Human parasites: causes, symptoms, treatment

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They are associated with animals rather than humans. Unfortunately, hardly anyone associates the first symptoms with the presence of parasites, attributing the symptoms to other common diseases.

One day, an American student, Luis Ortis, saw a doctor complaining of vomiting and headaches. Immediately X-ray examinations showed that there was a parasite in his brain. The American went straight to the operating table. The specialists were amazed, because organisms that usually live in the digestive system found their way into the patient’s head. It would seem that science knows everything about parasites.

What is known about parasites?

Parasites are, by definition, animal or plant organisms that use other organisms to live and obtain food. People are most often attacked by animals – science distinguishes several thousand varieties of internal parasites, i.e. those residing inside the human body. Among them are: protozoa (including various types of lamblia), roundworms (pinworms, roundworms, trichinella) and flatworms (flukes and tapeworms). In addition, there are external parasites that live on the surface of the host’s body and use its body fluids and coatings as food. Among these types of heterotrophic organisms are: mosquitoes, lice, ticks, mites.

Parasites have always accompanied people. Currently, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), only one in ten people do not carry “worms”. Mainly the problem concerns developing countries, but even in Western countries every third inhabitant is infected with parasites. Among them are both children and adults, rich and poor.

Do you want to prevent parasitic diseases or support their treatment? Buy Worms – a herbal blend that should be drunk for two weeks twice a day, then take a week off and then drink again for two weeks twice a day. We also recommend the Para Herbal Mix liquid anti-parasite supplement, available in a 125 ml bottle.

How does it get infected with parasites?

You can get infected with parasites everywhere: at home, at work, on vacation, in the middle of a big city and in a meadow. Very often, heterotrophic organisms come to humans with food: pork meat can contain trichinella larvae, poorly washed fruits and vegetables – roundworm eggs, and salted raw fish and caviar hide tapeworms. Infection occurs also through drinking water, contaminated with parasite eggs, and bathing – in natural water reservoirs, flatworms are particularly fond of. Ticks lurk on the shores of the lakes. In kindergartens, schools and camps – lice. A scabies mite is found wherever there is direct human-to-human contact. Dirty hands – not only your own, but also sellers, cooks and officials – are a great transport for parasite eggs. You are not safe even in your own home, because the eggs of pinworms are transferred with the dust. If they settle on bedding, sofa or towels, they will remain viable for six months, posing a threat to the household members. Pet owners are also at high risk: dog lice carry roundworm eggs, cats can infect with tapeworm and scabies.

If you suspect a parasite infection, see your GP first. You can now arrange a consultation with your family doctor via the portal.

Check it out: Tactile hallucinosis – parasites that do not exist

The most common parasites: pinworms and roundworms

– It would seem that already in the middle of the 17th century the problem of parasitic diseases was solved. However, despite more and more knowledge about parasites, improved sanitation and better and better ways to combat parasites, we are seeing a recurrence of problems related to human parasites – confess prof. Edward Hadaś and mgr. Monika Derda from the Medical University of Poznań. Scientists cite data: every year in Poland, 38 percent of them are infected with pinworm. adults and 100 percent children, and in isolated groups and orphanages up to XNUMX% of pinworm disease occurs. people. In Poland, it is the most common disease caused by a parasite.

After pinworm eggs enter the digestive system, they travel to the end of the large intestine and begin their development cycle there. When the worms reach maturity, the females travel to the rectum to lay eggs. The patient then feels a terrible stench, and when scratching himself, he transfers the eggs to his hands and spreads further. Therefore, pinworm is most often referred to in the context of a family disease.

The next most common parasite is the human roundworm – every sixth person in Poland has it in the intestines. Unfortunately, as Dr. Thomas J. Brooks writes in “Fundamentals of Medical Parasitology”, this oldest human parasite has adapted so much that its presence in the body causes no symptoms. Or almost none, because symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight loss, problems with concentration, weakness, cough, fever, noise in breathing should attract attention. However, these are symptoms typical of many diseases, so hardly anyone associates them with the parasite. Ascaris can reach 40 cm in length and can bear up to 250 thousand per day. eggs. This makes it dangerous: too many worms can lead to intestinal obstruction. Surgery is required to restore the body to function. Prof. Edward Hadaś and mgr. Monika Derda gives the example of an African teenager who was hospitalized in a serious condition. During the procedure, it turned out that the cause of the intestinal obstruction was a bundle of over five hundred roundworms. After a few days, the procedure had to be repeated – another hundred parasites were then removed. Ultimately, however, the boy did not survive. He was defeated by a parasite.

  1. Try Against Parasites – Panaseus Dietary Supplement that will help you get rid of uninvited guests from your body.

Parasitic diseases

Every year, around 14 million people die worldwide as a result of parasitic diseases. The cause of death is the enormity of health problems caused by non-nutritive organisms. It is not only about the decrease in human immunity due to constant contact with toxic metabolic products of parasites. Worms live in many places in the body. Ascarids can travel to the stomach, liver, lungs and pancreas. The armed and unarmed tapeworm parasitizes the intestines. Lamblia colonizes the duodenum. Pinworms live in the large intestine or in the final section of the small intestine. Scabies lay eggs just below the epidermis, and lice – on the scalp. And while the latter are not dangerous to human life, the presence of internal parasites does not leave the body without a trace. “Worms” can contribute to the development of arthritis and rheumatism, neurological problems, blindness, diabetes, encephalitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and even depression.

The presence of parasites in the intestines may be suggested by the results of a stool test. We will perform such diagnostics by ordering a kit for the quantitative examination of eosinophilic protein X in the form of a shipment.

Research and treatment

If there is a suspicion of a parasite infection, it is worth doing some research. Most often, they take stool samples at different intervals. You can buy a stool test for parasites at In diagnostics, a blood test is also used, which checks the amount of produced antibodies, but even this method is not XNUMX% effective. Besides, the method is effective only in the advanced stages of the disease development.

At Medonet Market, you can also purchase a Dispatch test of the intestinal microflora and intestinal markers, which not only determines the condition and quality of the microflora, but can also help determine the presence of the parasite in the body.

Specialists prescribe anti-parasitic drugs for “worms”. The treatment is laborious and long – it lasts from several weeks to several months, especially when the organisms are detected too late. Therefore, doctors advise that in order to minimize the risk of parasite infection, follow a few hygiene rules: rinse fruits and vegetables in boiling water, wash your hands after returning home and using the toilet, change bed linen and towels frequently, do not drink fluids and food of unknown origin, and deworm pets, and prophylactically also yourself.

Wild garlic can also be used against parasites. You can buy dry garlic from wild garlic at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

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