
At the University of Practical Psychology you can learn everything or almost everything about human psychology. This article is based on materials from the University webinar.

Human psychology is the internal features that distinguish one person from another.

Each of us has our own characteristics: a different amount of memory and a different reaction rate, since childhood, boys love to play cars and fight, girls play with dolls and slander, with age, we all change values ​​and interests.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The human psychology includes his abilities, skills, abilities, including managing his emotions, his worldview, attitudes and beliefs, his self-image, his goals and values, character and temperament , needs and such different feelings …

«From below» human psychology is determined by the genetics of a person, the structure and pattern of his body, «from above» — ​​by the social environment in which a person socializes, from where he takes patterns of behavior that somehow builds and educates him.

Human psychology is also the internal causes of human behavior that make it go beyond logic, expediency or reasonable social expectations. When a person’s behavior is rational and expedient, fits into the social framework and logic, the question of psychology is not raised.

It is not lifted by people with a business approach. For people who love to talk about psychology, there is always a reason for this.

And when something does not fit into the rational, when states, feelings and other unpredictable internal features begin to influence a person’s behavior, a conversation begins about psychology — human psychology.

I planned things, but I don’t want to do it, I took up something else. It was necessary to remain silent — no, he said. I wanted to say softly, but emotions overwhelmed …

I went to the pharmacy, and went to the store. Little money, but could not resist, bought an expensive bag. I forgot to call — I can’t calm down, I’m scolding myself. I need to go to the dentist, but I don’t go, I pull the rubber.

All this is not rational, not expedient, nobody needs it, but it happens. It’s internal and psychological…

Human psychology can be studied scientifically (this is what psychology as a science does), or it can be described mystical, esoteric, or simply worldly: then we get a mystical, religious, worldly psychology.

For a large number of people, «psychology» is a favorite pastime. Such people who are passionate about psychology are looking for psychological content and psychological background where there is no “psychology” at the level of common sense.

“Sometimes a banana is just a banana,” as Sigmund Freud explained to his little daughter…

​​​​​​​If you have a toothache, most likely it is caries, not psychosomatics, and you should see a doctor, not a psychotherapist. If your relationship with men is not going well, then you need to straighten your head, learn to understand people and learn how to build relationships, and not look for solutions in a difficult childhood and family history. If «human psychology» for you is about «study», it will help you in life. If “human psychology” for you is about “understanding”, “dealing with the reasons” and only explains the reasons for your problems, it makes you not psychologically literate, but sick with psychology. Do not attribute to psychology what you should be responsible for yourself.

​​​​​​​​People who are passionate about psychology are looking for a psychological solution to issues where a business person will solve the issue in an ordinary, simple way.

According to one of the parables, a man came to the Buddha and said that he could fly over the Ganges River. «How long have you been studying this?» asked the Buddha. «Twenty five years!» the man replied. “Strange,” said the Buddha. “Why waste twenty-five years on this when any boatman will always take you across the Ganges for three drachmas?”

For business people, psychology is only a means, one of the tools, and the main thing is business. Business people can pay attention to psychology, create the necessary state, but in itself this is not important and not interesting to them, they only care about whether the deed will be done as a result or not. If this result can be achieved by administrative measures, without any psychology, they will rather choose the administrative approach. Excessive passion for psychology such business people call a little gu.e.vato «psychologist», and perhaps they are right in something.

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