Human papillomavirus: symptoms and treatment

Papilloma virus treatment

The main thing is not to be afraid to go to the doctor. Most diseases, even precancerous conditions, are successfully treated. It is only important to diagnose them in time.

So, if the doctor diagnoses the human papilloma virus, then he will most likely suggest getting rid of the problem in the following ways.


Cauterization of skin neoplasms with electric current. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Healing occurs within 10-14 days. In this way, acne and benign growths can be removed.


This is an electronic surgical device with the help of which an electric shock zone is affected. The operation takes no longer than five minutes. Thus, you can get rid of cervical erosion, correct postpartum scars, get rid of moles and warts on the skin of the body and face.


This moxibustion drug acts on the basis of nitric, acetic, oxalic or lactic acid. This moxibustion is quite painful. Healing takes place within 10 days.


Or cryodestruction. In this case, freezing with liquid nitrogen occurs. Erosion after cauterization disappears, and the place where it was heals within 1-2 weeks. After such an operation, there are practically no scars and scars.

Laser vaporization

Removal of papillomas with a laser. Perhaps the most popular method, but scars are possible after the operation.

For health’s sake: try to maintain your immunity at altitude. Take a contrast shower, go in for any sport, quit smoking and, most importantly, learn to live with yourself and the world in harmony. Experience shows that diseases often go away on their own if you lead a healthy lifestyle. And if a woman is also happy, then nothing threatens the immune system at all. So happiness to you!

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