusion after studying the microbiota.

Functions of the skin microflora

Dermavenerologist Alexander Prokofiev, La Roche-Posay brand expert, tells about the role and functions of the skin microbiome:

  • The community of microorganisms maintains the barrier functions of the skin, strengthens the hydrolipidic mantle and protects the epidermis from aggressive exposure factors: poor ecology, UV radiation, temperature changes.
  • Helps skin cells to regenerate, prolongs their life, promotes the natural healing of skin lesions.
  • Participates in the process of skin renewal.
  • Normalizes water and pH balance (acid-base), protects the skin from dryness and flaking.
  • Some microorganisms have antioxidant properties and protect skin cells from the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.

The importance of the role of the microbiome in acne and atopic skin care

An imbalance in the skin’s ecosystem often leads to the development of atopic dermatitis or acne. The severity of the disease depends on the overabundance of staphylococci and the deficiency of streptococci on the surface of the skin. Imbalance leads to a violation of the hydrolipidic mantle and contributes to dehydration, increased sensitivity and irritation of the skin.

Probiotics in cosmetic formulas modulate the overall microbiome and immune status of the skin, strengthen the protective functions of the skin, protect against dehydration and help fight signs of atopy.

The role of Staphylococcus aureus in inflammatory processes in atopy

Bacterial infections of the skin caused by the defeat of the colonization of Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) affect the state of the epidermis: immunity decreases, changes in tissues occur, an allergic process starts, the first signs of atopy appear.

“As a result of clinical studies, a relationship was noted between the severity and nature of the lesion of the epidermis and the degree of popularization of Staphylococcus aureus. In patients with severe atopic dermatitis, specific antibodies to staphylococcal bacterial enterotoxins A, B types were detected. – comments dermatovenereologist Alexander Prokofiev, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand.

Composition of the normal skin microbiome 

About a thousand billion microorganisms live on the surface of human skin, some of which are beneficial, and some are pathogenic. Beneficial microorganisms inhibit harmful ones, thereby creating a balance of the skin microbiota.

What bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms should be present in the normal microflora of the skin:

  • Resident (permanent) microorganismscapable of rapid self-recovery: non-pathogenic corynebacteria, staphylococci, micrococci.
  • Transient (temporary) microorganismswhich, in case of violation of the resident population of organisms, can take their place: pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, mold fungi, fungi of the genus Candida, Staphylococcus aureus, sarcins.

Can the skin microbiome be damaged?

The main enemies of the skin microbiota are considered to be aggressive environmental factors, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, stress and improper care – excessive cleansing or exfoliation of the epidermis, the use of aggressive surfactants, acids. Also, the imbalance of the ecosystem is affected by the use of antibiotics, which suppress the activity of both beneficial and pathogenic organisms. In the case of oily skin prone to acne, retinoids, antibacterial agents in the composition of care, can disrupt the ecosystem.

How to restore the microbiome of the skin of the face and body

Dermatovenereologist Alexander Prokofiev, La Roche-Posay brand expert, tells about ways to normalize the skin microbiome:

  • Specialized care based on natural active ingredients, in particular prebiotics, will help normalize skin function and balance the presence of beneficial and pathogenic organisms: delicate products with sparing formulas do not violate the hydrolipid mantle.
  • A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition with sufficient intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates also positively affects the condition of the skin and intestinal microbiome.
  • Minimize the consumption of sugar (fast carbohydrates), thereby reducing the processes of glycation (the interaction of sugars with proteins) in the skin.
  • Give up bad habits, in particular smoking.
  • Get enough sleep and find time for proper rest: the skin microbiome reacts to any changes in the body, especially to stress.

Features of cosmetics with probiotics and prebiotics

What is the fundamental difference prebiotics и probiotics?

Probiotics – beneficial cultures of microorganisms that normally live on human skin. They strengthen the immunity of the epidermis and strengthen the natural defenses of the skin. Live bacteria are not used in cosmetic formulas, they can be found in food products, for example, natural yoghurts, coffee. As part of the care, probiotic derivatives are used.

Prebiotics – components that, when applied externally, form an optimal nutrient medium for promoting the beneficial microbiome of the skin. Look for bifidus, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, amino acids, polysaccharides, etc. in the basis of cosmetic formulas. All of them maintain a normal ecosystem, prolonging the youth and health of the skin. In the case of acne treatment, prebiotics normalize sebum secretion, reduce sensitivity and soothe the skin.

Overview of La Roche-Posay Skin Microbiome Recovery Products

Dermatocosmetics La Roche-Posay is designed specifically for the care of sensitive skin with a predisposition to dryness, flaking. Lipid-restoring formulas normalize the balance of microorganisms in atopic skin, strengthen its natural defenses, soothe and restore a sense of comfort. La Roche-Posay products are dermatologically tested and clinically proven to work with natural ingredients and are hypoallergenic.

Lipikar Baume AP+M lipid-replenishing face and body balm with Aqua Posae Filiformis in the formula also intensively and permanently moisturizes and softens dry skin, reduces itching and irritation.

Instantly moisturizes and soothes dry skin, thus helping to reduce itching and irritation

Lipikar Baume ap+m Where can one buy:

At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces

Correcting cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+) already 12 hours after application has a noticeable calming effect, moisturizes and at the same time mattifies the skin. The Aqua Posae Filiformis + Mannose complex in the formula restores the protective properties of problem skin, regulating its microbiome.

Reduces visible imperfections. Eliminates oily sheen

Effaclar Duo(+) Where can one buy:

At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces

Toleriane Sensitive Moisturizing Soothing Cream for sensitive skin with a prebiotic formula regulates the skin microbiota and quickly relieves discomfort and tightness. The cream intensively soothes, moisturizes, prevents transepidermal moisture loss and enhances the natural protective function of the skin.

Prebiotic Formula Regulates the Skin Microbiome

Toleriane sensitive light cream Where can one buy:

At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces

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